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Posts posted by davejonesbkk

  1. Seeing as we have a bunch of 'xboxers' here I have a quick question: Does anyone know where to get beta games from on live? I mean like the beta version of Halo3 multiplayer...theres supposed to be a multiplayer beta of cod4 out soon and its meant to be amazing...

  2. Ive read loads of different stuff about live and getting banned, so many different theories...some people online for months without getting banned.

    the xbox-scene site has an excellent forum about all of this. They also said something there about getting banned depends on what DVD drive you have. If it's Hitachi-LG then you are more likely to get banned as they are easier to detect but Samsun-Toshiba ones are harder to detect...You can check by ejecting the tray, if it has a small hole in the tray then its hitachi-Lg. (I have the samsung-toshiba one) Ive also read some crazy stuff like how some people have sent in there CHIPPED consoles to microsoft for repair and they have repaired them and sometimes sent back brand new ones!!!

    Ive just passed my first month on live, so far so good (touch a massive piece of wood :o ) I do it with monthly payments using a credit card...might be a good idea not to get any negative reviews of other players by team killing, swearing etc as this will alert microsoft. But Im so hooked on online play (all my offline games like Oblivion are gathering dust now) that I will get serious cold turkey if I get banned!!!

  3. No idea what exactly happened.

    Just got a very brief email from him saying he had passed through immigration at the border and was now in Malaysia.

    Don't think he went the 'Boys Own' way of scaling the fence tho... :o

  4. Just thought I'd give an update about my friend who had the warrant out for his arrest for having the fake degree...

    He went down to the Malay border last week and passed through the thai immigration point and as far as I know he just had to pay the 20k for maximum overstay, no warrant, no fuss. He's now going to (or already has) flown out of Malaysia.

  5. ah yes... the 55+ never left their home countries until three years ago crowd, the 'love it or leave it authorites' on thailand. they speak no thai, never eat oin food stalls, never used a squat toilet, the same guys that fly to penang, same guys that hassle for O visas, same guys that pay lawyers to do their visas, same guys live in palaces in air-conditioned bliss.

    you guys pay full freight stupid farang price and always have so youre prices havent gone up. plenty of 'wiggle room' when youre already paying 350% over any thai or 'local/expat farang' meanwhile - if youre living like stick, myself and thai people - youd notice it. really that simple. you may be living in thailand - BUT YOURE STILL A TOURIST.

    telling stickman (and the rest of us) who have been living and working her for decades how it is. pretty rich really.... these guys are almost exclusively from uk and us - id bet my left nut. in both cases, they are the most self centered, pathetic lot that scour the internet. hooray for me and the heII with you.

    i always have a good laugh when i see the 'how much does it cost to live in thailand" threads. the guys above post like - oh, if you dont have 60k per month, dont even bother BLAH BLAH. these are exactly the same guys that have not a clue about anything in thailand. thats how much they spend NOT to live in thailand - to keep themselves throughly above the fray.

    i cant beleive the likes of some of these people criticising valid analysis from a guy whose lived here for DECADES. what stick knows about thailand couldnt in all your heads put together.

    for all the love it or leave it folks out there .... this is thailand. you are alien, martians completely detatched from 'thailand' - so i would retort. if you cant live with thais and like... YOU leave it.

    we made a decision decades ago to come and live in a wild, exotic sexy, crazy countires. these have caught up to what we left behind - pricey, staid, dull, overly legal, pretentious places. unfortunately - thailand has evolved and modernized into much of that. thats why its now acceptable for the likes of you guys> its clean, modern, air-con'd - plus it has pretty women youve never slept with even at your most 'hansum'. so go ahead - tell stick to go home again PLEEEZE :o

    Agree to everything you've said here, just one small thing....for the love of God can you please change your avatar pic cos its the scariest thing Ive ever seen....

  6. I had a bunch of points (about 3000 I think) from offline gaming, mainly Double Agent, Oblivion and R6 but when I joined live I couldnt figure out the sign up and ended up using my email (davejones76) as my gamertag so cant have all my points online...b*gger.

