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Posts posted by norrona

  1. It's not black and white and I have at times thought about it but, all things considered, I believe Thailand remains a better option for my kids at the present time.

    I think Thailand is a great place for kids.

    In the UK, my kids wouldn't be having much fun, now or in the future.

    As the OP seems to be talking about returning to the UK, let me point out bullying in UK schools is endemic. As your kids are half-Thai they will be mercilessly victimized. Not only the racist insults, but my mum says your mum was a hooker, etc. I used to work in schools in the UK, and it's a pretty nasty scene.

    yes bullying in schools is endemic and not just confined to the UK....gingers-fat kids-weird quiet kids-you name it I took the piss out of them and also suffered a fair bit back myself, it's all part of growing up and toughening up...

    you lot over there can wrap your leuk krueng kids up in cotton wool and have all the old hags pinching their cheeks saying narak mak mak and all that.....when your kids are old enough to go to school on their scooter and somchai and his teenage gang don't like the look of them cos they are prettier and paler skin than him and his cretin mates how you going to handle that situation...I know of full thai kids no half breed that returned to Thailand after a couple of years over here and they had a terrible time when they went to see their old school friends...one was told you are a farang in our eyes now and not wanted back here...he cut his trip short and returned to the cold and som tum less land of the UK.

    norrona - nice try, but a pretty weak effort to be fair..

    a try at what exactly?

  2. It's not black and white and I have at times thought about it but, all things considered, I believe Thailand remains a better option for my kids at the present time.

    I think Thailand is a great place for kids.

    In the UK, my kids wouldn't be having much fun, now or in the future.

    As the OP seems to be talking about returning to the UK, let me point out bullying in UK schools is endemic. As your kids are half-Thai they will be mercilessly victimized. Not only the racist insults, but my mum says your mum was a hooker, etc. I used to work in schools in the UK, and it's a pretty nasty scene.

    yes bullying in schools is endemic and not just confined to the UK....gingers-fat kids-weird quiet kids-you name it I took the piss out of them and also suffered a fair bit back myself, it's all part of growing up and toughening up...

    you lot over there can wrap your leuk krueng kids up in cotton wool and have all the old hags pinching their cheeks saying narak mak mak and all that.....when your kids are old enough to go to school on their scooter and somchai and his teenage gang don't like the look of them cos they are prettier and paler skin than him and his cretin mates how you going to handle that situation...I know of full thai kids no half breed that returned to Thailand after a couple of years over here and they had a terrible time when they went to see their old school friends...one was told you are a farang in our eyes now and not wanted back here...he cut his trip short and returned to the cold and som tum less land of the UK.

  3. in the UK theres more racism between black and asians within the cities than white racism agaisnt all others....

    with kids you will always get issues and really can't base thats how everyone is....when I was a kid 'gingers' used to get grief, even me with blonde hair used to get targeted...

    just saying...

    • Like 1
  4. I have seen many Thai girls come to our area over the years I have been with my wife.

    The first year can be difficult for them if there is too much changing from there previous life in Thailand.

    For example.

    Previous life in Thailand.

    Working in a bar in a major city like Bangkok, always loads of her mates around, plenty of easy money coming her way, every day is a party / excitement, Thai street food never more than 10 steps away, all expenses paid weekends at the beach in Pattaya or Phuket with that weeks new benefactor.

    New life.

    2 Bedroom council flat in the rough end town, 7 months pregnant, mid winter -3 degrees & sleeting outside, can't drive so has to wait in the cold for the bus to town, husband at work all day, no mates yet as always stuck in the flat, no family, doesn't know where to get Thai food shopping.

    It's a wonder 90%+ of the Thai girls who turn up stick around.

    as you say 90%+ do stick around, job and or language school plus not living in the middle of nowhere helped for me at first and I thoroughly reccomend it....

    other way round if I was placed in her village and left to sit about all day with nothing to do I would not last 3 days...either that or get on the lao khao laugh.png

  5. similar thing happened to us, my fiance was granted a visa and came to the UK Oct 2010 after she got her visa and arrived the English test rule wa brought out and I took it as it was for those who are applying from then on so thought we were exempt.

