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Posts posted by coma

  1. To the routine annoyance of people within ear-shot, I can normally talk for England,

    but this report, assuming it is totally accurate, makes me speechless with gloom and


    Anyone else having second/third/fourth....thoughts about living in this cruel land ?

    (given the endless stream of bad-news....perhaps just stop reading TV altogether.)

    And before anyone jumps up with the usual: Bad things happen everywhere, even

    in cuddly England...absolutely right....but I bet you cannot come up with any story of

    a gang descending on and beating a lone woman for trying to sell a few items of fruit ?

    Behind all the gold decor, posing in pastel shirts, and quaint mannerisms, Cruel LOS ?

    No your right... this kind of shit just doesn't happen in England or the U.S. ... we are far too civilised for groups of men to be beating the shit out of defenseless women for something as petty as selling goods on someone elses supposed turf.:rolleyes:

    But doing it for fun..now that's a different matter..

    Heres a little selection it took me all of 10 seconds to find...




    By all means be disgusted at what happened to this woman...undoubtedly these guys are scum...but don't give it the self righteous 'this shit don't happen back home' nonsense, because it does and far worse...And if you watch some of the documentaries on Chinese cockle pickers on the beaches of England the exact same shit happens ...

    Thanks for those links ....to some incredibly mindless violence....these three examples, two American, one Brit, make Phuket seem like a vicar's garden party...

    Note too how all the violence has either an economic or a class or a racial dimension...and of course a combination of all three...

    What is this world of ours coming to? We human need to take a long hard look at ourselves. Sad.

  2. What a very brave young girl Ms Maiwadee Tonglaw is. And good on her for standing up to the filth bags. It is most unfortunate that it came to her having to take a beating in order to have her case bought to the attention of the 'authorities'. I praise her for her actions as I am sure her fellow vendors do.

    I too would like to know the name of this restuarant. As I can see there are alot of us members here in Thaivias.com that would prefer not to support such a establishment.

    Unfortunately it is still " money talks and bullshit walks " in this part of the world hence the big fish keep getting bigger whilst the small fish get smaller. Good for you Maiwadee and I wish you a speedy recovery.

  3. The death toll is rising by the day. Just read about another Dane that got killed. Does anyone know the objective of this war/occupation? What has to be achieved to be able to declare victory and cease the occupation of Afghanistan?

    NATO has committed until about 2014 but other countries are starting to pull out. Australia has committed to NATO and may stay even after 2014 god only knows why. I don't think there is any real objective and it seems like a pointless and sad loss of life by all ivolved. Russia tried for about 10 yers and eventually pulled out went home. There will be no victory by anyside and will take time to work out a retreat plan that saves face for all involved.

    George it must be great to know more than NATO, Australia and all the other powers that be that have put troops in Afghanistan. One wonders why they don't consult you on a daily basis.

    Just taking a shot in the dark I don't think many countries involved in Afghanistan would agree with you. They obviously think it is worth the cost and loss of life involved.

    I have always thought NATO was in Afghanistan because they couldn't occupy Pakistan who are the real bad guys but I couldn't back that up unless Wikileaks has some information on the issue.

    Since you are an Australian and since you think Australia is deeply involved in this thread why don't you tell us why Australia is involved in Afghanistan. Maybe if you came up with some solid information about why Australia was helping NATO it would make more sense to discuss it in this thread. Certainly if enough Australians didn't want Australia to help NATO they would not help NATO. America left Vietnam because a President was elected on a pledge to get America out of Vietnam. I am sure the same kind of thing would happen if enough Australians thought it was necessary to get out of Afghanistan. I can only assume that the Aussies want to be there.

    My understanding is that Australian defence force personnel are deployed in Afghanistan because of the UNZUS treaty which states if a member country Australia and USA [NZ no longer a part] is attack then the other member countries are obligated to assist the attacked country militarily. After the 9/11 attack the USA exercised that treaty and therefore we have Australian combat troops operating under the the NATO flag in Afghanistan today. In,which I will remaind you, 21 brave soul have made the ultimate sacrifice for. Would you call that solid enough Mr Mark45y ?

  4. To disrupt traffic seems to be a pastime here in CM. We have the schools having a march around the moat, the loud speaker trucks following closely behind. The next day a temple caravan is driving around the moat with their solicitors walking and asking patrons of various venues for a donation. One day (at least) each week there will be a cement truck parked in the roadway while discharging their load of slurry. The vans for various tourist group travels, park haphazardly during the day to load and offload. The double/triple parking at various markets, noodle shops and 7/11 are a part of every photo. Then the delivery service for each brand of water, beer, ice, and other condiments for the restaurants, etc. The water trucks hardly rate a mention nor do the escorted VIP, as that caravan crowd vehicles off the roadway. The political marches/caravan/stages seem to have lost their flavor of the month, following, and I do not even count them as a hindrance to navigating the cities streets. We need to look at the bright side of life.

