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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. There is a lot of difference between a fast run and a hard pull for a turbo, in easy terms, when a vehicle reachs the speed you want, the turbo just spins, does nothing, same if the vehicle is loaded, once it reaches speed, turbo does nothing, but in both repspects, it helps get to your speed more quickly,

    EG, i used to drive an 8wheel 340 Scania tipper on a road planing job, perhaps 1.5 hrs flat out drive to the job, perhaps some time waiting to load, at this stge i would put a potato wrapped in foil on the exhaust pipe where it went into the silencer, so now with the hard pull home at 32.5 tons, it would be nicely cooked, there was no way it would cook when truck was empty, barely warm,

    What im saying is the fast run cool down period is not so important as the hard pull period, just longer to allow cooler oil and exhaust gases to cool the turbo, most pick-ups are designed to take loads up to 1.5 tons, if its not doing that the turbo is having a real easy life..

  2. Well yes Mosha, that happens here to a certain extent, but when we had the farm and the labourers were invited to a party [after being paid,wartered,and fed daily for free from us] they would not contribute atall, not even help clean up afterwards,

    On the other hand, if the mrs invites famlily & friends, they always bring something and/or pay for the tophat BBQ and food to be delivered, and will help with the aftermath, I always put 12 bottles of Leo and some chang in the icebox, when this is gone, Mrs tells them to club together and replace it, and they do,

  3. The rain in Spain

    Falls mainly on Valencia,,,

    Well done Danny, you really rubbed Sandras name in it, last lap, last corner, great stuff!!!

    So now im thinking, Gino Rea and Lowcrutch, make it a brit 123, mmm

    I think Gino crashed cos i was sitting on the back prodding him in the ribs saying, "cmon, you can win this!!'

    And the start debacle of GP, slick or nt so slick, seemed like a bit of mixed up buggery to me, but there was a winner, Redposa, Rossi didnt to too bad in the WC, 6th, ahead of Hayden Crutchlow,Spies,Bradl ect,

    Interesting test week coming up, will keep an eye on this,,,

    Max B has retired, so thanks to Max for all the great races you have given us over the last 21 years, enjoy your retirement,,

  4. How the chain runs is the best way for rear wheel alignment, before these marks were introduced years ago, the only way was to [with bike on center stand] lay down, turn the wheel by hand and watch the chain, turning backwards was the best way, watch the chain to see if there is any deviation from straight,

    To make an adjustment you will need to loosen the wheel spindle bolt, as Smedly says, get a socket/spanner, when tightening, just put all your weight on it, you wont hurt anything internally [the wheel that is] fit the split pin and give it a run,

  5. Harry, it wont hurt the engine atall, tick-over as long as you want, on start up, just rev it a little, make sure the alternator has kicked in, unless of course its done 400k and only one oil change, the valve guides will be worn out and carbon will build up quickly on valves, piston ring wear ect ect,,,,

    And even with a water cooled turbo, its still recomended to allow a cool down period after a hard run/pull,

    Cold weather starting? no problem, with all the fuel additives, water jacket and fuel heaters,

  6. in Australia today, heading to the memorial to pay my respects.

    beats being in a bkk bar listening to all the so called sas, commandos and ninjas tell there stories that dont quite add up.

    Yes, its Anzac day as well, me? nowhere near BKK, small town NE Thai, what have i got here?not much, just memories,

    • Like 1
  7. Op, you mention that the front tyre has done 3k, and 2 months ago your bike had the 6k service, so does this mean youve already had a new tyre? and did the problems start after the new tyre or same from new?

    Sorry if i appear to be a little confused here,

    Some things you can check yourself,

    Any/every tyre has a line round it, have a look, its just above the wheel rim, this line should be the same distance from the rim all the way round both sides, if not, incorrect fitment,

    Next is to run your hand over the tread surface, can you feel some edges? try both ways, this suggests tracking or steering head bearings worn,

    Easy thing to do is release all the pinchbolts on the fork yolks, hold the brake and push hard on the bars a few times, this should centralize everything, tighten bolts and test,

  8. I Liked your post Harry cos i think youve a little confused,, every brit bike ive ever had the gearchange was right foot,

    52 bsa c10l Enfield bullett,norton dominator,triumph t110,Thunderbird, [slickshift] T21, Bsa Lightning, Trident T150v,

    it wasnt till the late 60s/early 70s when the jap invasion started did the gearchange and brake moved places, ie, gearchange to the left foot, as far as i know the prop stand has always been on the left,

    And the most stupid side stand of all time has to go to Ducati, as soon as you take the weight of the stand it would flick up, the best inovation so far is the side stand that cuts the engine if you try to move off with it down,

  9. It really depends on what youve been doing with your turboed intercooled truck, if youve been out on a shopping trip or sight-seeing, fine, turn it off when you park, if youve just bought a load of Fertilizer or Cement ect and the truck has worked hard, the turbo will be red hot, so its best to let it idle for a few mins to cool turbo and restrict heat damage to the spindle seals,

    • Like 1
  10. Never went to the TT, IOM, perhaps i should have done? my Danish friends would go every 3 years, 6 of them would stay at our house in Bury St Edmunds for 2 nights, and 2 nights on the way home, them boys and gals could drink Draught Abbot like water, 5%real ale, real good blokes, all had Guzzis,

    Since the demise of dreambox, i was peturbed at first, but it did open my eyes to what is free on the net, besides live sports ect, Youtube is great, Just watched Gobert & Slights battle at Phillip Island, and lots of Irish Road Racing, this stuff makes the Motogp series sanitized,

    Looking forward to live Macau on eurosport, and in the close season will watch 60/70/80/90/00 racing on the tube,

    Rossi to win Sunday???