    Filled out the further leave to remain form and sent off, got the refusal telling her to leave within so many days etc.

    Completely shat myself and was very worked up over the whole thing to be honest and I normally do not flap.

    My wife then sat the test in Ilford Essex and passed and we appealed and had to go to tribunal in London and was represented by an immigration lawyer who in front of the judge explained our chain of events and the fact she has now done the correct thing and passed the test, mentioned the distress we had both been through and how I am fully employed, the judge rolled his eyes at the whole thing and was completely on our side and sympathetic to the point he was embarassed by the UKBA and their actions and this was another waste of everyones money and time etc and told she was staying and we would get a letter to confirm this, oh forgot to mention the UKBA didn't even bother to represent themselves in court that day!

    Letter received and we then had to send that off with her passport to the UKBA who then requested for her bio metrics to be taken at one of the allocated post offices which was done, then after all that she final got her ID card!

    Your friend is in for a few months of sodding about is all I can think on this matter.

    Best of luck

  6. Yea you are so happy to be back amongst all the doom and gloom and freezing weather in the UK that you are still posting on here?

    The old place has had it mate, everyone knows that, and all that PC crap as well....you are welcome to it my friend.

    Anyway, I'm off out for a cold beer (remember that) for the sunset.


    all depends where you are located in the UK....as for the beer and sunset well yes very nice am envious but I will be going on holiday Sunday for a week so will get that myself....

    Yes I post on here as I still have interests in Thailand....it's just not the be all and end all for me...

    that's all

    Norrona - You sound like a good bloke to be fair and I genuinely hope it all works out for you and your missus.

    But the UK has had it mate and it's only going to get worse, no matter where you live.

    You will only get me back living there if i come back in handcuffs...

    vote UKIP mate....

  7. Yea you are so happy to be back amongst all the doom and gloom and freezing weather in the UK that you are still posting on here?

    The old place has had it mate, everyone knows that, and all that PC crap as well....you are welcome to it my friend.

    Anyway, I'm off out for a cold beer (remember that) for the sunset.


    all depends where you are located in the UK....as for the beer and sunset well yes very nice am envious but I will be going on holiday Sunday for a week so will get that myself....

    Yes I post on here as I still have interests in Thailand....it's just not the be all and end all for me...

    that's all

  8. some of the old farangland and how crap it is on this thread reminds me of all the farangs who used to bleat on about how they could never live back there(as in where they originated)

    Quite sad as most that said it had probably burned their bridges back home....

    Christmas in the UK, pubs, decent farang food, Christmas specials on TV to snuggle up with the missus on the sofa to, the crisp fresh air in the mornings on the way to work after the works Christmas party when you are feeeling worse for wear, the initial wind down leading up to Christmas eve....but most of all family and friends to spend time with!

    Once it's over though get me on a plane and to some sun before that freezing Jan/Feb starts kicking in smile.png

    norrona - All that sounds great on paper but the reality is it isn't all it's cracked up to me....I went back xmas 3 years ago to experience all those 'delights' that you listed and the truth is I was bored and wanted to get back here.....as for snuggling up with your thai wife on the sofa to watch xmas tv specials....well, let's not get silly now...

    ha ha...well you got me on that last bit! tongue.png

    what did you want to get back to over there so much for....I mean what is over there that cannot be done elsewhere?

    Did you take the missus ice skating? To Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park? Sit in a traditional pub with log fire and have a few drinks?

    I lived out there for a wonderful 10 years and had the time of my life...literally, but Christmas in Thailand doesn't compare to Christmas in ones homeland...

