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Posts posted by norrona

  1. i think the OP has it backwards.

    Any time i have heard the phrase "take care", it wasn't the girl who was expected to do it.

    I agree, part of the reason for the post actually, a lot of my wifes thai friends that live here in UK are treated by their husbands as if they are their oldest daughter in terms of they get spoilt rotten, not monetary but these blokes are provider-taxi-sort out everything when they going somewhere and sort out everything when it all goes wrong!

  2. I am afraid I can't comment until you learn to throw in a "courtesy comma", every now and again.... The run-on sentences make my head hurt.

    learn? there, is, nothing, sadder, than, people, on, a, forum, picking, out, grammar, and punctuation, mistakes, is, there?

    Is that courtieous enough?

    When a sentence runs on to full paragraph length, and the lack of proper resting and inflection points interferes with the relaying of basic content of the idea, then it is not "picking out grammar mistakes". Oh, and you spelled courteous wrong...thumbsup.gif

    Post #19 is just for you thumbsup.gif

    now bore off please unless you have some input on the topic...cheers

  3. Old stereotypes die hard, I guess.

    Just saw a news story about a Vietnamese woman who was jailed here in Oz for leaving her child to die in a car - windows wound up in the hot sun, a terrible way to die. Do I think this makes a 'myth' of the notion that Asian people are dedicated to family ? No, because that has always been a convenient generalisation. I know a Thai woman who has made no attempt to care for either of her kids - one is being cared for by the father, another by a friend who lives one Soi further down Suk. The antithesis of the 'caring mother' stereotype, and I doubt that she ever sent a satang to her parents. Seriously off the rails, but this is 2013 not 1983.

    Another girl quit her job in a Soi 4 bar to work for considerably less money in a salon when she realised she was pregnant to her Thai BF : her girlfriend later showed her how to sell clothes from Chatuchak on E-Bay and I have never seen her as happy as she was to have control of her own life. No Farang, no barfine quota - just her friends and enough money to take care of herself and her baby. Why would she want to add a geriatric Farang to the list of people she needed to take care of, regardless of whatever pot of cash he might bring to the party ? A lifetime of raising smaller siblings, being responsible for her parents, and now some old geezer wants the same treatment ? Please ....

    Let's agree to take care of ourselves. Failing that, don't leave the nanny state.

    good examples...

    I used to just see geriatrics with thai or asian wives from time to time in the UK but the husbands are getting younger and younger these days, some mid twenties so its really just a stereotype that its some old boy with his mail order bride but its a stereotype those in the west love to stick with.

    • Like 1
  4. I am afraid I can't comment until you learn to throw in a "courtesy comma", every now and again.... The run-on sentences make my head hurt.

    learn? there, is, nothing, sadder, than, people, on, a, forum, picking, out, grammar, and punctuation, mistakes, is, there?

    Is that courtieous enough?

    You spelt courteous wrong.................. Sorry, couldn't resist...tongue.png

    I am feeding the grammar and punctuation cretins thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  5. I really did try hard to understand your POV ... thinking that maybe I miss-read or failed to comprehend your ...

    a woman is a woman and theres no set model you get in terms of them being trained up to take care of their man especially after marriage....

    But sadly, at this juncture ... I became lost ... care to re-phrase?


    not really no....cheers

  6. Mate ... have read your post twice now ... but still don't understand either your anecdote nor your question ... coffee1.gif

    I presume it must be a deficiency on my behalf.

    Maybe less coffee and more beer might help with my comprehension ... ?


    not really asking a question per se.....just like to hear others experiences?

    But as you require a question....does your thai wife wipe your backside and pick the fluff out of your belly button and sniff it?

  7. Just read a now closed thread on why asian women are so favoured by white men....

    have to say it is utter hogwash in my opinion and glad it is closed but then got me thinking to what my Mum experienced and heard from people whilst she holidayed in Thailand.

    For example there were 2 western women in the same hotel in a beach resort south of Thailand she spoke to and one of them has a brother who has settled in BKK, now she went on to say about her brother and how his Thai wife (they are always referred to as thai wives never just 'wife' are they!) has absolutely everything done for him by this lady and pretty much she followed him about with a dust pan and brush and wiped his backside etc, you get the picture...

    My mum who visited me on many occasions whilst I lived and worked out there and has friends back here in the UK who are mixed thai/western relationships, is quite experienced with thai people whilst being removed from any close relationships herself likended this story to the sad old fellas who go down the pub back home in the UK and tell all their mates how the missus is randy and can't leave him alone etc and he is getting it every night....