    All I play at the mo is Call of Duty 3 which is awesome, cant play R6 cos I get huge lag....just got Halo 2 but cant seem to be able to get online, something about not having the maps (can anyone help with that?).


  7. I know Chris Wright who does the 'Chris Delivery' English show on channel 5 on Friday nights, and I was once very briefly on Thai MTV :o

    Who wants to touch me?

  8. Hi,

    Does anybody know which websites are popular with Thai people? I'm talking about local sites here that cater for a wide audience.

    The aim is to find one for a language school to advertise on. I've already visited sanook but I think that is so popular that it might be expensive.

    If anyone has an idea about rates (or ball park) area that would be helpful too.


  9. My friend's getting married next month and he's been looking into renting some suits for 6 guys.

    He went to a wedding shop on Ramkamhaeng Road and they said they wanted 4,500 baht PER suit for ONE day!!! Not only that when they pulled them out they looked terrible! Surely this isnt the going rate for renting a suit here? Im pretty sure you can buy adecent suit at around 5k....

    So, who has experience with renting suits here?

  10. Ok guys thanks for all the replies.

    I knew this would be a touchy topic but I just put it up here to see if there was some sort of middle ground that could be reached which wouldnt end up with him in jail.

    As we've seen he's now a member of this forum and can act on the information/advice he has received.



  11. Yeah like I said before this guy just wanted to teach and unfortunately didnt have the shiny white piece of paper. He always taught at Gov. schools so Im not too sure about parents paying millions of baht for him to 'falsely' teach their children. Getting fake degrees is wrong, but going to jail for it? I think that's a bit extreme...

  12. I am not a troll and this is really happening. Ive known about it a while and thought Id do something about it.

    I dont know 100% of the details but Im pretty sure its not a wind up or his ex employer screwing him because he was on good terms with that employer. I think he changed his residence as soon as he heard about the warrant.

    I have been told he will get 3 months in jail for each fake degree, so thats 9 months in total. He's a normal bloke who always put a lot of effort into his work but never had a degree and couldnt afford to go back to the UK and do one.

    Now he just wants to leave (paying a fine if he has to) and go back home.

    Im not getting into the 'people with fake degrees are criminals' thing cos its been done to death on this forum but I will say that I know several 'qualified' teachers who couldnt care less about their jobs and basically only do it to stay in Thailand.

    Also Im currently doing a degree here and its ###### hard work and I have zero ill feelings towards him on the matter...

    So if anyone has any ideas...(Im thinking of putting him in touch with his embassy)

  13. How did he find out about the warrant?

    Surely if the authoroties knew he was working illegally they would have come and arrested him at the place he was working.

    could there be something else you don't know about?


    He went into his employers office one day (I think it was some agency for english teachers) and they told him that the police had been in asking about him with a warrant...

  14. Hi there

    I have a friend who has been teaching English in Thailand quite a few years now and he's kinda srewed up....big time.

    Basically he got a fake degree, actually he got 3 (not too sure why or how but I think he got a new one everytime he changed job). Anyway he found out a few months ago that there is a warrant for his arrest at the airport so he quit working and is now 'laying low' so to speak, but he has now overstayed 3 months.

    He now wants to fly out of Thailand and go back home but hes scared of getting arrested and thrown in jail.

    Is there any chance he can pay a fine and leave?

    Im talking about a decent bloke here, he only got the fake degrees so that he could work, he's no scumbag criminal, drug addict or anything like that and he's in a bad way.

    If anyone has any ideas (such as a good lawyer who might help) then please respond, but please dont leave any of those "he deserves to go to jail, screw him" type comments.

    Thanks in advance


  15. Hi there,

    Im currently doing a project for my Digital Business Enterprise class at uni.

    The topic Ive chosen is Web Hosting Management. In this project I will be covering how it works, why people use it, the technology that's used, benefits and ROI.

    But my lecturer has requested that I need to put in something about BEFORE web hosting was used. I dont see how that is possible as surely it has existed since the internet began?

    Could anyone help me with this?



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