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Posts posted by phuketsub

  1. Does anyone know definitively if the New England Patriots v St Louis Rams (midnight, from Wembley Stadium) is going to be shown live anywhere in Phuket?...I don't see it listed on the AstroSport TV Guide...If any bar is going to show it please let us know!

    Go Pats

  2. I thought that since about 3 years or so the 90 days report had to be done at the immigration office under which your place of residence falls?

    I wasn't aware that was the case; anyway the officers at Haad Yai were able to do mine and didn't make any reference to that requirement, even though I explained that my domicile was in Phuket and we were travelling...hopefully Phuket Town Immigration won't try to fine me when I visit there 90 days hence, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did.

  3. Just a heads-up to any other Phuket expats who might be considering doing their 90-day report at the Songkhla Harbor Immigration Office: they don't do it anymore; no reason given.

    I was told to go to Haad Yai, where I finally got it done, allowing me to continue a road trip to Yala and Pattani.

    Moderators feel free to move to another forum if you wish.

  4. Some good prices in the basement of Big C. Just the other day I noticed some basic notebooks for less than 9,000 baht. Quite a few shops selling them. I can think of at least 5 shops. Price - all depends what sort of spec you need.

    I agree, there prices are better than most places and they have quite a good selection as well

    okay...thanks to both of you...I went to IT City yesterday to return a damaged UPS unit (victim of recent power surges) and was not very impressed by the selection/customer service there...

  5. Does anyone happen to know of any really good bargains on a good laptop (not Apple) at the moment. I am especially interested in a machine+router package to set up a second computer at home.

    Any help appreciated; the long-term prospects for my marriage hang in the balance...

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  6. I know this doesn't answer your query and is somewhat off-topic, but I would suggest you abandon this quest.

    In my entire life I have never encountered a high-quality 'pull-out couch/sofa bed' and I really think humanity would be best served without them...my experiences having slept on a number of them over the years are invariably bad: bad smells, bad back, bad sex (yes, it's possible). The list goes on...

    Just get a coconut-husk roll-up sleeping mat that you can hang up in the sun the next day, Your guest will have a much better night's sleep, you'll save money, and there won't be any hygiene issues; believe me, everyone will be better off.

    In a broader context, I do think beds/box springs/mattresses and the rest of that realm are one of humanity's most highly over-rated inventions; they are especially unsuitable for life in the tropics, where they are little more than sponges for microbes, dust and whatever liquids get spilled and/or emitted upon them. They are a waste of space and make it hard to keep your living area clean.

    If you really want to 'get up' in the morning, you need to sleep on the floor. Rolling out of bed is no way to start your day.

    I know I am in a tiny minority, but that's my take on it...


    I wonder if thailand or Baby J would have an opinion?rolleyes.gif


    I think we have been down this road before. They will just say that I cannot afford a bed, which as I pointed out last time is lame presumption. Standard beds are dirty, dust-ridden, microbe-propagating, space-wasting, spine-bending, bacteria infested, foam pads. I personally guarantee the OP he will be disappointed if he burns any more calories on this.

    I invite anyone to try and defend mattresses and box springs where hygiene issue are concerned. End of rant.

  7. I know this doesn't answer your query and is somewhat off-topic, but I would suggest you abandon this quest.

    In my entire life I have never encountered a high-quality 'pull-out couch/sofa bed' and I really think humanity would be best served without them...my experiences having slept on a number of them over the years are invariably bad: bad smells, bad back, bad sex (yes, it's possible). The list goes on...

    Just get a coconut-husk roll-up sleeping mat that you can hang up in the sun the next day, Your guest will have a much better night's sleep, you'll save money, and there won't be any hygiene issues; believe me, everyone will be better off.

    In a broader context, I do think beds/box springs/mattresses and the rest of that realm are one of humanity's most highly over-rated inventions; they are especially unsuitable for life in the tropics, where they are little more than sponges for microbes, dust and whatever liquids get spilled and/or emitted upon them. They are a waste of space and make it hard to keep your living area clean.

    If you really want to 'get up' in the morning, you need to sleep on the floor. Rolling out of bed is no way to start your day.

    I know I am in a tiny minority, but that's my take on it...


  8. A Full Service Bar! Holy Mackerel! Too bad I brought my own supply of beer and didn't survey the laoscape more closely. Might have to go back tonight...

    Think you'll find KB was referring to the Bike Week event the other weekend at Nai Harn, not Saphan Hin.

    Ah, right you are...my bad. One would definitely need a full service bar handy to deal with the big bike enthusiasts...

  9. "As long as they have beer I will find some way to enjoy it;"

    A bit off topic but does anyone know the people that organized the Bike Week thingy at Nai Harn a weekend or two ago?

    For whatever reason they decided to only serve Chang Light. I mean really, Chang Light !!! What the hell, did they flip a coin over which of the shittiest beers in Thailand they should serve?

    Beer Chang is bad enough but then to go with the light? bah.gifblink.png

    It's not what beer they chose, it's about which beer company will help sponsor the event and give them cheap beer.

