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Posts posted by gummy

  1. I anticipate that even if the extradition gets approved, this little worm will not actually stand trial in Thailand due to an "unfortunate accident".   With the millions of baht that the Red Bull family have most probably "donated" to the police and other government officials already,  him having his day in court telling the whole world how it was arranged for him to escape Thailand initially, would be most unpalatable to the RTP and others.

  2. 6 minutes ago, binjalin said:

    If China or Russia or anyone else had these threats do we think they would sit there and say 'mai pen rai'? This is a Loon in N.Korea who subjugates his people to enslavement but that has never been enough. Now he fires missiles and threatens to fire at, or near, Guam. I don't like Trump, he's a megalomaniac, but he's right it's time for someone with BALLS. Take Kim out swiftly and cleanly with limited Nuke strike then clean-up if you don't Kim will, one day, get in a hussy fit and fire at Guam or S.Korea and it will be a lot, lot more messy. 

    Clean up ?  do you have any idea of the half life of U-235 ?  Well  uranium 235 has a half-life of 'only' 700 million years. Depending on weather patterns at the time the fall-out from this could easily effect half the globe including the United States.

  3. On ‎22‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 4:48 PM, dave_boo said:

    Going simply on the One2Car.com website prices, a 2017 Cayenne Diesel costs ~7.6M baht.  A 2010 ~4.5M.  So approximately 400K loss of value per annum.  No historical data before then.


    I agree with the others though; if one is worried about service fees for a 5,000,000 baht penis extension they may be living beyond their means.  And kindly don't go throwing around how much you supposedly have; people with real money either don't buy such a depreciating asset or they understand that you have to play to pay and don't embarrass themselves asking on a forum how much service fees are.  Sound a bit like a knob on one of the 'tuner' boards...

    Actually you are not correct when suggesting this money equates to a penis extension.   People who buy these in Thailand are opting more for the penis transplant to the head. 

  4. So all in all a pretty good outcome,  more so if there is a strong westerly if Trump nukes NK. With Japan gone it would open up further possibilities for China and Russia claiming  more of the oceans resources.  Assuming of course this did happen then Trump would go down as the most obscene muppet ever, assuming any one is still alive in the world.

  5. 5 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    7 seconds on Google gets you a bird's eye view of a major Thai airbase - the PNG is higher resolution than this JPEG version.  I know it's not the point but instead of "droning" on about confidentiality and blubbering about secret anti-drone weapons,  just say it's a safety issue and leave it at that. 




    How can they say it is a safety issue when they are so mentally challenged they have no idea of risk assessment.  Bunch of bleating buffoons in uniform.

  6. 1 hour ago, kotsak said:

    Apparently the N. Koreans realized that Trump is a narcissistic egomaniac and now they play him like a fiddle.. :violin:

    Absolutely.   Kim dangles the bait and  Trump bites instantly.  Shame the idiots who voted him in do not have much understanding as how this goon is making the US a laughing stock and can be baited by nearly anyone.  Mind you his eyesight must be near perfect with all the carrots he bites.


  7. 13 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

    Well ,i had a public school education ,then Grammar school ,got my GCE,s had a very good job ,made quite a bit of money ,and voted Brexit , God i must be one of the thicko's .

    should have been imtelimgent and voted rumain .

    Well even more reason for doing away with Public and Grammar schools by the example of your post.  They do not even teach you how to spell correctly, the correct use of capitalisation,  nor being grammatically correct. So perhaps the UK,  now having such poor standards of education, may be another reason for the Brexit "yes" vote ?

  8. 20 hours ago, billd766 said:


    Didi you forget about China invading both N and S Korea during the Korean war? How about Tibet in the 1950s. The attempted invasion of parts of India. Or for something a little newer there is also taking over most of the islands and attols in the South China Sea.

    Not at all but please check your facts.  They were "invited" by the Northern nationalists.  As for India the Kashmir region has been disputed for decades.   So how can you invade your own land !!!   As for the South China Sea do you actually now the meaning of an "invasion" ?  clearly not so allow me to elucidate


    "an occasion when an army or country uses force to enter and take control of another country".    So when exactly did China need to use force to invade uninhabited atolls and Islands ?   They may be subject to territorial dispute yes,  but under no stretch of the imagination were they "invaded" by China as you suggest.


    But you attempt to divert away from the subject matter of this thread with un-factual diatribe.  Please keep on topic

  9. This guy could give King Canute a run for his money for issuing orders without one iota of management expertise to make it succeed.  The only reason he is their is because he issue orders of suppression and political victimisation in order to protect the Elites of the country.



