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Posts posted by Hssl

  1. OK so thank you for all the replies and info.

    I'm thinking that maybe the best way forward for my situation is to leave Thailand to say Singapore / KL and apply for a non B multi entry before my work permit runs out (mid July) and get a new extension to stay based on the non b visa / WP.

    That way my soon to be ex wife would have no leverage on me.

    Am I going to need any more than the standard document required for a non B outta Singapore / KL because of my circumstance ??


  2. Hi Lopburi3 - Thanks for all your input !!

    My wife was present but I do not remember her signing anything for the current extension to stay, she was in attendance mainly due to the fact that the ex HR manager for the company I work for was pretty useless (sacked 4 months ago mainly due to her incompetence handling my WP/VISA etc).

    Work has finished early for Songkran so I have no access to a scanner - looking at the passport as I type I can see only the number 3 present in a 'stamped' part of the extension (bottom of the passport page & a separate stamp to the main extension) along with various hand written numbers all over the main extension stamp.................

    I could ask my wife but I really don't want her to have any leverage over me at this point in time.

  3. Thanks for the replies so far!

    My multiple entry non im O was issued in the UK on the grounds of being married to a Thai & having a child with future EX, - this visa is now expired. I have an extension to stay because I have a work permit.

    I have a problem finding out what my extension to stay was granted on as the HR manager for the company was sacked and no replacement has been hired !

    But when all the various documents were submitted copies of my child's birth certificate & my marriage certificate were in with all the company documents.

    I would rather not talk to my boss about this until its certain I am to divorce my wife.

    Has anyone got any experience with a service liek Sun Belt Asia or the like to do a discrete check with immigration to find out my current status ?

    BTW - I would not be taking full custody of my child - although I would still pay for schooling and support her financially

  4. Need advice!

    Looks like my marriage might be heading for Divorce!

    My Visa non imm O based on marriage & having a half Thai/Farang child and extension to stay because of work permit.

    So Divorce is pretty easy as me and my future ex wife would go to the amphur where we were married sign / stamp etc etc ........ and we are officially divorced

    But what would I need to do regards visa & work permit.

    My work permit is valid til the end of July and I have a 90 day report do to at the end of April then I would have another 180 days til my extension to stay runs out on current visa.

  5. As the title says.......... I need a replacement front bumper for a 2005 J spec Vigo, it's the painted (silver colour) bog standard one.

    Loan truck from work and I hit a lump of concrete pipe on short cut home - the bloody thing shattered like a glass and i was only going 3 km at the time as I was doing a 3 point turn! sad.png

    Prices new/second hand and places west side of BKK please

  6. If you have a friend to translate Thai 'panthip' message board is a start OR craigslist sometimes has stuff

    Otherwise most of the major brands are here with low to medium priced stuff in stock.

    Yamaha is probably the best priced brand here, Zildjianis well stocked Theera music is the main dealer - google 'em

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