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Posts posted by norrona

  1. So! they held some boring selfish commuters up for a while,who do the same journey everyday,big deal,it may have given them something else to think about,other than their own selfish crap! who kid themselves they are living,shuffling documents around,creaming off commissions,from other peoples efforts, F_cuk I think I would throw myself under a train too!

    I don't care about other commuters..... only me!

    and to go on a rant like the above about 'boring selfish commuters' just makes me chuckle, they are just going to work, to pay the bills and live their life.... why should someone elses problem and hang up affect them and their daily life.....

    don't let me or anyone else stop you thumbsup.gif

  2. euthanasia would be to end the life of someone who is suffering.... I have no problem with that

    abortion is a life choice... I have no problem with that either

    suicide because you are feeling a bit hard done by and can't be arsed to give it a go and sort your life out....still for cowards!

    no religion my end either....just had the experience of people and loved ones saying they don't want to die and would give anything for a bit more time...

    An old but good film to watch that puts a lot of things into perspective is 'it's a wonderful life'

  3. I lived in the Philippines for 11 years and ran my own multi-million dollar real estate operation selling US properties to foreign investors around SE Asia. I married a Filipina hiso type and was living the lifestyle of the rich and famous until 1988 when I sold $70 million worth of real estate and got swindled out of $3 million in commission by a former Philippine government cabinet minister. My wife ran away with another man and took our two kids, and there I was all alone and 10,000 miles from home without a pot to piss in. I sold a few remaining things in my office to raise enough for a one-way ticket back to the States. I was forty years old at the time, and I returned to my roots with everything I owned in two suitcases and $900 to my name. I went to work in my oppressive father's factory sweeping floors for $7.50 an hour for the next 3 years until I finally cut the cord and went into the funeral home/cemetery industry where I managed properties for 13 years until taking an early retirement and moving to Thailand in 2010.

    The moral of the story is that one can start over again, and prosper again over time, if he's willing to humble himself and start at the bottom if necessary. I imagine that this fellow in the OP's story is still trying to hold onto the dream and hasn't quite accepted the fact that he is going to have to downgrade his life in order to survive. The fancy house, cars and business is only "stuff" and can be replaced...and so can the wife! So, my advice would be to let it go and return home...pick yourself up by your bootstraps and get moving before the depression takes you to the edge of a balcony.

    the above is a 'mans' way to deal with things....

    the last bit of it is a cowards.

    Deal with it thumbsup.gif

    Hope he appreciated his Dad giving him such a gracious job within his company and business sweeping floors...or perhaps Daddy saw him for what he was, he must have lost a lot of money from all the previous business/deals to allow one deal let the whole lot tumble over....not even his real estate by the sounds.....just an agent.

    Not just any agent Showbags, but one of the best to ever ply his trade in the international marketplace. How many "agents" do you know that can turn $70 million in one year? The problem with overnight success is one doesn't know what to do with all that money, and inevitably it gets invested in a lifestyle of drugs, alcohol and out of control sex. Sin will take you further than you want to go and make you stay longer than you want to stay. When I lost it all I turned my life over to Jesus Christ, and He was the one who set my feet back on the right path and restored unto me all that the devil had stolen from me. And my Daddy couldn't see me for what I was because he was so jealous of my success and so consumed by his hatred for God that all he knew to do was suppress me and oppress me. The devil tried to use him to destroy me, but when I left his business he went broke and one year later walked into his garage one evening and hung himself. Such is the end for the man who mocks God and tries to make ruin of those that belong to HIM.