    My views on this as much as I love my missus(thai wife ;) ) I can't help but feel that looks aside a woman is a woman and theres no set model you get in terms of them being trained up to take care of their man especially after marriage....

    anyone else agree that this 'thai girl take care' thingy is just a myth and made up by fellas who want to convince themselves they are special?

  8. Don't get me wrong SCORPIO both I and my missus live and work in the UK, whilst my salary massively outweighs hers and we keep everything seperate as in I pay for everything and what she earns she buys her jungle food and her going out money....but if she wanted to move back to Thailand like your missus does as she missed the life or family then I would be asking her how much you got for us to move back there then?

    Moving back and it not working out, to me it seems like theres only one person that will affect in your case.....

  9. so true semper, im also a dreamer and i dream of a life outside of uk. after years of thinking about it i am ready to make the move "if " the wife is ready. as i say im going to use my money and she can keep her money if it all goes belly up.

    as you are both married surely it's 'our money' as you are in the situation together?

    especially if moving back to Thailand where 'she' will get to be with 'her' twins and the rest of her family....surely she needs to take the gamble as well?

    just my opinion

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  10. to ride a motorcycle up to 125cc in UK even if you have a driving license you must take and pass a 'compulsory bike test' at your own expense this last for 2 years....so not all of Europe just allows anyone to jump on a bike just because they can drive a car....

    I do agree with the above that people shouldn't be able to rent vehicles like motorbikes without showing they are capable and have the right paper work but then again it's down to the person doing the renting as well...

    still at 500 baht it's a small fine to pay and if it keeps happening to people then perhaps the fine should be bigger as they haven't learned their lesson in the first place.

  11. If you're from UK you can always go home.

    Interesting theory but consider this. Married to Thai wife with kids, finances gone to pot due to slump in interest rates and exchange rate, can no longer meet requirement for retirement extension to visa in Thailand. Income insufficient to get visa for wife to settle in the UK. Could survive in either country, just, but visa requirements make it impossible.

    Going home to UK is not quite so simple as it might seem.

    But still can do it, what's wrong with them going back and working their arse off so they can get to the level required to support their family and qualify for them to join on at a later date?

    Truth is faced with that most just complain about how it's all not fair and then lay the blame somewhere which then justifies their actions to do something the wrong side of the law and immoral or just chug away on another chang or go find a sucker and borrow off them then when asked to pay the money back get insulted and then dissapear....seen so many people in Pattaya in my time that should have just gone home but won't and unless you're an orphan then theres always someone back home willing to help you out.

    Not worked for over 10 years, no trade, working on minimum wage wouldn't even pay the rent. As you get older you become an orphan there isn't always someone there the help out, and indeed why should there be.

    are you talking about yourself here? If so......

    It's your own fault you have no trade and the only option is minimum wage and not worked for over 10 years??? so how have you even got on the plane and arrived in Thailand let alone sown your seed there?

    Your comment is like the person you describe in your post...weak and pathetic, but it seems not so weak and pathetic to go round shagging unprotected with no thought or regard for the consequences...I mean what is there in Thailand for a person that matches the description in your post?

  12. If you're from UK you can always go home.

    Interesting theory but consider this. Married to Thai wife with kids, finances gone to pot due to slump in interest rates and exchange rate, can no longer meet requirement for retirement extension to visa in Thailand. Income insufficient to get visa for wife to settle in the UK. Could survive in either country, just, but visa requirements make it impossible.

    Going home to UK is not quite so simple as it might seem.

    But still can do it, what's wrong with them going back and working their arse off so they can get to the level required to support their family and qualify for them to join on at a later date?

    Truth is faced with that most just complain about how it's all not fair and then lay the blame somewhere which then justifies their actions to do something the wrong side of the law and immoral or just chug away on another chang or go find a sucker and borrow off them then when asked to pay the money back get insulted and then dissapear....seen so many people in Pattaya in my time that should have just gone home but won't and unless you're an orphan then theres always someone back home willing to help you out.

  13. I have been attacked by women in Thailand, the main reason I didn't floor them with a punch or kick is they would go to the police with their injuries and you would be in a heap of crap that would never go away until bled dry of all your satang....yes people in the heat of the moment they are wild and fearless then after they get put in their place they are vindictive and ruthless and will never give up till you have suffered or dissapeared.

    Nobody knows if true what they would do in this persons situation....that being said I would do everything possible to avoid any kind of fight anywhere in the world!

