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Everything posted by transam

  1. Is it OK for an idiot to call others idiots, hmmmm.........? 🤔
  2. 46% of British Muslim support Hamas, hmmmm, whodathought.....🤭 I also read that the Muslim Taliban are going to start stoning their women for looking the wrong way, is that incorporated in their book too.....? 🤔
  3. I don't think so, how come baked beans are usually incorporated in a full English breakfast.....?
  4. Well there we have it, completely off-topic but reveals your true agenda... Well done chap.......
  5. Oh dear, not recent, so it never happened.........😂 How about 2019 then...........😂 https://news.sky.com/story/how-the-london-bridge-terror-attack-unfolded-11874155 How about the ongoing Secret Service stuff thwarting Muslim terrorist stuff that we hear nothing about that happens.... I watched a vid last night, an ex. SAS member talking about stuff, he said that Islamic terrorist stuff is ongoing in the UK, it's out there....
  6. No, this one.......7/7 2005, read it..... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_July_2005_London_bombings
  7. Ooooooh, they forget all that, its a fantasy, no killings in the UK by Muslims...........😂......
  8. Never read the Sun, but I do know about the Muslim terrorists that killed Londoners in London, also a bus full of Londoners was blown up, did you forget...? 🙄
  9. Yes, in London, time to catch up, even a bus was blown up killing many in London......
  10. So why are they killing the innocent NOW....The latest, Russia....
  11. So why have Muslims killed British folk on British soil, for fun, or their Book...?
  12. Twist it, won't you...........😂 Does the book they follow say kill all non-believers, as the UK or GB is a Christian based country, do they just cross that bit out, or is it kept under wraps..?..🤗
  13. Are you saying it doesn't say death to non-believers..?
  14. But, I believe the book they go by wants real Brits put down.........
  15. Add a little chilli powder and a touch of HP sauce, I also cut up a tomato into small pieces, stir it all up, microwave, I like it.....🤗
  16. From a newbie, or born again member, I don't think so.............😂
  17. No, I am not interested in hospital runners.......🤗
  18. I buy the ones with the blue band saying British Recipe, mind you, I put a little chili powder in, and always a dash of HP sauce..🤗
  19. I am not interested in your hospital runners, show me anything where a farangy has had a problem after using an agent to get an extension, because, although I don't go looking for it, and have never heard of one......😉
  20. No idea, but friends with no problems for well over a decade, with no probs, how do you account for that.....? Agents even advertise on the Net, have shops, have done so for ever, why haven't they been shut down...?
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