    Ahh! Never a dull moment here in Chiang Mai. I guess that is why I love living here. :partytime2:

  5. :jerk:

    If you look at it from a Thais perspective they really don't have a great deal to smile about right now. The economy is shot to shit, they are at odds with Cambodian and thier foriegn policies, and the country is all but split into two . Alot of uncertainty lay ahead for them to be worried about. So I guess it aint all beer and skittles right now if you are a Thai. :(

    Absolute nonsense. The economy is going through the roof, in a fantastic state. There is political unrest but that does not mean the country is about to split in two, and as far as Cambodia is concerned, this has been ongoing for years.

    " Nonsense" That would be your opinion.:angry:

    Its not an opinion, its fact. To say the economy is "shot to shit" is way off the mark, totally incorrect. You have been misinformed or have'nt done your homework. Either way, wrong.


  6. If you look at it from a Thais perspective they really don't have a great deal to smile about right now. The economy is shot to shit, they are at odds with Cambodian and thier foriegn policies, and the country is all but split into two . Alot of uncertainty lay ahead for them to be worried about. So I guess it aint all beer and skittles right now if you are a Thai. :(

    Absolute nonsense. The economy is going through the roof, in a fantastic state. There is political unrest but that does not mean the country is about to split in two, and as far as Cambodia is concerned, this has been ongoing for years.

    " Nonsense" That would be your opinion.:angry:

  7. Like i said before. I hate to be the one to tell you this but she is dead my friend.

    TUCSON, Arizona | Sat Jan 8, 2011 2:13pm EST

    TUCSON, Arizona Jan 8 (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords was fatally shot during a public appearance on Saturday, National Public Radio said.

    NPR said a gunman ran up to Giffords, 40, a Democrat, and opened fire. The suspect was taken into custody, NPR said.

    Media reports said about a dozen other people also were shot. (Writing by Bill Trott, editing by Anthony Boadle)

    Reuters are no longer saying she is dead. http://www.reuters.c...E7071IA20110109

    No other agencies are saying she is dead. I suspect that the article you quoted (do you have a link?) was breaking news very soon after the incident.

    edit: the article I linked is 7 hours after the article you quoted - link here http://www.reuters.c...824535020110108


    A disgraceful act indeed. Stating that she has died when indeed she is still fighting on strongly. My apologies.

    My thoughts are with her in her fight for life and with all the victims and thier families in this horrible shooting.

    Can I burn Reuters without breaching forum rules ?

  8. Rep. Giffords on Palin's gunsite map and comments several months ago....


    I hope Rep. Giffords will continue to recover and people everywhere will learn about the consequences of extremist campaign speech.

    I hate to be the one to tell you this but I believe she has passed already.

    No reports of her being dead. Just gravely wounded.

    Like i said before. I hate to be the one to tell you this but she is dead my friend.

    TUCSON, Arizona | Sat Jan 8, 2011 2:13pm EST

    TUCSON, Arizona Jan 8 (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords was fatally shot during a public appearance on Saturday, National Public Radio said.

    NPR said a gunman ran up to Giffords, 40, a Democrat, and opened fire. The suspect was taken into custody, NPR said.

    Media reports said about a dozen other people also were shot. (Writing by Bill Trott, editing by Anthony Boadle)

  9. If you look at it from a Thais perspective they really don't have a great deal to smile about right now. The economy is shot to shit, they are at odds with Cambodian and thier foriegn policies, and the country is all but split into two . Alot of uncertainty lay ahead for them to be worried about. So I guess it aint all beer and skittles right now if you are a Thai. :(

    Is it?

    Because there's an awful lot of brand new everything even up here in the sticks from scooters to trucks to SUV's to brand new Mercs, big ones and lots of 'em! Home Shop/Global/Tesco/Makro stocked to the ceiling and very busy. And the is Roi-Et!!! :blink:

    The Thai economy is doing great. But those who are involved with the tourism part of the economy are doing bad. Otherwise, the economy is growing quite nicely.

    As for the Cambodians and crazy politics...what's new about this? :o

    Well. With regards to the political situation. You would have to go back a few decades to see anything remotely like what occured across the Country in March and April last year. Alledged political prisoners detained with out charge just adds to the uncertainess and division of the population.

    This is just my observations from talking to my circle of Thai friends on this very subject.

    Secondly the entire world economy is in tatters and Thailands economy is definately not immune. B)

  10. If you look at it from a Thais perspective they really don't have a great deal to smile about right now. The economy is shot to shit, they are at odds with Cambodian and thier foriegn policies, and the country is all but split into two . Alot of uncertainty lay ahead for them to be worried about. So I guess it aint all beer and skittles right now if you are a Thai. :(

  11. Anyhow it is a non-story. The better story would be about how much of the online content one reads is generated by publicists who solicit "journalistic" websites just dieing for free content to fill their pages. I'm guessing the publicist wrote the whole article and just forwarded it to the website.


    It's much more desirable than depicting him as shuffling around dirty street stalls at a market in Kampala, Uganda...



    Hahaha. Yeah! Looks like he's having an absolute ball.NOT! :violin:

  12. I think the only reason for foreigners to follow these reports is so we know what roads to avoid during they demonstrations. We don't have a vote and our opinion really doesn't matter. I think it's best to respect both sides opinion and just stay out of it.

    Spot On :thumbsup:

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

    Yes! I will second that also. We are after all, guest in Thailand. :)

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