  11. Coupla good articles there Kwasaki, pose weve got 3 top blokes,Lor,Ros,Ped, + Cal & Hayden who know there bikes, all the rest of the new works riders will be on a steep learning curve,

    I still think a common ECU would work wonders for all concerned, otherwise it could get boring again,,,

    I will watch Motogp, but with not as much interest as WSB & BSB,

    PS, Got all your re-decorating done and enjoying the Kwacker, well done matethumbsup.gif

  12. Westys drug,,

    According to Wikipedia, Methylhexaneamine was originally intended as a nasal decongestant and "has been marketed as a dietary supplement in combination with caffeine and other ingredients, under trade names such as Geranamine and Floradrene, to be used as an over-the-counter thermogenic or general-purpose stimulant."

    I would think any over the counter drug is a stimulant, cos its sposed to make you feel better, otherwise what is the purpose??

    This weekends finale is the last for Moaner and the last for Vale with Duc, Dovi with Tech 3 Yam, Vale doesnt like Valencia, tight and twisty, not many flowing corners, ,, should be good, cos no pressure now, all the WCs done with,,

  13. Mr Krisp, Unicef here, would you go to Dr Congo and take a borehole pump with you, find some people or machinery to make the bore and fit the piping ect, you might need a filter system to make the water drinkable, dont forget to take a tent to live in,,

    Ok, forward me 6k usd, im not living in a tent, i want a hotel!! ect ect ect,,

    Im pretty sure that the only time aid gets to the needy without charity organisations is when western goverments do an air drop,

  14. BT, found 1 on the tube for the great alpine way, lots of snow on the mountains ect,, looks fun!!

    Another week to wait for the last Motogp, and no doubht you fellas have been keeping up with the latest news on the net, lots of close season stuff going on,

    Just gonna reminise a bit now, the last MotoGp i went to was Donnington Park, Mick Doohan won, 95 i think it was, Last WSB was Nurburgring 2000/01? Last BSB was Snetterton 2006 with my Thai mrs, [she got a little sunburnt,,,] which is very unusual for an old airfield circuit with plenty of wind,,

    So comon fellas, what and where was the last race you were at?


  15. BT, was that the Bairnsdale bikers Toy Run? its on the Tube,

    As for PI, yep quite predictable that Moaner was gonna win, Westy and Sissis did great though, funny how a home race can make a rider better,perhaps these super-perfoming home racers should join the national series, that goes for all nationalities,,

    Aussie SB has finished now, Josh Waters the winner, Suzuki, will have a dig round see if i can find Hoppers replacment, if there is one??

    Seems Sepang is a favourite for pre-season testing, cos of the guaranteed good weather i suppose, come race day all dry data is no good, Soihok, if you get a day off keep an eye on the testing schedules,you might be re-paid for your raceday discomfort !!

  16. When the box is in neutral the converter is driving the oil pump, which in turn fill the converter,valve body,and all the clutches/bands, ect,

    In drive, 1st is pressurized, this {nowadays] is by electric solenoid for all gears, speed and load sensed, even these are known to partially stick not allowing enough oil through, if this happens it will slip and whine,

    OP, do you have a manual select? if so, try it in other gears, if the noise persists, then its possibly a converter fault,does the oil smell like youve just opened a bag of dry roasted peanuts? if so, this would sugest burnt clutch plates, and possibly a converter friction plate,

    You need to find a garage with the plug in analyser, or as mentioned pressure gauges, good luck with that one!!

  17. Good story there BT, reminds me of 1975 Transatlantic Match races Easter,of we go to Brands thursday night, put up the tents, go to paddock hill bar, have a few sherberts, take some bottles back to the camp, light a fire, fry some sausages and onions, off to bed nicely half pissed and stuffed with food.

    Wake up about 8am and everything is covered in snow and bloody cold!!, walked down to the track and the organisers had got all the race teams Vans and cars going round the track trying to clear the snow and slush, then it snowed again, racing canncelled! of we went to Mallory Park, it was cold and damp and saturday night some lads got all the ticket boxes and made a big fire, warmed us up a bit, Racing on Sunday was wet but ok, Sunday evening we went to Oulton Park, set up camp ect, and it rained most of mondays races,and the Yanks beat us that year, first time in 4 years, Who said the Yanks couldnt ride in the wet??

    Spose Moaner will win Sunday, but it is never a dead cert, all could change on raceday as we know,a number of things could happen, and why name a corner after him?? there are plenty of other more deserving Ozzie riders, anyway, Gary Macoy is the king of slide,,,,

    Sent to you from my "Campfire" at a snowy Brands Hatch.

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