    • Like 1
  14. you risked life and limb for a cat....also you take in stray cats to your building, don't expect any sympathy from many on here...

    if your husband hadn't have raised the alarm so quick then maybe the whole building would have burned down and the owner got paid out on insurance?

    Maybe it's a case of the cat loving 'falang' bringing bad karma to the building so better they go....who knows but your medical bills etc have been nothing but your own doing.

    I hope you find a solution wai2.gif

  15. for those in the UK with their Thai partners you can thank comedy shows like 'Little Britain' with Ting Tong from Tooting character and the stereotypical farang Mr Dudley and his combover hair...it's been mentioned in quite a few other comedy shows poking fun but that show was huge and brought more awareness throughout all the generations...

    What people on here also need to remember is theres a lot of narrow minded people the world over who have hardly travelled never mind had the finances to do it so all they know is what they see on the tele....

    I am 39 years old, my wife 26 years old but as per usual looks a lot younger being petite and a lot slimmer to the majority of farang women...when she first arrived here in UK 2 1/2 years ago we went down the local pub and I noticed some looks but nothing was ever said apart from a group of blokes who wolf whistled one night when we was leaving....I was quite proud in how I handled that scenario as I turned round and blew them a kiss to which the rest of the pub thought was hilarious and then turned their attention on the wolf whistlers....if I was 10 years younger I would have probably handled it with fists first and got a beating.

    I have never been asked if I got my wife as a mail order bride but then majority of people who know me know I lived there for best part of 10 years.

  16. Serious answer....either move him out of YOUR apartment with the help and assistance of the management (not easy but do-able for a fee)

    Move out yourself and go live somewhere else...as in move all your stuff and vacate when he is not about (do a runner)

    Or go back to that boy bar and get his best mate and install him!

  17. Don't talk to me about "British" quality. I remember the British autos my father and grandfather used to own. They spent most of their time in the mechanic's shop. I'll stick with Japanese cameras until somebody comes up with something better. And, the US auto industry had to pull up their socks when the Japanese quality vehicles proved to be better.

    Look I guess my point is why buy the most expensive watch made in UK, Italy wherever, when the Asians have copied it to a fair degree and knocked thousands of $ of the price.

    Heres another example, how many of you wear fake Diesel, Armani etc brand label clothing made as far as I know in Thailand. Id rather buy cheap copy and support local Thai traders than some rich poxy wanke_r and their clothes label that is crazy expensive.

    When in Thailand, I quite enjoy buying fake copies. Theres something fun about it looking through markets and checking stuff out. Of course theres plenty of the real licensed merchandise in department stores like Paragon or whatever, I prefer the knock offs its more satisfying to me.

    when I first landed in Thailand I also enjoyed the copies and yes I do agree with you some of it is quite well made....however your fake swiss watch that was manufactured in China to the right person who knows what they are looking at will be spotted....I could not think of anything worse than someone wearing a fake and trying to pass it off as the real thing...am sure theres a name for that where you come from as trhere is where I do...

    just make sure you take off that 'divers' watch when you go swimmingthumbsup.gif

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  18. an ex friend of mine used to lock his wife in the house whilst he went out to work, at first it was kind of funny and not really took seriously by those around him but one day it all became clear just how sad she was with him, with his blessing but you could tell he didn't like it my mum invited and took her out for the day to visit a thai friend of the family and they had a lovely time by all accounts until the husband returned home from work, phone calls asking what time she was coming home became more frequent so to avoid causing any grief they left early and made their way home, on the way home this lady broke down to my mum telling her about him and how she is scared of him...he is a big lump and she is tiny so of course easily intimidated by his presence but her words and this really disturbed me when i found out were, last time they went back to thailand she begged her father to let her move back home to korat as she was so unhappy in this realtionship but the father didn't want to listen as this man was paying for her younger brothers education and he was doing quite well.....she put up with it and as far as I know still does, I don't know it may have improved but that was the sacrifice...

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  19. Why this obsession with alcohol? Does life really have to revolve around it because if it does I must be dead already. I'm not teetotal by any means but I haven't had an alcoholic drink in weeks and if I have the next one tomorrow or next year is of no importance.

    Because there isn't anything else to do here is there.


    So why live here?

    Been here so long now that I am pretty much removed from real sociey. Can't go back now.

    perhaps it might do you some good....I mean being a house husband and doing the school run Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    do you walk round the house with a feather duster clenched in your cheeks whislt doing the house work?

    you need some purpose in your life fella....why don't you invest in a bar or go-go or something?

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