    To manage anything,  let alone a country, you need to put a team together with knowledge and expertise.  I think most people on this forum and the greater population of Thailand are fully aware of where his and his governmental minions, together with the RTP lye.   It certainly is not national economics,  population welfare and airport administration !!

  10. 5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    tThe Dali Lama might disagree with you on this....LOL


    Here's a recently list:


    So as it states technically it is not a country .  Care to introduce Catholicism or Hindu or any other spurious  religious claims into your already debased argument ?


    But again that is not the point of the topic.

  11. 7 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    It's not like anyone else is in the habit of invading.  Well maybe Russia and China a little bit, but they are just hobbyists.

    I don't believe that China, as a state, has ever invaded any country. In fact the issues in that area were exasperated initially given the Japanese colonisation of the Korean peninsula and of course imperialistic moves into China but that is distracting the subject a little. 

    The US would never win a land war there, simply outnumbered by boots on the ground although they will puff their chests and threaten perhaps before backing down. Lets face it they had 3 years at it 60 odd years ago and the result is the current stalemate and division. The  Chinese won't let it happen either.

  12. No need to worry too munch.   It could well turn out that the construction workers seriously injured could well have come from Cambodia, Myanmar or Laos so of no concern to the Thai Junta.  They may well have been illegal workers too, who knows ?


    The Junta will never stop the dangerous carriage of humans as it is the exploitation by the Elite of these self same workers that support the Junta.  That is why when the transportation of people was declared unsafe by the General, he soon withdrew the enforcement. Corruption at its worst level.



  13. The UN is nowadays just a political talking shop.  Has no use, no power, and if you choose so to do, maybe be totally ignored.


    As a prime example Israel has been ignoring UN resolutions for decades regarding getting their backsides out of Palestine.  Therefore I suspect, by example, North Korea will not give two jots ,  in fact it may well provoke them to making an even bigger statement. 


    US beware.

  14. 5 hours ago, NancyL said:

    This probably isn't fair.  Have you ever known Thai/foreign couples where the man has chronic pain or mental health issues?  It's very difficult for the woman to take over management of the man's medications because the man thinks he knows-it-all and is suspicious of his wife's motivations.  This is the same reason western men don't tell their Thai wives about their banking details.  They don't trust their wives and it's just easier for the wives not to argue and go along.


    Often this mentality gets the guy into much trouble.  This could have been what happened here.

    Not fair ? by your own words you have proven my point. If the man did not trust his wife as you suggest then it was not a true husband/wife relationship so hence  the point I made is reinforced even more.

  15. On ‎01‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 11:31 AM, Father Fintan Stack said:

    They get the government they deserve I suppose.


    The real fun will start on here when the government starts to get rid of all the expats or force them onto more expensive visa options, the 'fun' places get closed down and the junta conservative jackboot starts to really come down.

    Won't work as they still need the US/UK/Japanese paying out the massive tea money to the their cronies.  Whilst the PM is attempting to model Thailand along the lines of N Korea in doing so he will ensure,  if that is the outcome,  that is backers and the Elite will surely get the chop in massive numbers under such a draconian regime. 

  16. Well as the Junta and their lackeys have their own heads stuck where the sun doesn't shine no one will hear them anyway.  The Junta are totally afraid of their own shadows and trying to clamp down on the population and the rest of the world  hearing the truth is something they know will bring and end to this police state/dictatorship sooner or later. Hopefully for the poor of this country the sooner the better.

  17. 10 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    Prayut dismisses criticism of mismanagement if Issan floods.

    The government dont care about Issan, because it is full of Yingluck supporters.

    I agree and he could not destroy the strong support they have through political persecution of the Shinawatras so he is now becoming a desperate man.  Given his and his Juntas appalling disregard to human rights then he most probably is somehow directly involved in this mismanagement and the reservoir containment failure which contributed significantly to the plight of these poor people , and maybe is meant as a demonstration to say " I and my Junta supporters will just drown you if we have to".

  18. 6 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    The Karnasuta family owns and controls the firm. There is nothing Italian about this company. The Italian partner  died 35+ years ago.  This is the company president Premchai Karnasuta. He is one of the wealthiest  people in Thailand.




    His sister who has a large stake in the construction has the young son Yutachai. He "runs"  Onyx Hospitality Group, of which the most notable brand in Thailand is  the Amari Hotel Group.




    A word to the wise: In Thailand, be respectful and deferential to this family. 

    The family does not need the Shinawatra clan. Rather, other people need this family as the construction firm has done much of the infrastructure work in Thailand because it  meets the requirement of being Thai controlled, experienced and possessing the  equipment and personnel to do the jobs.



    According to their annual report to the stock exchange  the family now owns  only 21.7 %  


    Do a lot more research

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