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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. I think the final outcome of all this is that Thailand will look like it condones violance and thuggery. I mean all those who were jailed for violent acts pending trial (eg red shirts burning down county halls, etc) will get off scott free. I don't have any political axe to grind but there is no excuse for violence and thuggery when it comes to making your point. The recent riots in the UK make that very clear; society should not condone that, never mind a government. Whether you support PT or the democrats there is no excuse for using violence, intimidation, thuggery or blantent corruption.

    Yeah Maichai, you have covered it all in a nutshell, and further comments apart from agreeing with you are quite surplus to requirements .
  2. Thaksin's too busy finagling his way back here to worry about such trivialities as keeping promises.

    Yep Jingthing, A breath of fresh air , broken promises were just part of the plot to get her Beloved Brother back, problem is most who voted for Yingluck believed her, Whether they will "cotton on" to the simple fact that they have been well and truly conned is open to conjecture IMHO I doubt it ,more is the pity!.
  3. He said the policy to raise the daily minimum wage to Bt300 was meant to allow Thais to live happily.

    "Society must not exploit workers. We have to give them higher wages in line with rising living costs,"

    But don't you realise, sir, that raising minimum wage wholesale will increase the cost of living by the same amount! Thais will not get to live 'happily', it will be EXACTLY the same if not worse. Only way to pull people out of the mire is education, bloody hard work ( :whistling: ), and lots of time. These election promises are downright selfish and irresponsible.

    Yeah Quite correct,but the electorate "fell for it" big time did'nt they,in the coming weeks and months we will see more pre election "promises" fall by the way side , I often wonder about these people up here in Issan as to when they will finally realize that they have been well and truly "shafted".
  4. I wonder what gift he will bring to the wedding. Maybe a nice kimono from Japan?

    Or a burqa from where he spends most of his time ...

    Yeah, but lets have it right it was as transparent as spring water what the "plot" was right from the very time that Yinglucks name was put forward ,any one thinking any different is in urgent need of a brain transplant,LOL.
  5. Prevent and suppress corruption in the public sector by improving laws to prevent conflicts of interest, covering all important government authorities and high-ranking officials.

    I presume the mooted re-writing, re-drafting of the Constitution is exempt from these new proposed laws.

    Thus enabling the iron grip of a vested interest family to continue their feeding off of Thailand and the Thai people to bloat yet further their ,''ample rich bank accounts?

    I often wonder why these up here in Issan cannot see through Thaksin and his cronies cos everything they do is for one reason only ,lineing their pockets with even more of the Country's wealth.
  6. Hit a nerve did I? :lol:

    Goodness gracious, such rancour.

    For the record, the elegant Madame Pojaman and her husband Mr. Thaksin had an amicable divorce in Hong Kong. Unlike many westerners, the two behaved in a mature and polite manner.

    It could also be described as they behaved like a pair of vultures pecking at the same carcass.

    Sorry Thad ,I simply refuse to believe that Geriatric is on the level with his remarks, for me its just an old fashioned Salford precinct "wind up",LOL.
  7. So far so good one inch at a time eventually becomes a foot. Thaksin home for the wedding

    Yes. Won't that be grand? The people of Thailand believe in the sanctity of family and what better way to demonstrate that strong differentiating characterstic than to help a father come home to see his beautiful daughter married in a wedding that will delight the population. :whistling:

    I suppose some of the western males in TVF may not understand this as I believe a characteristic of many older western males is to abandon their wives and children in favour of a woman/kathoey they meet in a Thai beer bar. However, for those that understand family values, they will appreciate why it is a good thing for the beloved Mr. Thaksin to return. Perhaps this show of family unity may cause discomfort in some, what with their not having a presentable partner nor much of a family life, but for the family loving Thais, they will find it heartwarming to see the love of a father for his child. It makes me shed a tear. B)

    I got it...... the Shins have spiked your water supply with rohypnol.

    Well Thad I for one just think Geriatric is posting a sarcastic "wind up" and cannot be "on the level", either that or his place of abode is on the dark side of the moon AND HAS BEEN FOR THE LAST 6 YEARS OR SO.
  8. As the days and weeks go on into this administration Yingluck could well become even more evasive when the questions come from all directions as to just when and how she is going to "deliver" on her many grandiose election promises, it is becoming more apparent she is not in total control of her brief as PM, and as its still very "early days" yet I can envisage many more embarrassing questions being thrown at her like confetti at a wedding, and in closeing I hardly think that the press are bothered about her FM's past but what he is getting up to right now in the present,LOL.

  9. I wonder what else they have lied about? 300b Minimum wage? Free tablets computers for children? Fixed Rice Prices? Corporate tax cuts? Political party for the rural poor?

