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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. You need an Iron Man suit like Tony Stark's.

    Yes maybe science can find a solution...clone myself perhaps...

    Thanks for the humour, but actually this isn't a pub talk post. There is that saying "be careful of what you wish for". Well I now have it. And just 8 days later I am burnt to a crisp. The only saving grace is that she heads off to work each morning and I get the day time to recover. I am crazy about her...too crazy in fact...I feel like I have won the lottery every time she smiles at me...but I am fearful that I am just too long in the tooth to keep up.

    It's a horrible feeling when you just want her so much but the body is fried. Youth is wasted on the young.

    How many times a day she smiles during the day on here work ?

  2. Look around , the major business is .....house building .

    In every little town you can find building -shops (Home Pro,Home Market ......but also smaller shops on every corner )

    If they stop farangs from owning a house via company ,those shops will have a hard time .

    And a lot of Thai-landowners will cry ,because their land will be worth what is was before the farang came.(a few 1000 a rai)

    All this land farangs control now ,will go automatically to Thai people ,so why the fear ?

    Their fear in the future is that it will be difficult to control those rich widows with their smart kids ?

    Or they just hate us that much ? Why not cancel all the visa's and allow only 30 day visa?

    But we can only obey ,and find another smart solution .coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  3. My conversation would go more like this:

    Other group, "we requested this song first!"

    Me, "that's funny cos I didn't request any <deleted> song!"

    Other group, "mind if we sing it then?"

    Me, "please go ahead, I would rather trap my nuts in a revolving door than do Karaoke!"

    Guess i'm just not Asian enough, Karaoke to me spells public humiliation and why people would wanna pay for it is way beyond me............

    It's odd isn't it. They say Thais don't like losing face (actually I don't know anyone who does) but they love karaoke which looks to have the same result.

    I would rather trap my nuts in a revolving door than do Karaoke!"

    That's about the same sound in many cases.

    write a book and i will buy it .

    Thai-ears can not hear if you are out of tune ,but they here the difference between high and low better than us.

    that's why we can hear them singing out of tune ,but cannot speak fluently thai in the correct intonation.

    Or can you hear the difference between : kai,kai,kai,kai,kai? or more easy : maa,maa,maa,maa,maa ?

    Well they can,or they are all liars and it's all a joke ?

  4. Beware,smiling killers all around you !

    Dont be fooled by a smile ,could be a predator .

    Stay away from predator -places: mass events ,karaoke's,big cheap restaurants,beaches with more than 1 parasol,......thais in a car (don't speak to them,never horn.......)

    TIT means : wild west

    Always remember the saying: Never trust the mental health of a person that forces themselves to smile through every emotion and event, and kowtows to people that mistreat them everyday.

    And there are a lot of these "persons" ,so you better smile back and keep your thoughts inside (unless you thrust them )

  5. .

    I fill in the departure cards (x4) at home ,because it saves me a lot of hassle on check-in.

    Where do you pick up the departure forms before you go to the airport?

    You can ask them on board any flight ,or just walk into the airport and ask them at a check in gate.

    Or download it?


  6. Thank you.

    Here is what I think everyone is saying:When leaving Thailand:

    At the airline desk she shows the passport of the destination country (Germany) At immigration exit she shows the passport that allows her to be in the country she is departing(Thailand).

    When returning reverse the process.

    Yeah, me.

    In Bangkok:

    - show airline check in both passports. German to show no visa needed for EU destination. Airline will need to know this before they issue the boarding pass. Thai passport to show the child will need a departure form.

    immigration- fill in Thai departure card, using details of Thai passport. Show officer Thai passport, departure card and boarding pass. Get stamped out. Immigration officer will staple arrival card into the Thai passport to use on the return trip.

    Destination: enter on German passport


    Same as above, show airline check in both passports. Exit formalities as per they are done in eu country.

    Arrive in Thailand. Fill in arrival card which has been stapled in Thai passport. Show Thai passport to immigration officer, get stamped in with no limit on stay.

    this is exactly how we travel with our 2 children and my wife.

    I fill in the departure cards (x4) at home ,because it saves me a lot of hassle on check-in.

    I always show the 2 passports.

  7. Take away the money they can not prove the source of .

    This simple it is .

    They came to their high post BECAUSE the millions they stole /bribed/.....long before .

    If i want to put 10000 eu in a euro bank ,they ask me where i got the money.

    When i take it out later ,they ask me why i need the money ,because i can not pay with it !

    I need a bank check because nobody may accept cash anymore .

    • Like 1
  8. Someone please wake me up when there is a credible report of one farang losing his private house due to this new enforcement; otherwise it is just another smoke and mirrors crackdown

    I hope you're right for so many people on this board that it's all smoke and mirrors, but fact is that NOBODY at this point knows if it is so or not, and that include our local troll Jsixpack.

    The future will tell how serious it is, but nobody will lose his property since I think the courts will allow a certain period to get legal.

    Pity thing is that when a few thousand properties are on fire sale, the prices will drop as a rock, and that will include condo sales in foreign name and rental prices.

    It is all scary stuff,not just for property owners,for everyone.

    Nobody in their right mind would want to stay in Thailand if these things come to pass,even the renters would want out with all their possessions,cars,bikes,furniture even their dogs and animals would be abandoned . The decline would be remarkable,guys who have known each other for years would suddenly vanish.

    But these things have happened before ,so just getting used to the idea that it will all ba a'changin',easier when young,not so getting old.

    Iam a renter (because I cannot own land in my own name).....

    Why would I not want to stay ? not as though my life will change because people that have houses in dodgy companies lost their lot.

    if you want to rent ,it will be from a Thai.

    And if the Thai doubles the rent (because the farang houses are not there anymore) than you pay or leave.

    Thais will buy all those farang houses and then start pressing you.

    Or a new law forbids you to rent more than 30 days?

    See who will be a renter then?

  9. the youngster are not doing this for the thrill .

    They are used to see their sisters drive an unlit motorcycle on the wrong way of the road,

    taking corners with 1 hand while texting and holding their baby.Of course without a helmet,

    insurance,drivers license .........So ,no thrill seen in extremely dangerous driving.

    Why they do it ? " Face ",it is all about "face" ,winning ,being the hero for a moment in front of a public.

    If no public ,they drive also as idiots but nothing to win,no thrill .

    Dont make them loose "face",they will kill for that .

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