    So, you see Showbags...you should have kept your comments on topic 'cause you have no idea what you're talking about. Instead of slamming me for no reason at all, why don't you put your thinking cap on and come up with some constructive comments to help the OP's friend. You sound like the bitter old man that was my father...one who loves to tear down instead of build up!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Amen to that thumbsup.gif

  4. I lived in the Philippines for 11 years and ran my own multi-million dollar real estate operation selling US properties to foreign investors around SE Asia. I married a Filipina hiso type and was living the lifestyle of the rich and famous until 1988 when I sold $70 million worth of real estate and got swindled out of $3 million in commission by a former Philippine government cabinet minister. My wife ran away with another man and took our two kids, and there I was all alone and 10,000 miles from home without a pot to piss in. I sold a few remaining things in my office to raise enough for a one-way ticket back to the States. I was forty years old at the time, and I returned to my roots with everything I owned in two suitcases and $900 to my name. I went to work in my oppressive father's factory sweeping floors for $7.50 an hour for the next 3 years until I finally cut the cord and went into the funeral home/cemetery industry where I managed properties for 13 years until taking an early retirement and moving to Thailand in 2010.

    The moral of the story is that one can start over again, and prosper again over time, if he's willing to humble himself and start at the bottom if necessary. I imagine that this fellow in the OP's story is still trying to hold onto the dream and hasn't quite accepted the fact that he is going to have to downgrade his life in order to survive. The fancy house, cars and business is only "stuff" and can be replaced...and so can the wife! So, my advice would be to let it go and return home...pick yourself up by your bootstraps and get moving before the depression takes you to the edge of a balcony.

    the above is a 'mans' way to deal with things....

    the last bit of it is a cowards.

    Deal with it thumbsup.gif

    Hope he appreciated his Dad giving him such a gracious job within his company and business sweeping floors...or perhaps Daddy saw him for what he was, he must have lost a lot of money from all the previous business/deals to allow one deal let the whole lot tumble over....not even his real estate by the sounds.....just an agent.

    you are one disturbed individual......

    • Like 1
  5. I lived in the Philippines for 11 years and ran my own multi-million dollar real estate operation selling US properties to foreign investors around SE Asia. I married a Filipina hiso type and was living the lifestyle of the rich and famous until 1988 when I sold $70 million worth of real estate and got swindled out of $3 million in commission by a former Philippine government cabinet minister. My wife ran away with another man and took our two kids, and there I was all alone and 10,000 miles from home without a pot to piss in. I sold a few remaining things in my office to raise enough for a one-way ticket back to the States. I was forty years old at the time, and I returned to my roots with everything I owned in two suitcases and $900 to my name. I went to work in my oppressive father's factory sweeping floors for $7.50 an hour for the next 3 years until I finally cut the cord and went into the funeral home/cemetery industry where I managed properties for 13 years until taking an early retirement and moving to Thailand in 2010.

    The moral of the story is that one can start over again, and prosper again over time, if he's willing to humble himself and start at the bottom if necessary. I imagine that this fellow in the OP's story is still trying to hold onto the dream and hasn't quite accepted the fact that he is going to have to downgrade his life in order to survive. The fancy house, cars and business is only "stuff" and can be replaced...and so can the wife! So, my advice would be to let it go and return home...pick yourself up by your bootstraps and get moving before the depression takes you to the edge of a balcony.

    the above is a 'mans' way to deal with things....

    the last bit of it is a cowards.

    Deal with it thumbsup.gif

    Coward or not if you have nobody then suicide is not a cowards thing but just an other choice in my book. Its not something i would easily choose but why live on if there is nothing else to live for ? Suicide is only a bad thing if you hurt people with it.. hard to do if your alone.

    got nothing else to live for??? you will have exactly the same as what you came into the world with....

    if you can walk-talk and even get half a semi on then you've got more than a lot of people out there.....

    I don't feel sorry for those that take suicide as an option when they are feeling hard done by.... go to any hospital in this world where patients are waiting to meet their maker for whatever terminal illness they have and spend time with those poor people, then walk out of there and have the <deleted> to say you can't do it anymore and want to end your life!

    Perhaps that's what people who take that option need... a near death experience!

    If they have mental problems that makes them want to do themselves in then fair enough.... but an able bodied person who has their health....sorry that's just selfish!

    signed, one of many commuters who feel nothing for the person that's thrown themselves under a train and caused thousands of people hold ups and delays!


