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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. Geeze .... 2 times I say I was wrong ...make this one moore time ...

    I'll give your claims above all the belief that I think they warrant :o Probably a similar amount of credence I give to your other claims that you backpedalled on, rationalised or just made up :D

    I mean we all make mistakes :D ... but hey :D Me making a mistake about ranks makes sense ! when I do I admit it instead of rationalizing, justifying and changing subjects :D It would be like if the had an Army Admiral here as soon as I thought Admiral I'd type Navy :D

    Again ... this thread is probably due to close soon :-)

    (mods if I was TOO bitchy ... feel free to delete this <I think I was just borderlibe bitchy! :D

  2. LOL ... You very well Might have been there. Guess you should have written it up! Then there'd be a record of your 'facts'. Sadly ... none of that is what the press reported. Nor was it shown on TV.

    So ... arguing the 'facts' would be difficult ... in a courtroom it would be "Objection; Hearsay, facts not in evidence" followed shortly by "sustained"

    Having spent time at Pathom Asoke I have personal observations of members of Santi Asoke ... included amongst them would be "strong willed and rigid" but I would not use the word fanatic about the folks I spend a week with nor would I characterise anyone else that way without personally knowing them well. <though I would call the 2 farang I met there "Odd">

    After carefully re-reading the article <in evidence> I see note of 100 protesters that try to force the police line after obviously hearing the General <police> say not to take action against them. I do not see the 2 PAD leaders got through with their bodyguards and none of the rest of the 100 ... in fact I don't see where it says anyone got through.

    But I do feel properly spanked that any article existed ... and that I made a mistake regarding Army vs. Police General (General is not a normal police rank where I am from)

    So ... have your last words .... then the mods can probably close this thread since the time frame has passed <Demos and rallies leading up to the election>

  3. (the "rudest form of adress <sic>"... under some social situations) <<not that the song was not intended to be the rudest thing I have heard in the form of Thai music :o >>

    but since Square face is not a common insult all over the world and the name has been reported in many places .... the point Bulmurche was making is valid

  4. Ok Doom ... you're an idiot! <don't really think that ... just trying to make you happy> :o

    There's not enough Boxing ... (the real stuff) .... and very little US sports ....

    and geeze ... the Olympics weren't shown .....

    or the Commonwealth games ....

    and I do miss getting the Sopranos and Showtime ....

    but honestly other than the price (which is high for Thailand ... and High compared to what I got in the States (but not crazy high)

    it's the Customer service that sucks ...

  5. ...Dirty politician always hit their opponent pocket until they bleeds. :o

    And you are classifying Sondi as.......what? A clean politician?

    You don't know very much about any of these people do you, son?

    He is not a politician yet, but a critic that exposed the corrupts. You don't seem to know much.

    Are you this naive about everything, son, or are just really desperate to be perceived as a politically correct foreigner?

    Your Mr. Sondi was one of the biggest and most notorious beneficiaries of the Prime Minister's own original brand of crony capitalism. When he proved too dumb to take advantage of even the unfair advantages he had been given by the PM, he abandoned his bankrupt media company, took a huge number of people down with him and, like so many other Thai screw-ups, fled the country.

    Now he comes back, reinvented as a self-declared saint, and people like you, who know nothing of the history here, treat him like he was a Thai Martin Luther King. Good Lord. How naive.

    Right ... whatever ... he may or may not have benefitted from his friendship with Thaksin .... or may or may not have been forced out ...

    but he still aint a politician ... so one guy's naive and another can't read?

  6. ok I was wrong on 1 of 3 points .......

    The first one. The article existed

    The second point ... If they felt there was risk ... ... They must have heard the General tell the Army NOT TO CONFRONT THE PAD ... they knew the Army would back down ... unwise (imho) but apparently they didn't think there was risk.

    the third ... seems like Chamlong is courageous to me ... a man of decent convictions a strong sense of moral certitude etc. since he was ultimately proven right (in this one instance) and probably reigned in by others (probably a good thing) I don't see that he Provoked anything or risked much.

    But I am proud of yuou for finding the srticle ... I conceed I was wrong on one point!

  7. Army Commander-in-Chief Sonthi Boonyaratglin (สนธิ บุญยรัตกลิน) stated that the army will only accept the Prime Minister or the government that have been elected according to the democratic regime.

    Now, that is the second clear meassage about the PAD's demand of a Royaly appointed interim Prime Minister.

    Yesterday's message of General Sarayud from the Privy Council stating that the palace is refusing to be drawn into politics, and now Army Commander-in-Chief Sonthi.

