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Posts posted by phazey

  1. If you have a old phat xbox and can take the drive out . I can do it for u . For a reasonable price

    And you can't just swap drives, there are 4 models, and you have to retain the PCB from your old drive and swap that - it's key locked to the motherboard hardware.

  2. Well there seems to be a lot of information here, if it's useful or not i'll leave that up to the OP - But my further thoughts.

    If it's backup or business continuity - consider "crash plan" - google it (SORRY! I MEANT EVIL EMPIRE IT!!)

    Gmail can be accessed via IMAP, so Gmail4business -> Outlook local client may be doable, and ease of use for local staff may be better - if that's how they've been prior educated...

    A RAID5 NAS may be nice, and sound wonderful in over the bar chats, but seriously, having a SPOF at your office is a bad idea, most companies (including google, dropbox, box etc) use RAID n+1, or indeed RAID++ (forget what it;s called, part of OpenStack, but it's basically uncrashable unless there's a very serious asteroid incident)...

    You may be concerned about having your private data in the cloud, so consider encrypting it first - I can offer advice on this, as can many of my peers on this forum.

    There's an *awful* lot you can do for free - but please if you're running a money making business, have a small IT budget - 20k for the machinery you explained in your OP must be a hell of an SLA.

    I think above all, you will be depending on your stable, reliable, dependable Internet connection.........

  3. Yes of course, in a I-Mobile IQ9, I had my Thai 3GX sim for local, and my EE UK sim for roaming just in case i got a call from Blighty. No issues.

    You choose functions like "Use Data - Click 3GX or EE" - Make Call - Use 3GX or EE" - of course you can set this up so it knows what does what, i've had no issues..

  4. First, boot up in CMOS Setup (F2 ??) and check the clock time to verify that the cmos battery is OK.

    Did the machine come with Windows installes (install-key sticker on bottom) or was a retail version installed? If retail, do you still have the DVD?

    You're confusing CMOS (Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) with BIOS (Basic Input/Output System).

    CMOS is used to store basic settings about your computer, configured via the BIOS, and retained by battery.

  5. Just took delivery of a Teclast X98 Air II 3G Dual Boot.

    It's fantastic, runs Android 4.4.4 or Windows 8.1, lovely IPs screen, 2GB running memory, 32GB internal storage, with MMC SD and Sim card slots.

    9.7" screen, similar shape to iPad air. Slightly lighter than an iPad 4. reported 8 hours battery....

    Cost me £160.00 UKP - Highly recommended.

    • Like 1
  6. I think if you can save 7,000 baht on a Surface Pro from Malaysia then do it. But how much does it cost to travel, stay in a hotel and then return to Thailand? I'm not saying that cost is not worth it. It would be a great excuse to go to Malaysia but you might use up your expected savings on your travel expenses.

    I love the specs of the Surface Pro 3. If I had the money I would buy one too. I also understand how you feel about waiting for the Surface Pro 4. When i was looking for a tablet I had sights set on the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition. I had to wait for months before it came to Thailand. I'm definitely happy with my choice but would love to be able to by a Surface Pro 3 or 4.

    He is going anyway... so he's saving money! It would not be saving money if he would go to Malaysia just for the computer. I did this two years ago when I had to be in Butterworth for a Thai visum. Buying my Canonprinter there saved me about 8000 Baht...

    The Galaxy Note 10.1 is an outstanding tablet. If I was looking for an Android tablet, this would be my number one choice as well. But the past weeks I'm doing a research on the internet for Windows tablets and there are some Chinese products which cost half as much and can run Android and Windows 8.1! My favourite so far: The Teclast X98 air ii, runs both systems, costs around 7000 Baht! Look for it on Youtube, you will be amazed. Of course, Surface 3 is a high quality product... but for what I want to do with my tablet, this one will do...

    Re the Teclast - it sounds just too good to be true! But I could not tell from the youtubes whether it can run both Android AND Windows (not at the same time, of course). Can it run both systems? If so, it's just what I need!

    Re buying in Malaysia, I have often bought hardware in KL at the Low Fat place (or whatever) at Bukit Bintang. Never had problems. Advantages for farang are 1. no Thai keyboards and 2. decent English spoken. International warranties, lower prices (Singapore used to be good but the exchange rate has priced it out of competition). Tip: just in case of Thai customs, post the paperwork and any manual back to your Thai address. However, in all my time here, I have never, ever been stopped or questioned at Don Mueang or Swampi.

    Thanks for the Teclast heads up - I'm buying one.

    Main reason is that it CAN dual boot Android and Windows 8.1, which means at least, I can attempt to also Hackintosh it :)

  7. Looks like a nifty little box.

    After a quick google, i found these interesting quotes;

    Android firmware can be installed if you wish, ask us for details

    These boxes are pre setup with the optimised XstreamTec Linux based XBMC version 12.3! Meaning these are XBMC ONLY. This is the best solution if you are looking to use XBMC. Android firmware can be installed instead if you wish, just ask us for details.

    [email protected]

  8. What's the box make and model ?

    I ask because there's possibily two methods. If it's an intel x86 cpu, you can probably get away with androidX86 - there's downloadable live boot iso's out there.

    If it's arm, you may also be in luck. I know of one android 4.4 image floating about, i'm also expecting there are a few howtos out there telling you how to put Android on it.

  9. I don't want to throw the cat amongst the fish here, BUT.

    Multiple AV and Malware missed this. (This is not right).

    Multiple ISP's involved...

    Multiple Operating systems being used...

    I personally know how one of the products operate above, and something like this does not get missed or bypassed. This is what peaked my ears.

    Two things concern me a little.

    1) default username and passwords on DSL devices - Maybe there's a script that can scan, log in and change settings silently for DNS ?

    (upreading has now dismissed this...sorry)

    The more worrying one... and this DOES worry me....

    2) With the new "Internet controls" that have been placed within the last few months. I don't know i'm throwing kittens at fans here, if they were compromised then that would be bad - That or one compromised user has cached something that everyone now gets served.

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