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Posts posted by gummy

  1. To earn respect you must first give respect. How true is that?

    So all I would say to those clearly so fond of supporting this raft of human flotsom is to advise them that to earn respect in Thailand they must first show respect to their hosts. That means dressing smartly ( a few magazines may help here as they can look at the pictures ). It also means dressing respectively in accordance with local customs. So highly educated are they that many of the female varieties of this street dross expose their chests excessivly as if they were in Chelsea High Street. The showing of breasts to that degree is lewd practice in Thailand, but of course respectibility could not have formed part of those people's education. From the comments made it also appears that Brut is the first advert that that poster can remember and hence gives an indication of their age group which may explain your acceptance of the loss of values typified by that persons support for this group of individuals.

  2. And how would one propose Thai authorities ensure that they do attract those well educated as you put it - only give a VISA now if they have a degree?

    I have heard some utter tripe in my time and this is another of them. Well educated does not solely mean the attainment of a degree. Education also entails the embodyment of respect, something clearly lacking in many of these loathsome ,irresponsible individuals and is one reason why the Thai authorities, in their wisdom, are attempting to curtial the continuance, mainly by these "well educated persons", in never ending VISA runs. It is unfortunate that that the need to uphold and respect the law in a visiting country did not form part of that education, but then that is also a fault of the parents who most probably have the same BA. The knock-on effect of course is that genuine highly educated and responsible people, for example teachers, are harrased no end due to the bad examples that these irresponsible individuals give.

  3. I concur with most of you - good riddance. First it was Ibiza, then the next generation got to Goa/India and eventually Thailand. Where next probably Laos/Cambodia as most certanily China won't entertain them.

    Slovenly, ill-mannered and unkempt loathsome individuals - the excuse being they are on a Gap year Uni students. Makes it even worse as many of those will probably eventually enter politics and attempt to impart there new found ideals on others. Still ,thinking about it politicians are mostly always in the catergory of "Screw you I'm all right" the world owes me a living.

  4. You did not say whether your wife lives in Thailand or the UK. However when my wife and I lived in the UK holding her "spouses" VISA and then having ILR ( indefinate leave to remain ) , on every occasion when visiting mainland EU countries she was required to obtain a VISA from the country she would visit first, or at least that is what the rules say. Of course this was normally France and from there of course, after that first entry, she could then go on to visit other EU countries without a further VISA. This VISA would be valid for six months. After 6 months you had to do the whole process again. The reason is that the UK, in it's infinite wisdom did not sign up to the Schengen agreement so hence a UK VISA does not hold good for the other EU countries. Why? well apparently they were worried about immigration!! as it is out of control only in the UK I wonder what genious came to that conclusion.

    The good news was that as she applied at the French Embassy in the UK and was married to a citizen (British) of the EU there is no cost for the VISA. Also it is a very simple form and only has to show of course her own passport, husbands passport and an amount of cash which I can not remeber how much now but it was about £300 I think.

    However those are the facts from my experience. I guess if you are living in Thailand currently exactly the same rules would apply but not sure about the cost waiver.

    Hope this helps.

  5. Thanks for that but my question was directed to those who actualy had IPTV. Yes I have "hi-speed" internet from True and over the last 10 months I have never suffered any problems other of course when the fibre back bones have been down. I regularly get 1.4 mb/sec download and around 400 to 500 kb/sec upload, hence my enquiry owing the the additional bandwidth required for IPTV. It made me ask as to what impact it had on download and in particular picture quality.

  6. I had a similar experience to the guy with the US ranch but at the other end of the scale when I lived in London.

    I was living in this rented 50 sq mtr. fleapit and often got troubled with all sorts of unwelcome nasties either trying to get in my doors or windows or just living and probably breeding near the rubbish cans outside.

    So I plugged a cable into the mains supply and taped it to the door and window handles. Guess what ? I was then advised I could not do that as it was illegal.

    The reason is that all those nasties and bugs the British governement gives them a name :- they call them immigrants and actively encourage them to roam around the UK consuming any benefits they possibly can and as a consequence you can not swot them anymore as it is in conflict with some law or other these days. There also appears to be no differancetiation between legal and illegal as they all can wonder around unchecked in the UK protected by a never ending blanket of do-gooders. Apparently they have skills that the British no longer have. Well I can understand that because Margarat Thatcher's policies ensured we do not make anything anymore so thus don't need to teach skills anymore so obviously the immigrants have these skills. Just hope that before they come they bring their own knives and forks because none are made in Sheffield in more.