    If the PAD does not cease demonstrating, or adapt their demands, i do see them isolating themselves even from the quarters they have hoped will come to their aid.

    I thnk it should be clear now to anyone that it is high time to get the mobs off the streets, and start negotiations towards a compromise, or else...

    LOL ... the Anti-PAD rhetoric begins again ... last week it was there will be a backlash in BKK .... etc ...

  8. Sondhi delayed his return; men in brown are waiting anxiously at the airport to welcome Mr.Sondhi. The CEO of this country has prepared the script and with the help of his cronies, they have decided to lay charges against Mr. Sondhi for his rally speeches concerning the lese majeste. Mr. Sondhi had a hard time sitting in his office, where the hired motorcycle-taxi driver with the support of TRT has been hauling abused and threatening him. The strategies of the TRT are to pulls the root causes and corner him without giving him a breath.

    Dirty politician always hit their opponent pocket until they bleeds. :o

    hmmm He got in safely .... don't blame the guy for taking a break outside of the country ... if things had gotten ugly at the polling stations MrT could have tried to blame Sondi ....

    but the guy does take short hops out of the country often ... and good for him ... when you can't go anywhere in the country to relax without being in the media ...

  9. While on the surface the BKK results appear to be bad news for TRT, as currently only 8 (1,2,14,15,24,25,34,36) of the 36 TRT candidates secured 50% of the vote, I can not find a single TRT candidate that was not able to secure at least 20% of the vote in BKK. So it looks like technically they all would be awarded the seats?

    Now will the TRT be willing to accept the seats where no votes had more than TRT votes?


    Will they view the large number of “no vote” votes as something that really needs to be delt with and be willing to discuss Mr. Thaksin leaving?

    Should be interesting to hear what the TRT have to say in this evening’s press conference.

    A no vote is not a wasted vote here ... gotta win and have more than 20% of the electorate from that constituency

  10. Now ... while our vehemently Anti PAD and Anti Boycott people are asleep off in N.A. -----------

    Thaksin really WILL have to think about this ... and so will the rest of the country ....

    These "No Votes" were not votes for PAD ... they were not votes for the Demos or the rest of the boycotting opposition ...... <yes opposition> ...

    They were votes AGAINST Thaksin. (Or possibly votes against his one-party rule for the last year)

    Another point that was proven ..... the PAD Rallies (not the opposition) in BKK did NOT piss off the electorate in Bangkok and probably DID influence a large number of people upcountry!

    Hear Hear!

  11. i thought things have been pretty appropriate recently JaiDee ... am I missing something?

    friends in Nakhon Nayok are pretty pleased with the turnout there ... strangely no issue at all with my friends voting "no vote" and many of their friends vting TRT ... they seem to have gotten this as a philosophical thing this time

  12. again .. Shin isn't the only reason this has happened ... People were rallying against Thaksin before the Shin sale ... and I love your justification for murder ... so suppose your child was involved in that Biz .. just kill him? Or better yet ... suppose your child was just THOUGHT to be involved in the drug trade ... OK to kill him?

    This isn't about other places ... this is about Thailand

  13. He still will win in a landslide, and the PAD are still laughable. You hardly need 50% to still be considered a landslide. But I did think it was stupid of him to make that 50% promise.


    "you hardly need 50% to still be considered a landslide? HUH No ... you don't ... you need 50% plus 1 vote to "Win" .... a landslide takes alot more .... and less well ... it is called losing

    A landslide is beating the other parties by a lot, and that TRT has easily done.

    again ... huh? there ARE NO OTHER parties here .... winning so many seats that you cannot be censured is a landslide ... 50% +1 vote is a win ... Losing most of the constituencies in places that voted for you 1 year before is an embarassment. If Thaksin thought he won again by a landslide he'd be crowing from the rafters now ... instead ... last night he snuck out without even personally cancelling a press-conference he called

  14. wow Mouse ... you are amazing! First the comment Re keeping your political opinions to yourself and then vomiting them all over us ...

    Then an apparent condoning of extra-judicial murders ... (those that were murdered without a trial were the children of someone else too.) But hey .. as long as you are OK with a government having the power to kill whomever they please with no court system etc ... more power to you .... then again ... who were killed? the slow cockroaches? What did their killings accomplish? A power vacuum in the drug trade that was rapidly filled. Who benefitted financially? Are there less drugs or more available on the street now?

    A man that could order the extra-judicial murder of up to 2600 people could easily justify the same of opponents if he thought they were a danger to society couldn't he? What about the people that just protest abuses or maybe red-heads?

    sometimes it would be wiser to metaphorically take the slow mice out of the gene-pool! ((Always makes me sad to see people condone murder)

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