  6. I lived in the Philippines for 11 years and ran my own multi-million dollar real estate operation selling US properties to foreign investors around SE Asia. I married a Filipina hiso type and was living the lifestyle of the rich and famous until 1988 when I sold $70 million worth of real estate and got swindled out of $3 million in commission by a former Philippine government cabinet minister. My wife ran away with another man and took our two kids, and there I was all alone and 10,000 miles from home without a pot to piss in. I sold a few remaining things in my office to raise enough for a one-way ticket back to the States. I was forty years old at the time, and I returned to my roots with everything I owned in two suitcases and $900 to my name. I went to work in my oppressive father's factory sweeping floors for $7.50 an hour for the next 3 years until I finally cut the cord and went into the funeral home/cemetery industry where I managed properties for 13 years until taking an early retirement and moving to Thailand in 2010.

    The moral of the story is that one can start over again, and prosper again over time, if he's willing to humble himself and start at the bottom if necessary. I imagine that this fellow in the OP's story is still trying to hold onto the dream and hasn't quite accepted the fact that he is going to have to downgrade his life in order to survive. The fancy house, cars and business is only "stuff" and can be replaced...and so can the wife! So, my advice would be to let it go and return home...pick yourself up by your bootstraps and get moving before the depression takes you to the edge of a balcony.

    the above is a 'mans' way to deal with things....

    the last bit of it is a cowards.

    Deal with it thumbsup.gif

  7. at the moment this man has choices but not for much longer.....

    it's not nice and certainly you'd want to try and avoid the situation as much as possible but what's wrong with holding your hands up, saying had a great time and then going back to country of birth and just being normal...get somewhere to stay, a job(they are out there) and rebuild your life....

    from my experience the mere thought of the above is what makes once nice people into thieving robbing cheating bastards.....but I can put it more simple than that.


  8. Thainess -- the gift that keeps on giving.

    Nobody is surprised by stories like this.

    Wait for it.

    You cheap foreigner, just bend over take it, and if you don't like it, go home.....

    What the OP is riled about is what riles most of us. Why should foreigners be treated like idiots ? Us foreigners spend enormous amounts of baht here in Pattaya adding greatly to the economy. Most of us do not like having the piss taken. You may choose to "bend over and take it" but most of us foreigners do not choose that option.

    Have you heard of the phrase "Caveat Emptor". It applies world wide. If you don't have the intelligence to inform yourself about the local going rate for goods and services, and negotiate the best price you can get, then more fool you. It's a game played in many countries and if Falang in Thailand can't figure it out then they deserve what they get. Willing seller - willing buyer. Then OP was happy to pay the price he was charged, and that's the reality of the commercial world in every country on the globe.

    Learn some basic language and always and without fail tell the vendor it's too expensive and the price should be XX.

    Most of this two tier pricing is not about Foreigner v. Thai......it's abut streetsmarts v. Falang with the wisdom and intellect of Bambi.

    I still pay 50b for a taxi ride that Thais pay 70B for. Why?.....because I'm a frequent flyer and the taxi blokes know that I don't carry vaseline with me. They even call me Kuhn haa-sib-baht.

    The educated and streetwise blokes that live here will agree with me. The dickheads that are too quick to blame all those racist Thais for their own repeated stupidity will no doubt strongly disagree, but I don't really give a flying phark.

    Cheers w00t.gif

    Oh teach me the Jedi ways Yoda you master.....

    I bet you do get over charged...you're just so smug in your khun haa sib baht role that you probably don't realize

    • Like 1
  9. shame on those who felt the need to reply and simply mock.....

    they must be really busy running their businesses into the ground to be paranoid of a potential competitor...


    Has nothing to do with competition.

    For me, it it my time to teach someone EVERYTHING about the business, and that is time and time is money.

    OP did not come on to ask specific questions, but wants a full course on how to run the business.

    He clarified he wants information on electricity, water, internet etc, which is the most basic and easiest information which takes 5 mins if that, to research ie making a phone call to get local rates.

    So clearly OP wants full education course and when asked how much he is willing to pay or offer, he mocks it and offers a mealblink.png

    Surely, you realize business knowledge comes with experience, time invested and money.