    My guess is just about everything....the only thing the current goverment is progressing on is getting the "Dear Leader", family and cronies" sorted out........it was never about anything else,

    Shall we take a quick look at the election promises again.

    national minimum daily wage of Bt300 ($10) nationally

    Universal medical care with patients making a co-payment of Bt30 ($1) per consultation

    Credit cards for farmers and a guaranteed price of Bt15,000 – Bt20,000 ($488 – $651) per ton for unmilled rice

    A moratorium for household debt up to Bt500,000 ($16,285) per household, with emphasis on debt reduction for teachers, farmers and civil servants

    A minimum monthly salary of Bt15,000 ($500) for university graduates and a “One Tablet-PC per Child” project for school children

    A 23.3 per cent reduction in corporate tax rates in the first year (from 30 to 20 percent) with a further 13 percent reduction in its second year to a flat 20 percent.

    Reduced taxes for first home and first car buyers

    A standard Bt20 (65 cent) fare for all Bangkok’s mass transit rail lines (MRT)

    High-speed rail lines linking major provincial cities in the north, northeast, east and upper south regions

    Rural village development funds of between Bt300,000 and Bt1 million ($9,770 – $32,573) per year

    A welfare allowance of Bt600 ($19.55) per month for citizens over 60, increasing by Bt100 ($3.20) at 70, and 80, and rising by a further Bt200 ($6.40) at 90.

    Free Wi-Fi and Internet access in public places

    30km (18.8 mile) of levees to protect Bangkok and satellite towns from Gulf of Thailand tidal surges.

    Special administrative status for Muslim provinces in the violence-plagued southern provinces

    A war on drugs

    Amnesty for political offenses committed since 2006

    Well Thad I for one am very impressed by all these pre election promises ,Impressed yeah, but I do not believe any of them ,I just wonder when these up here in Issan will finally cotton on to the simple fact they've been well and truly shafted.
  10. The average Thai driver seems a death wish IMHO after driving here for nearly 1O years....:rolleyes:

    Yeah I have to agree,hardly a day goes by when I do not have to take avoiding action so has to not have a "head onner" especially when turning left only to have some grinning maniac turning right ON YOUR SIDE of the road!!.
  11. Firstly I suggest you really confirm the cause of your symptoms. There are many causes of lower backpain and if it really is lower spinal lumber stenosis then it could be confirmed with a CT scan or MRI scan as these scans show if the nerves are actually being compressed from lumber spinal stenosis.

    Does the pain reduce if you are learning forward? If so then it is a strong indicator that nerves are being compressed but relieved when leaning forward.

    Because lower spinal lumber stenosis is a physical condition sometimes caused by arthritis or the wearing out of bones, I would seriously wonder if acupuncture would be a viable cure.

    There is plenty of information on the Internet you can find with a simple google search so if I was you, I would do some research yourself and then compare all you read to what you already know about your condition then start asking the professionals.

    I have had back problems for years but was recommended these tablets Difeline , diclofenic sodium ,they worked wonders for me in a very short space of time ,and at 30 baht for 10x50mg tablets are certainly worth a try .
  12. Pheu Thai Party must "keep its word" because the party promised, after the crackdown, to give families of red-shirt protesters who died in the turmoil Bt10 million each.

    And appropriately, Thaksin = PTP, and thus 10 million per each of his dead supporters and who gave their lives so that he can get his other money back and his power over the country restored is easily affordable from his own private accounts. It's the least he can do to show his appreciation for their sacrificing themselves for him.

    Besides, he'll easily recoup it with just a few corrupt government deals in the future.


    Only 3 words into your reply and theres that dirty word 'Thaksin' , dont you get bored because I do. Compo for reds , yellows, officials nothing mentioned about Thaksin. Dems lost their credibility and the election because all their policy where either slagging Thaksin or trying to copy him. Bit like you really.

    Bored backtonormal?,of course if reading or writing the truth bores you ,you can always vacate these boards ,and join another forum who like to kiss Thaksins butt big time, may I suggest one that begins with R and ends with Which I have just left forever, its quite popular as they have got all of 7 active posters ,I was the odd man out , I now feel at home in TV were the vast majority write it as it really is.
  13. Rule of law? There is no rule of law when you can buy the law. Even in Japan!

    Don't you think maybe be was framed? And what about the killing of people on the street in Bkk? You forgot to mention?

    Yeah sure Lest we forget,over 2,500 people lost their lives in Thaksins "war on drugs" many of them "FRAMED" , what YOU bring to mind kinda pales into insignificance by comparison ,maybe you too have forget to mention it eh.
  14. Pheu Thai Party must "keep its word" because the party promised, after the crackdown, to give families of red-shirt protesters who died in the turmoil Bt10 million each.

