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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. The best time to have a shower is after 9am and after 8pm, these times dont coincide with Thais normal shower times, so the pressure will be better,

    Some years ago i bought a 3000ltr tank with a mains water feed, so we have water for about 4 days if the Mains water stops, i also fitted a pump, it will feed the house/salon if needed, but the main use is for our en-suite shower room/toilet bum gun,

    Total cost would be about 15k bht, for the tank, pump and pipework, its been one of my better investments in the last 6years,,

  2. Thankyou IA for your kind remarks and WF for my perhaps future indulgence in a IFM,

    Ive read with interest the posts leading up to an IFM and the aftermath, seems there was a problem with the last one, which was aired on here, and i think there should be guidelines put into effect,

    For instance, 1 box [12bottles] of beer or 6 bottles and 1 bottle of Regency, plus donate food to the value of 500bht, so you get a good day/night for 1kbht, accomodation extra of course,,,

    As for going to an AG place and listening to Tinglish for an afternoon, i really dont think that would work, as you all know, there is better info on the Interweb, and in your own time,,and you want to chat together since your last meeting, So the "home" party is much better, by all means order Pizza or something for the evening meal, good idea,,

    Im sorry if what i posted before has offended anyone, we all have our offdays living fulltime in Thailand,

    Thankyou, Lickey.

    • Like 1
  3. Good on you Blue Tongue,

    I have been thinking about next year, and to be honest, my heart isnt really with MotoGp, its more WSB and BSB and specially Irish Road Racing and the TT,

    Phil Read 8 times WC and 8 times TT winner, says if youve never raced at the TT, youve never raced a motorcycle,,,, im inclined to agree with him,

    BT, i really hope you get a phoneline soon, theres so much stuff on Youtube, all the bike racing ect,

  4. So if it aint broke dont fix it, dont do preventative maintainence, no sod that, lets break down in the middle of nowhere, very good move,yeah right!!!

    You may well know more than most about turbo's, but apart from changing the engine oil, exactly what other preventative maintenance could/should be done on a variable vane turbo unit?

    I would be really interested to know so the next time it comes to my attention, especially when someone else who does not know much about mechanics is driving the car, that an un-serviceable bearing starts going on the unit, I can do something in time to save it.

    Ok, i will tell you, on pre-intercooled big trucks, where an imminent bearing faliure can cause a lot of damage to the head/heads valves and pistons, it was a recommended service procedure to remove the turbo inlet pipe {from air filter] and check for lift in the spindle shaft, and for vane chafing on the body of the turbo, if there is no chafing, but a lot of spindle lift, i would place a socket and t-bar on the spindle nut and start engine, then test the spindle bearings with oil pressure, this test would be done every 6 weeks, approx 12k miles, of course im talking working big trucks here, and this test can be done on intercooled turbos, I hope that answers your question,

    Personally i dont think the OP has any such problem, more likely an intercooler or pipe problem, but yes, go ahead and fit a new turbo, and still have the same problem, up to you.

  5. Is it ok for us Trolls to post ideas for future meetings?

    Seems you lot cant agree on anything!!!!

    Fire away. Most Farmers need additional material for the compost heap. All BS is welcome

    Should i reply or not, ok, in this case i will, seems most of what you say is BS comes from you, your theories about dont hang your washing out to dry are crap, Yorkshire folk are the most direct in the uk, they say what they feel, no hidden feelings, ok, of topic, who cares anyway!!!

  6. Warn bearings can whistle a (relatively) long time before they go.

    From memory, the turbo was loudly whirring and whistling for nearly 5000 km's before the engine management system finally put the car into crwal mode.

    When we dismantled the turbo unit, the bearings were clearly stuffed, but not completely ceased.

    So if it aint broke dont fix it, dont do preventative maintainence, no sod that, lets break down in the middle of nowhere, very good move,yeah right!!!