    Well of course it doesn't compare, that is stating the obvious isn't it! Christmas isn't a Buddhist holiday, is it!?! But the fact is you are getting all excited over nothing matey, as the whole thing is always a massive anti-clmax, particuarly when you are a grown up, everybody is trying to hard to enjoy themselves and most of it is totally false, with the majority of people counting the days down until january the 2nd........or, are you STILL trying to convince yourself that you did the right thing by moving back there....enjoy!

    If I really wanted I could move to Thailand again, been there and done it mate, it's not for me anymore, in fact from my trips and holidays over there it's all 'same same' and quite tedious towards the end of the trip....there's no convincing going on here fella, don't quite get where you've made that assumption?

    Yes Christmas is totally false and for the kids I agree but that's not what anyone was debating here...fact is for most especially in Pattaya, a luke warm buffet style attempt at a roast dinner on the day washed down with cheap plonk is all that's on offer!

    Bah Bloody Humbug thumbsup.gif

  9. some of the old farangland and how crap it is on this thread reminds me of all the farangs who used to bleat on about how they could never live back there(as in where they originated)

    Quite sad as most that said it had probably burned their bridges back home....

    Christmas in the UK, pubs, decent farang food, Christmas specials on TV to snuggle up with the missus on the sofa to, the crisp fresh air in the mornings on the way to work after the works Christmas party when you are feeeling worse for wear, the initial wind down leading up to Christmas eve....but most of all family and friends to spend time with!

    Once it's over though get me on a plane and to some sun before that freezing Jan/Feb starts kicking in smile.png

    norrona - All that sounds great on paper but the reality is it isn't all it's cracked up to me....I went back xmas 3 years ago to experience all those 'delights' that you listed and the truth is I was bored and wanted to get back here.....as for snuggling up with your thai wife on the sofa to watch xmas tv specials....well, let's not get silly now...

    ha ha...well you got me on that last bit! tongue.png

    what did you want to get back to over there so much for....I mean what is over there that cannot be done elsewhere?

    Did you take the missus ice skating? To Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park? Sit in a traditional pub with log fire and have a few drinks?

    I lived out there for a wonderful 10 years and had the time of my life...literally, but Christmas in Thailand doesn't compare to Christmas in ones homeland...

    Perhaps you should have written my homeland. I put logs on the fire in the Pub in Chiang Mai in 1970 and again 35 years later. Maybe you should not assume your experiences are the experiences of everyone.

    ones/my really it's whatever....I am sorry I have riled you, was never intended wai.gif

  10. some of the old farangland and how crap it is on this thread reminds me of all the farangs who used to bleat on about how they could never live back there(as in where they originated)

    Quite sad as most that said it had probably burned their bridges back home....

    Christmas in the UK, pubs, decent farang food, Christmas specials on TV to snuggle up with the missus on the sofa to, the crisp fresh air in the mornings on the way to work after the works Christmas party when you are feeeling worse for wear, the initial wind down leading up to Christmas eve....but most of all family and friends to spend time with!

    Once it's over though get me on a plane and to some sun before that freezing Jan/Feb starts kicking in smile.png

    norrona - All that sounds great on paper but the reality is it isn't all it's cracked up to me....I went back xmas 3 years ago to experience all those 'delights' that you listed and the truth is I was bored and wanted to get back here.....as for snuggling up with your thai wife on the sofa to watch xmas tv specials....well, let's not get silly now...

    ha ha...well you got me on that last bit! tongue.png

    what did you want to get back to over there so much for....I mean what is over there that cannot be done elsewhere?

    Did you take the missus ice skating? To Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park? Sit in a traditional pub with log fire and have a few drinks?

    I lived out there for a wonderful 10 years and had the time of my life...literally, but Christmas in Thailand doesn't compare to Christmas in ones homeland...

  11. A great idea, but unfortunately with most Thais once they get home that is where the helmuts will stay unless they can sell them on. Pity it wasn't at a school to give out to the hundreds of children who go to school on motorbikes together with a talk at assembly on road safety and reasons for wearing a helmut.

    The only way to enforce the use of helmuts is to have a hefty fine and bike confiscated for a week.