    And appropriately, Thaksin = PTP, and thus 10 million per each of his dead supporters and who gave their lives so that he can get his other money back and his power over the country restored is easily affordable from his own private accounts. It's the least he can do to show his appreciation for their sacrificing themselves for him.

    Besides, he'll easily recoup it with just a few corrupt government deals in the future.


    Good post ,Of Course Buchholz you are 110% correct in your submission, Thaksin and the red shirts go together like Strawberry's and cream if it was not for him and his money the Reds would not be in existence in the first place ,it is he and he alone who should shoulder the responsibility financial or other wise, and for Jatuporn to expect the "blood money" should come out of the public coffers is total BS of the very highest order , after all the reds who sacrificed their lives did so IMHO on Jatuporns orders ,who duly received his from Thaksin , anyone believing any different should go and get a reality check.
  15. He wanted to congratulate her on her lack of experience and credentials, and offered her to join his club.

    Hardly a glowing recommendation from an abject failure who will be voted out big style in the next GE ,even with the "Oprah Winfrey" ,the very Rev AL Sharpton ,and Jesse Jackson factor screaming from the roof tops that "our time is now"!
  16. "success of the democratic process"

    What is democratic about manipulating the poor with money and populist policies. It really frustrates me hearing the word democracy used to describe what is happening in Thailand, most of the red shirt Thais bleating on about democracy wouldn't know what it is if it hit them in the face. Democracy is a foreign and alien concept, incompatible with Thai culture. Fair enough, this is the way Thailand works, but they should come up with their own word for their political process - bribocracy? it's an insult to all the people all over the world that have genuinely sacrificed so much in the fight for genuine democracy.

    I think Obama is either clueless to the sh1t that has gone on or is playing happy politics and telling Yingluck et al what they want to hear.

    Excellent post V, any prize on the top shelf for your touch of BS free realism !.
  17. Her Majesty Queen Sirikit is absolut right!

    The Drugs are still a problem on Koh Phangan.

    On Koh Phangan many tourists take the Drug-Problem not serious .

    Many of them still smoke Gansha every day.

    The police is doing nothing here.

    The violence in the traffic too. High speed and overtaking is a standard here!

    Many people are afraid to walk across the road. Even in the villages and in Thongsala.

    Yeah Supermof, I am afraid your observations are quite correct, the laws are already there on the statute books , unfortunately the police who are supposed to uphold them think it is far more financially beneficial for them to take kickbacks and bribes from the "top boys" to turn a blind eye into this multi billion baht trade ,just so long as they feed them with a few drug busts with the "minnows" in the International airport or "Cobra swamp" to make things appear that the police are "on top" of the drug trade ,truly Pathetic.
  18. 6 months to fix the traffic in BKK

    6 months to get rid of drugs

    6 months to implement the new ideas

    They do like that number...

    And for those that like to see it more:

    6 months until Thaksin is said to return

    Can we make the list longer?

    You have to have the famous one-we will all be rich in 6 months

    and if they don't give the promises they will all be out in 6 months :lol:

    But when does the six months start, the promise was 'in six months' with no start date given.

    Was it.

    1. Six months after you signed your life away to us with an X

    2. Six months after we were declared the winners.

    3. Six months after the first cabinet meeting.

    4. Six months after we have spent six months trying to come up with excuses of why we can't do it.

    5. Never.

    Hey Thad,I'm not quite sure on your questions, is there any chance I can phone a friend ?
  19. colin-yai

    Yeah but the big problem here is if they get evicted out of their Council house and are claiming social security the Tax payer will have to house them and the rents in private property's are always much more than council propertys so the Government will finish up loseing more revenue .

    It is not a problem. the offenders must be debarred from drawing benefits that they have ever ever paid for, let the families concerned take up their responsibilities for their feral children.

    The greater majority of the of the interviews I have heard from the youth in the trouble spots are amazing .the standard of linguistic ability in the use of the English was mind boggling. Indeed the late Arthur Mullard and Hilda Baker language use could be considered as the standards of the old B.B.C English.

    The same whining all the way through, "The government cuts this, the government cuts that, one gentleman whose left wing borough had had its grant cut vis a vis funding for mobile internet cafes to cruise around the council estates was fuming.,

    Yet behind him on the interior wall of the mobile internet cafe were large posters telling you how to know your civil rights. How to know what the police can or cannot do, how to claim maximum state benefits.

    Strangely enough no situations vacant, no re- training schemes, no help thy self schemes advertised, it was all about how to take without giving.

