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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 14 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    The problem is that Saudi Arabia has been in conflict with Yemen for some time know and no one is sure if this attack was carried out by Yemen or Iran and if he attacks Iran blaming them and it turns out that it was Yemen that did the attack then both Trump and the United States would be the laughing stock of the world and would lose what is left of the credibility that is left now. For the United States to attack any country that is not guilty of anything would be the end of Trump and the United States because no country could ever trust the United States again.

    Nobody trusts them now!

    • Thanks 1
  2. 4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Anything that can be done to get rid of the systemic toxicity this organization manifested, for decades, is a good thing. Surely, there must be dozens of people who were aware of what Nassar was doing, yet they looked the other way. That is not acceptable. It is one thing to sexually harass women. That is not right. But to do this to kids, and allow it to happen to kids, after they were made aware of what was going on? That is beyond the pale. Executions needs to be carried out. Forget about prison sentences. Some lines you just cannot cross. Those kids are scarred for life. 

    You could apply exactly the same argument to the catholic church.

    • Like 2
  3. There is a lot of talk here about international aid as though its is an unconditional handout to those countries badly in need....it is not. 


    "......it is wielded as a weapon to boost trade and further political aims."

    "Not one of the five poorest countries is among the top 10 recipients of British aid."


    "The countries that currently receive most British aid are primarily either significant markets, such as Nigeria,.........or of geopolitical importance, particularly for the “war on terror” – Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria."


    "The same is true of America, too. None of the poorest countries in the world is among the top recipients of US aid. Most aid goes instead to Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Afghanistan and Kenya, again for reasons of geopolitics and trade."


    "The principal beneficiary of America’s foreign assistance programmes has always been the United States....... Close to 80% of the US Agency for International Development’s contracts and grants go directly to American firms. Aid has created new markets for American industrial exports and meant hundreds of thousands of jobs for Americans.........USAid was putting America first"


    "A high proportion of foreign aid is in the form of loans, which cripple developing countries through the accumulation of debt. Many rich nations receive more in interest payments from recipient countries than they give in “aid”........western governments ....borrow money at low rates by setting up aid programmes lending to poor countries at much higher rates, minting money on the backs of the poor. This is not aid, it’s a scandal"


    "as a global system, foreign aid is a fraud. It has become a means not of ameliorating inequality, but of entrenching it."



    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, simon43 said:

    India has an extensive space program, which especially helps students of engineering and technology in many developing countries by launching 'Cubesats' into space for a fraction of the cost of what the US companies charge.


    I worked as a satellite systems designer for 15 years, and am currently building a Cubesat 'for fun'.  I can get it launched on an Indian rocket for just $10,000.  Multiply that by at least 5 if I try to get it launched in Europe or the US.


    Many other developments stem from space/satellite research.  Perhaps some people are getting 'twitchy' because engineers in these developing countries can now do what the US did, but far cheaper and with less 'red tape'.

    What makes you think you can come on TVF and contribute with a logical, well constructed argument and get somewhere.......get real buddy!!

    • Like 2
  5. 7 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Most people probably don't have a problem with the TM30? You're on every TM30 thread. Have you actually been reading them? Jesus wept. 

    I dont think he has read anything because he would soon realise that every IO is different.  Some wont accept online, some wont accept post, some police stations want nothing to do with it and therefore some people have to travel hours to their IO to lodge the TM30.


    If all else fails, read others before you post.

    • Like 1
  6. 36 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Who said they want US bases. If the US wont allow a country to have nukes to defend itself then they van take on the duty to defend them.

    The US doesnt have bases out of the goodness of their heart. They have them do thry can exert influence. They dont want other countries influencing the regions.

    Exactly!  When I was last in Spain the locals hated the yanks and wanted them out.  There were street protests in Barcelona along the lines of "Go home Yanks!".  I was traveling then with an ex marine who was <deleted> scared and told us to run saying he had seen this too many times. 


    You are correct in saying that "The US doesnt have bases out of the goodness of their heart".  There are usually some deal (or threat) that is worked out between the two govts without any regard for what the countries' citizens want.  Democracy is a thing of the past except in some US politician's speech.


    But getting back to the topic of walls I wonder how deep they will go because it seems to me the Mexicans, and particularly the drug and people traffickers. are very successful in digging tunnels under the border so the wall would be almost pointless?

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    I'll drink to that.

    It was Malcolm Fraser an Australian Prime Minister who played a big part in having Mugabe installed in power in Zimbabwe. 

    He said to Mugabe at the time.... “I am confident that under your leadership Zimbabwe will make great progress in achieving your goals of peace, prosperity and unity.”

    Mugabe was to become one of modern history’s most reviled and deranged dictators.

    Fraser apparently realised later what a mistake he had made. but the damage had been done.




    Yeah but Fraser got his when his hooker stole his trousers from his hotel room hahaha

    • Haha 1
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