    If you had bothered to look closer, there was a full service bar that had spirits at 80 Bt, cocktails at 100 Bt and many beers that weren't Chang.

    A Full Service Bar! Holy Mackerel! Too bad I brought my own supply of beer and didn't survey the laoscape more closely. Might have to go back tonight...

  10. "As long as they have beer I will find some way to enjoy it;"

    A bit off topic but does anyone know the people that organized the Bike Week thingy at Nai Harn a weekend or two ago?

    For whatever reason they decided to only serve Chang Light. I mean really, Chang Light !!! What the hell, did they flip a coin over which of the shittiest beers in Thailand they should serve?

    Beer Chang is bad enough but then to go with the light? bah.gifblink.png

    On the topic of Chang, is draft Chang safe to drink? I swore off Chang about 10 years ago and haven't had a drop since..but I am wondering if the draft is free of whatever makes the bottled version a slow poison...

  11. ...Getting back to the original intent of my opening post:

    The fair at Saphan Hin is the 3rd annual festival put on by the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation - Phuket City Municipality Branch (DDPM-Phuket Town)...It started on September 29th and runs through the 8th

    I found it highly ironic that the people in charge of disaster prevention would allow beer, but this event had Chang on draft! I wish it had been Singha or Heineken.

    As for all the (largely irrelevant) comments about bad food at the vegetarian festival, the dishes we ordered mostly very good and one, the yum naem, was excellent.

    I couldn't agree less with the comments by BabyJebus that that Thai food here is worse than at Thai restaurants in the West. My experiences with Thai restaurants in the New England and Florida is that they are inauthentic, bland and scandalously overpriced.

    I have been accused of being 'low-brow' before, but I like these types of festivals and appreciate all the quirkiness on offer. To this effect, I attach a few photos taken yesterday.

    Getting off-topic a bit, does anyone know if the red flags were up at the island's west coast beaches yesterday?






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  12. There is a little mini-mart shop that rents out tools on Trang Road in Rassada, just south of the three-way junction at the start of Rassadanusorn Road (at the border between Phuket Town and Rassada)....I don't know if they have the kind of drill you need though...

  13. does it matter? It's always the same food stall repeated five hundred times with bad quality ingredients. Then its the same broken down kids game and the same crap from china they sell at every other market. There will be 5mins of the same old kid's dancing class and then some old wannabe hiso will shout in the microphone for a few hours about his new car, his new pants and his new watch.

    The "reason" for the "festival" isnt very important.

    I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

    As long as they have beer I will find some way to enjoy it; still vexed about the "reason" though...I know a lot goes on down there but I didn't think it had at last morphed into a sort of "endless party" ...anyway I will try to get to the bottom of it and report back to y'all.

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  14. Does anyone know what is going on at Saphan Hin Central Stage area this weekend...I went past there last night and saw a lot of activity, but didn't have time to stop. I don't see any info about it in any of the local new outlets...thanks for any info provided.

  15. As said back home " ow did yer go mate." No real need ATM for myself but interested to know if the forum is useful. SL was up to a quick reply.

    I got a pair of -6.0 Speedos yesterday at the Supersport shop at Central Festival for 1,100 baht...StevenI has some top-of-the-line stuff and I thank him for his help, but all I really needed was something to help me find my way back to my beach chair...Anyway, I would say this forum is particularly helpful when it comes to "Does anyone know where I can get....?" types of queries.

    • Like 1
  16. I need a pair of prescription swim goggles, preferably somewhere in/around Phuket Town. Prefer a European make if possible (the nose bridge on the Asian ones are usually too small)...Has anyone seen them?...I don't want to go on a wild goose chase...any help appreciated.

  17. I eat 90% Thai food and when I eat farang food most of the time I prepare it myself. The few times I have been back to my home country (land of the Big Mac) I missed the food here so much; and my wife was repulsed by American food -- even in nice restaurants. It's amazing that a country with such horrible food could have an obesity problem.

    I put Isarn food at the top of my list...one of the reasons I love to live here.

    All of my male relatives back home have high blood pressure/cholesterol and diabetic problems...I smoke, and drink more than any of them and don't suffer from any of that..(knocking on wood)...an added observation is that all the Thai restaurants in the US are overpriced and very low quality...Thank god we live in a place like Phuket; it's heaven in terms of weather and quality/range/cost of dining options.

  18. I have heard that Chumphon is the largest coffee growing province in Thailand, and you can sometimes find the beans from there on sale at OTOP and Blue Flag fairs for 150 baht for a half kilo...I don't think it is quite as good as BonCafe's stuff, but I am not a connoisseur..there is also a place right around the corner from the PEA office in Phuket Town called K2 that sells half-kilo bags of beans from Chiang Mai for 300. I have a bag here and will report back after I try it. For me the only time to 'test' beans is first thing in the morning...I do love BonCafe's slogan Go on! Have another Cup. Imagine if they tried that with alcohol or some other addictive drug...

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