    That's kind of a negative response to a positive action. A Thai woman bought me a bottle of tea the other day. Should I have told her I wanted a plantation and workers and a house for us all to live in while I grew the tea?

    I only said, "thank you very much."

    If you don't like the truth then read the tabloids thumbsup.gif

    The truth? You took a positive action and put a negative connotation on it. That's a fact jack!smile.png You want to talk about the bad Thai people start a thread about Thai people being bad. No problem. You may be correct. My point was why try to make a positive action negative. beatdeadhorse.gif I don't think this is the Thai news forum is it?

    truth is I never mentioned anything about Thai people being bad or anything, that is all fabricated by your little rant above....

    the post I responded to I agree with from Poormax, this is the general forum, a place for all things general...even opinions wai.gif

  12. some of the old farangland and how crap it is on this thread reminds me of all the farangs who used to bleat on about how they could never live back there(as in where they originated)

    Quite sad as most that said it had probably burned their bridges back home....

    Christmas in the UK, pubs, decent farang food, Christmas specials on TV to snuggle up with the missus on the sofa to, the crisp fresh air in the mornings on the way to work after the works Christmas party when you are feeeling worse for wear, the initial wind down leading up to Christmas eve....but most of all family and friends to spend time with!

    Once it's over though get me on a plane and to some sun before that freezing Jan/Feb starts kicking in smile.png

    Good on ya mate. In a thread bout Christmas in Thailand you managed to slag off Farangs, 1. "Quite sad as most that said it had probably burned their bridges back home...." 2. Hype Christmas in the UK, "Christmas in the UK, pubs, decent farang food, Christmas specials on TV to snuggle up with the missus on the sofa." And actually rescue the post with getting back on topic in the end.wai2.gif

    thumbsup.gif just my experience on the former fella....

  13. some of the old farangland and how crap it is on this thread reminds me of all the farangs who used to bleat on about how they could never live back there(as in where they originated)

    Quite sad as most that said it had probably burned their bridges back home....

    Christmas in the UK, pubs, decent farang food, Christmas specials on TV to snuggle up with the missus on the sofa to, the crisp fresh air in the mornings on the way to work after the works Christmas party when you are feeeling worse for wear, the initial wind down leading up to Christmas eve....but most of all family and friends to spend time with!

    Once it's over though get me on a plane and to some sun before that freezing Jan/Feb starts kicking in smile.png

  14. A great idea, but unfortunately with most Thais once they get home that is where the helmuts will stay unless they can sell them on. Pity it wasn't at a school to give out to the hundreds of children who go to school on motorbikes together with a talk at assembly on road safety and reasons for wearing a helmut.

    The only way to enforce the use of helmuts is to have a hefty fine and bike confiscated for a week.

    That's kind of a negative response to a positive action. A Thai woman bought me a bottle of tea the other day. Should I have told her I wanted a plantation and workers and a house for us all to live in while I grew the tea?

    I only said, "thank you very much."

    If you don't like the truth then read the tabloids thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  15. that blade looks pretty clean seeing as it has been used? who was kind enough to wipe the blood off then as surely it is evidence?

    Blood doesn't typically stay on a blade after a stabbing, especially with a single stab wound. Pulling the knife out wipes the blood off. It's Hollywood that leads people to believe there will be blood on a knife after a stabbing.

    thanks for the hollywood special fx lesson but....the british man is covered in blood, the thai man is bleeding and that knife looks like it's just come out of the dishwasher? something not quite right is there whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  16. you are all seasoned pro's to the land of somchai, the previous posts prove that....

    however if these people who do their crust over a girl they met in a bar are long standing and residing in Thailand then yes I can see the point to this thread....but come on surely the ones who lose and do themselves in are surely not savvy to Thailand and the way hookers work...

    that said and has been mentioned previous, there are not many places I have visited in this world where you get the complete girlfriend experience for 1,000 baht a day plus expenses....maybe that is the answer to the OP?

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