    No posters supporting poor old Mr and Mrs Joe Public who have to keep on paying for the parasites in society whilst those who contributed get next to nothing.

    Been away from the U.K for more than two years? Go back and see what your rights are to state benefits.

    A self claimed political, religious or economic refuge from elsewhere, money is granted as is accommodation and health care yet these people have contributed nothing nor ever will to the state.

    I fervently hope you are right and I am wrong ,cos I can well understand your heart felt consternation at what is going on, and it will continue unabated until the powers to be get to grips with the problem and throw the "human rights act" as far as these low life's go, were it belongs, the trash can!.
  20. Rioters being evicted from there council houses. Great news for British justice and the so called Nanny State!This is the first and there will be many more to follow according to the BBC news interview with the PM.

    Poetic justice

    Yeah but the big problem here is if they get evicted out of their Council house and are claiming social security the Tax payer will have to house them and the rents in private property's are always much more than council propertys so the Government will finish up loseing more revenue .

    Are there any council properties on South Georgia or the Falklands, I think it may be worth shelling out for a boat and a few chains to move them there.

    Hey Dan, In the words of the late and great Comedian Dick Emery ,"Ohh you are awful but I like you",LOL.
  21. Rioters being evicted from there council houses. Great news for British justice and the so called Nanny State!This is the first and there will be many more to follow according to the BBC news interview with the PM.

    Poetic justice

    Yeah but the big problem here is if they get evicted out of their Council house and are claiming social security the Tax payer will have to house them and the rents in private property's are always much more than council propertys so the Government will finish up loseing more revenue .

    I think that the Government will already have thought of that one. Otherwise I agree that it would be a pointless exercise. I am just glad to see that they are taking a very firm stand against looters. They have been under fire for not taking a strong stance in the past few days.

    A nice little caravan on the edge of Dartmoor should suffice quite nicely!.
  22. Rioters being evicted from there council houses. Great news for British justice and the so called Nanny State!This is the first and there will be many more to follow according to the BBC news interview with the PM.

    Poetic justice

    Yeah but the big problem here is if they get evicted out of their Council house and are claiming social security the Tax payer will have to house them and the rents in private property's are always much more than council propertys so the Government will finish up loseing more revenue .
  23. Large projects are likely to be delayed, such as railroad and mass-transit construction

    Other planned reforms include the government increasing salaries of civil servants, and new university graduates earning a minimum of Bt15,000 per month.

    Additional priorities include tax exemptions for first-time car buyers and first-time home purchases, he said.

    The campaign lies are being exposed one by one... all within just a couple of days of assuming office.


    Of course when they made all these pie crust promises "made to be broken" they had no idea that almost all the rest of the worlds economy's were up shits creek without a paddle,LOL.
  24. There is no hope of petty crime being dealt with effectively by the thai police. They will not take a complaint seriously, act impartially or investigate any crime to any standard that approaches the acceptable.

    Clearly, the standards we enjoy in the West do not apply in Thailand.

    That is petty crime.

    Therefore, when it comes to murder, to the need for actual policing methods to be applied professionally, there's isn't any possibility whatsoever that this can be done.

    What is staggering is that despite the fact that a UK Police Force, supported by a British Government instructing its embassy to facilitate the matter at the highest level, and with the acquisition of DNA, the thai authorities fail to comply.

    This causes a complete failure in relations and the observance that thailand is useless, backward and totally dishonest. It is a place where no law applies. Worse still it is a place where there are no powers to force the compliance of another country's wishes. That may be a controversial point but the reality is that when developed nations seek non-politcal co-operation, lesser nations are wise to comply.

    And yet, the Thai government can not deliver a DNA test on a suspect because they are related to a low ranking police officer.

    I return to the issue of petty crime. The stuff that is most likely to impact the average tourist. When you are involved in an accident, or victim of fraud or theft consider what will be the outcome in a land where the law does not apply.

    it is an appalling situation and one that will shock so many only when they are hit by it.

    Hide from the reality that Thailand is a dangerous and lawless place where foreigners are targetted systematically if you will. But this dog is one that will bite indiscriminately.

    Very often in cases like this the police just close ranks and cover up for each other ,IMHO nothing will be done to find the culprit,its that simple.

    They might close ranks if it is an internal affair and easily concealed, but when it comes to a formal request from a foreign police it is an entirely different matter.Governments are likely to get involved.

    Hi Barry do you not think that the police "closed ranks" when the 2 Canadian tourists got shot by a copper one of them fatally in Pia I think it was ,and how about the Saudi Arabian ""BLUE DIAMOND" fiasco, are you trying to say that copious amounts of "whitewash" was not administered by the police in the so called "investigation"?
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