  7. Unless you eat 1/2kilo of chillies/garlic/ginger everyday you will never be free of mossies bites, i dont eat a lot of issan food, and the only protection i have from mossies is a 20% Dettoll ,80% cheap after shower skin moisterizer, mix this together in a diffueser bottle and spray on bare skin,

    Ok, it might smell like a pox doctors clinic at first, but the smell wears off quick and you will be protected for up to 4 hours, Ive been using this for 5 years now, and unless i forget, no irritating bites,,

    lot better than the DDT chemical <deleted> i used to use,,,

  8. Some years ago, Ozzydom suggested "Companion Planting" which would be like grow onions or garlic when your melon/cucumber seeds start sprouting, sorry, meant to say plant the onion or garlic between the seeds, there is a website for more info, Good Luck,,

  9. If it dosnt smoke, dosnt rattle,dosnt screech then there is probaly nothing wrong with the Turbo.

    "makes a noise like a siren on a hill" you say, more likely an intercooler/pipe problem, you can check this yourself to a certain extent, the forced air goes from the turbo to the intercooler and then to the inlet manifold, along the way there is reinforced rubber pipes, check the joints for black marks [like feathers] and small puncture holes ect, if nothing found it could be the cooler rad,

    The "professinal" way to check this is remove the rubber pipe feed into the engine, stuff some rag in start engine, rev and listen where noise is coming from.

    Or fill plastic bottle with strong solution of washing up liquid and water, on a cold engine, spray this over the turbo and pipes and cooler, manifold ect, start and rev engine, check for bubbles at joints,,

    • Like 1
  10. Good Luck with that Passpato, no doubht you have looked at Thai MC touring ect? where you would be fully covered,

    In Europe i would go to WSB witha touring company, the good thing was hotels ect were all booked ahead, the bad stuff was many riders would be on small bikes, 250hondas Kawasakis,and the tour OP would stop every 100miles or so to visit a local market for food ect, me, i just wanted to get to the hotel and relax, [70mph on a ZZR1100} drove me nuts, so i would say to the guide, where is Hotel tonight, then i would bugger off alone, its possible you could do that here with a tour company, but be careful, if you go off the designated routes and crash, there could be all sorts of crap going on cos you werent with the group ect, oh yes, a 125i wave probly pulls as good as a Phantom,,,,

  11. Nickster, what is the state of your broken turbo, Have the vanes broken off? if so these will go into the intercooler...

    Unless the broken vanes really disentegrated, in which case they made their way straight into the head & cylinder..

    Well yes, that would have been the case with a pre-intercooled engine, OPs fortuna is an intercooled model, any broken charge vanes will go to the cooler, Exhaust driven vanes will go down the exhaust pipe, also [iforgot in my previous post] with the turbo bearings gone, this will fill the intercooler with an oil mist, and will smoke long after the turbo is replaced, this is what i mean by a proper clean-up, it really is up to the mechanic to evaluate the extent of the failiure, as to what is needed for a 100% repair job,

  12. Nickster, what is the state of your broken turbo, Have the vanes broken off? if so these will go into the intercooler and at a later date possibly go into the engine, perhaps causing bent valves ect,

    If its only the spindle bearings broken, you will need an oil & filter change, if they have gone big time, the sump has to come off and the oil pick-up strainer cleaned, perhaps thats why Toyota want 50k?? to do the clean-up job properly..

  13. original equipment discs will have the minimun thickness stamped on them somewhere, spurious discs,probaly not,

    Guessing from OPs posts he has a twin disc large bike, and most bikes from 1990 on have floating discs, whether these can be skimmed or not i dont know??

    If they are floating discs they will have bobbins [looks like round washers] between the disc and the fixed center part, These get jammed with brake dust and road dirt, when this happens the disc wont "float" through the caliper, easiest way to clean these is shape a piece of wood into a taper so it fits the bobbin, with WD40 spray the bobbin and turn it till the crap runs out of it, dont wiggle the bobbin too much, doing this flatten off the wavy spring washers either side,

    Otherwise as others have said, dont worry to much about the grooves, with new pads to help them bed in quicker, put a little pressure on the lever at crusin speed for 5secs every now and then..

  14. And now is the time of year when engines get "seasonal asthma" dry dusty roads, ive never in 6 years seen anybody use an airline to blow crap out of the radiator/intercooler, it should be done from the inside to blow crap away,

    Oh yes, ive seen one, me,, airflow is very important for any engine, a good point Cowslip, missed by all,,,

  15. Vehicle manufacturer also understand the concept of a cold start. why do taxi's that rarely turn the engine off get hundreds of thousand of KM's from an engine, because they are never allowed to cool down.

    Cant agree with you on this one, many airport taxis always push their cabs to the front of the queue, it could be that the airport wont allow running engines? but i think its fuel saving.

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