    I am sure you also understand, that even those who write books, they sell them and get paid for their expertise.

    4-5 pages of trolls without so much as a single clue do not seem to grasp basics and to prove the point not even 1 offered any advice to OP,

    I wonder why that isthumbsup.gif

    Not even one of them has any clue of who i am and what i own, and yet they spent 4 pages critisizing imaginary business i supposedly have or run.

    Some trolls were silly enough to start commenting on things they do not even comprehend and you wanted me or anyone with experience to post

    FREE information for the same trolls to mock and correct?!

    And you just have to have the final word.....

    the way i see it is this.... if you were so busy being a captain of industry and running your business then you need only smirk at the OP's request for free information, but you didn't and couldn't....you decided to bait him and ridicule his request.

    Best you do keep your business a secret as some looney will turn up one day the way you conduct yourself on this forum!


    Ok, thanks for your advice, and i really do hope some looney would. Would be good to see how looney they are, when there is no safety of computerthumbsup.gif

    that works both ways....

    • Like 1
  10. shame on those who felt the need to reply and simply mock.....

    they must be really busy running their businesses into the ground to be paranoid of a potential competitor...


    Has nothing to do with competition.

    For me, it it my time to teach someone EVERYTHING about the business, and that is time and time is money.

    OP did not come on to ask specific questions, but wants a full course on how to run the business.

    He clarified he wants information on electricity, water, internet etc, which is the most basic and easiest information which takes 5 mins if that, to research ie making a phone call to get local rates.

    So clearly OP wants full education course and when asked how much he is willing to pay or offer, he mocks it and offers a mealblink.png

    Surely, you realize business knowledge comes with experience, time invested and money.

    I am sure you also understand, that even those who write books, they sell them and get paid for their expertise.

    4-5 pages of trolls without so much as a single clue do not seem to grasp basics and to prove the point not even 1 offered any advice to OP,

    I wonder why that isthumbsup.gif

    Not even one of them has any clue of who i am and what i own, and yet they spent 4 pages critisizing imaginary business i supposedly have or run.

    Some trolls were silly enough to start commenting on things they do not even comprehend and you wanted me or anyone with experience to post

    FREE information for the same trolls to mock and correct?!

    And you just have to have the final word.....

    the way i see it is this.... if you were so busy being a captain of industry and running your business then you need only smirk at the OP's request for free information, but you didn't and couldn't....you decided to bait him and ridicule his request.

    Best you do keep your business a secret as some looney will turn up one day the way you conduct yourself on this forum!


  11. you need to chill out and put your coppers uniform back on pal..... who are you to start on about whats illegal or not when it's not your country and never will be?

    what do you think about his seemingly defamation of innocent Thai Schoolgirls? OK cos it's not his country and never will be, or just plain crass? He is certainly living in the right town that's for sure.

    The photo of the Schoolgirls should really be removed asap, IMO.

    someone will take care of him in time....they always do, you need to relax and stop letting him bother you....

    or go see the man and tell him of your disgust?

  12. If he does indeed provide some protection to the girls, nothing wrong with that.

    Apart from it being totally illegal of course, not only is it working it is accepting immoral earnings for services rendered, or so it is claimed.

    The comments on the above photo are absolutely sickening and an insult to Thai women, I expect he was only 'joking' though, farangs are so amusing with their sexist insults and stereotyping of Thai Schoolgirls! I expect the girls could take legal action?

    you need to chill out and put your coppers uniform back on pal..... who are you to start on about whats illegal or not when it's not your country and never will be?

  13. This man could have earned his money in much worse ways....like stealing off of old people like I see in the papers every now and then as an example...

    Food for thought whistling.gif

    Not really, the guy has earned money as a loan shark and had folks beaten up (allegedly) and now it seems he takes money off whores in a protection racket. How much worse do you want to get?

    loan sharks are there for the dead beats to borrow money off of..... if you have anything about you then you would not need to borrow from a loan shark....

    please share your stories and experiences of your loan and how it made you bitter and twisted towards a stranger that you have never met?

    taking money off whores, I think you will find he is acting up for the camera on that..... what's your view on bar owners who accept bar fines then?