    I digress, so I moved and the British Government won so I guess the bugs and nasties won the battle with me also and are themselves now living in that fleepit, applying for asylum, naturalisation or whatever so that the kind British Governement can thus make them British so that they can then, during the annual migration season, invite all their bug relatives to join them.

    Apologies for leaving the thread a bit but don't those coil things work better ?

  7. Dee123,

    You mean after one is elected democratically we could then have a coup and England would then have a military/political influenced team like Iran ? Mind you might not be too bad after all if they don't perform we could court martial them !

    Seriously though although Fletchers record you say was not too bad the fact is on the world stage it was not good either but I was really trying to gather peoples comments as to whether any Manager should be a National of that Country or not?

  8. Having just come into this thread it is clear that Scotties statement and I quote "If you have two passports it is quite simple: you must use the same passport to enter and leave any country: the other passport is in limbo" is totally at odds with his current position where he now states "I made the mistake of assuming that you would realise that I was talking about countries that stamp you in/out"unquote.

    Whilst the former by Scootie Dog was written with no exception the latter statement then goes to imply that is not what he meant after all he only meant countries that stamp you in and stramp you out, which was not previously defined and hence can only be seen as attempting to correct his own inaccurate previous statements as pointed out by the other poster. That same poster clearly also stated that he was refering to UK citizens who hold 2 passports, not 2 passport held as dual Nationality to which you imply you are one.

    Ambiguity in responses I believe has led to this misunderstanding. Frankly I ampalled at some of the juvenile responses on this forum that I recently joined and am now wondering why I did. To my mind when I keep reading things like "I am a large stocker holde", " I have on depsoit xxx US$" and " I am a business man" it takes me back over many many decades to my school times when you heard "my Dad is bigger than your Dad"

    Come on posters please increase the standards so that this forum reflects the fact that we are mature adults, as I expect most of us are. Other wise use the like sof youtube etc.

  9. Look at the England soccer prima-donnas in the world cup. They so underfperformed under a Swedish Manager it was embarrasing.

    However the England cricket team under a pseudo Englishman ( a Zimbabwean given British nationality quicker then anybody else )has managed to take English Cricket to depths only Jules Verne could of imagined.

    Can you Oz members out there even consider whether or not your National team could have anything other than an Australian?

    With foreigners in charge of the National team how passionate can they possibly be , imparting their passion, or in Fletcher's case gross incompetance, on to the team memebrs.

    Well folks what are you thoughts - should the English Cricket Team have a new ENGLISH manager or do you think they will play as badly whoever is in charge ?

  10. Could I respectively suggest that all those "knockers" to this thread, such as Dr Naam ,who most probably is living in his own fantasy world of portfolio exageration along with his boasting of cash asset availibilty, relieve the undo cerebral pressure that has brought about this fit of imagination by standing up a while from their PC and walking about, hence relieving said pressure from the place where there cerbral cortex undoubtably eminates in his circumstance.

  11. I believe that as I said VAT is 0% and WHT does not apply as in the circimstances described this is not "a foreign company or registered partnership not carrying out business in Thailand receiving the following income from or in Thailand"

    re http://www.boi.go.th/english/how/tax_rates..._agreements.asp

    From the previous description it states that it is effectively a foreign company (in this case UK) undertaking work for a Thai company (albeit equating to commision only part ), thus falls outside of the requirement ). Hence no WHT can be levied by that UK company's remittance with respect to that Thai's company invoice for services undertaken overseas by a non Thai company.

  12. New to this forum so pls make exception if problems with my dyslexic keyboard.

    My friend operates what appears to be in a similar fashion. His company in Thailand invoices a company in the UK for his services. I understand that as his services are performed outside the Kingdom than they are regarded as an export service so hence Thai VAT is levied at 0% as it is an export and is paid into his company's bank in Thailand by the UK company. From what he tells me that invoice is only part of his actual end-client fee so I guess that would equate to your commission aspect being paid into Thailand.

    The company in the UK ( I believe the terminology used is an "umbrella company, of which there are apparently many) invoices my friends client. No sometimes he works within the EU and in which case the UK company must then add VAT at the current UK rate of 17 1/2 % or if outside then again it is zero rated as it would be an export.

    Hope this helps.EM me if you need anything further.


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