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Posts posted by dogtanian

  1. Hi just thought id run this by see if anyone has anything similar...

    For about 4 years now iv had severe pain in the neck it might just be that at 33 and 6ft 3 its years of lookin down therfore bad posture but iv basically had this pain and throughall my efforts nothing has changed...iv been to a chiropracter,had x-rays, blood tests for arthiritis,injection scan and a MRI..all have come up with nothing but the pain is still there...since being in thailand with the hot weather it doenst flare up as much apart from when im a lilttle stressed about things or iv been on the beer for a couple of days especially the beer...wanna try and figure what and how to solve it as iv gotta go back to england soon and the weather is gonna make it hel_l to live with......has anybody experienced anything similar and or tried acupunture????Any thoughts on this would be well and truely appreciated

    Thanks in advance

  2. I've run out of minutes on my AIS pay-as-you-go service, so I bought a top-up card at a 7-11, but how do I apply the credits? When I call *1175 for help I get a message in Thai then the call is disconnected.

    Its either *120*code#send or *121*code##send but i m sure it says it on the card

  3. hi aint sure if this is the right forum but.....went to ko chang about 2 years ago and there we loads of beach bungalows,,white sands beach and lonely beach...are they still there as looked on the internet and the one i stayed in has been knocked down and replaced with resort and wondering if that is the case with alot...lookin to pay 2-300 per night..


  4. Hi guys im planning on goin up to Udon for the first time and plan on doing a visa trip to Laos to get a 60 day tourist visa whiole im there, could anyone point me in the right direction on how to do this, ie immigration town, cost, time etc..

    Many thanks

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