  14. I am quite shocked by the animosity towards this character by the people that chose to live in Thailand and not back home for among many reasons that the place is liberal and nobody openly judges you, when I think about my time living and working in Pattaya I remember old men holding hands with very young looking boys/girls(not underage) and it being accepted, men wearing dresses and make up whilst on their way to becoming ladies and again that being part of the norm, the country and the attitude of the local people is that if nobody is harming or directly affecting them then crack on and do what you want you will not be judged.... even before I experienced the place I will admit I was homophobic for the immature reasons etc, through living and working in Pattaya and seeing people happy to be what they are I came to accept them for what they are.....

    now this person is obviously large as life and looks very menacing with his facial tattoo's and steroid usage, the business he was involved in as he says is open for abuse.... people that owe you money personally all like to try and take advantage of you at times...if you've never had someone you trust and lent money to avoid you and try any trick they can to not pay you when they said they would then you've led a very charmed life...I have and these same people have been standing in a bar with a drink in their hands with that look on their faces like I am the bastard for asking for my money and just like what he says they always have a sob story.... the loan shark business anywhere will put the frighteners on those non payers however they can, there is a culture of have now and not want to pay later...that's just a fact of life!

    So even though I haven't decided to join the Sharky fan club there's no way I despise the man or even fear him.... I won't be going to him or his company as I don't really like to borrow money that I cannot afford to pay back...

    This man could have earned his money in much worse ways....like stealing off of old people like I see in the papers every now and then as an example...

    Food for thought whistling.gif

    Wel he did steal of old people at 200% and more rates and even the blind so whats youre point .

    like all the short term loan companies do in the western world.....nobody holding a gun to their heads and forcing the loans on them is there!!!

    your problem with sharky is?

  15. I am quite shocked by the animosity towards this character by the people that chose to live in Thailand and not back home for among many reasons that the place is liberal and nobody openly judges you, when I think about my time living and working in Pattaya I remember old men holding hands with very young looking boys/girls(not underage) and it being accepted, men wearing dresses and make up whilst on their way to becoming ladies and again that being part of the norm, the country and the attitude of the local people is that if nobody is harming or directly affecting them then crack on and do what you want you will not be judged.... even before I experienced the place I will admit I was homophobic for the immature reasons etc, through living and working in Pattaya and seeing people happy to be what they are I came to accept them for what they are.....

    now this person is obviously large as life and looks very menacing with his facial tattoo's and steroid usage, the business he was involved in as he says is open for abuse.... people that owe you money personally all like to try and take advantage of you at times...if you've never had someone you trust and lent money to avoid you and try any trick they can to not pay you when they said they would then you've led a very charmed life...I have and these same people have been standing in a bar with a drink in their hands with that look on their faces like I am the bastard for asking for my money and just like what he says they always have a sob story.... the loan shark business anywhere will put the frighteners on those non payers however they can, there is a culture of have now and not want to pay later...that's just a fact of life!

    So even though I haven't decided to join the Sharky fan club there's no way I despise the man or even fear him.... I won't be going to him or his company as I don't really like to borrow money that I cannot afford to pay back...

    This man could have earned his money in much worse ways....like stealing off of old people like I see in the papers every now and then as an example...

    Food for thought whistling.gif

  16. if I ever felt superior it is whilst I am in Pattaya, strutting down Walking Street back in the day having made half an effort on my appearance(putting socks on with my sandals)all the crusty old farangs in their vests and cheap flip flops would bow to my presence....

    Now I find it hard to strut down Soi Buakhao as there's hardly anywhere to strut and I keep having to dive out of the way of traffic.


  17. don't put your foot down too much, if you start being 'mean' with 'your' things and don't share then maybe they will 'tolerate' you being on 'their' land even less..... after all without you to ponce off of you are as useful as a chocolate teapot or an ashtray on a motorcycle...

    How can anyone resist such temptation to make life in such a place ??

    Where do I sign?

    is it not already happening? shame man you are missing out.... tongue.png

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