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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. Can someone clarify something for me? Seeing a lot of talk about 20% needed to actually win the seat - is that 20% of the people who voted, or 20% of the people eligible to vote? Seems to be big gaps in what I can make out - i.e lots of people dont appear to have voted, unless they have not counted all the ballot papers and release some figures partially through a count which seems somewhat pointless.

    Many thanks

    to win unopposed it is 20% of ALL eligible Voters from that constituency .... which is why there were accusations that TRT paid minor parties to run .... in constituencies that have 2 or more candidates you only have to win by one vote ... and 20% don't have to vote

    I think Orion is correct --plus

  2. The Petchaburi result is interesting although if I remember correctly the Dems won 2 of the 3 seats there last time around. However, TRT will probably not be liking such an overwhelming no.

    Thanks for saving me arse. :o

    But yes, TRT will not like anyone not voting for them, no news in that. And what i fear is that this attitude paired with a most probable large election win will make things rather interesting in the future. The PAD should have negotiated when there was still time.

    But who knows, there might be enough "No" votes.

    Well, my opera suggestion might be more realistic...

    Confusing PAD with the Demos again I see ..... Since the PAD's ONLY interest officially is seeing Thaksin gone ... what is there to Negotiate?

    As for the Demos ... apparently they knew (or strongly believed) that Parlaiment would not be able to be convened if the elections were boycotted by them ...

  3. If you do this, it is no longer civil disobedience - it is economic terrorism.

    Apparently you have not seen the news out of the USA over immigration rights etc for Mexicans ..... nor do you have the slightest clue about the definition of "civil disobedience". Not to mention that the actions taken by PAD so far have NOT been civil disobedience and instead just exercises in the right to free association and to protest.

    civil disobedience


    Refusal to obey civil laws in an effort to induce change in governmental policy or legislation, characterized by the use of passive resistance or other nonviolent means.

    The definition is vague. Isn't there any law here similar to "disturbing the peace"? The PAD camping out in front of Siam Paragon comes awfully close to fitting the above definition and perhaps disturbing the peace or some other similar law. That gathering was wisely discontinued after only about one day(?), maybe for that reason.

    Bryan ... look above for the definition .... "refusal to obey civil laws to induce ...."

    not vague at all ... civil disobedience IS breaking laws .... peaceful protest is only civil disobedience after being given a Lawful order to disperse

  4. What HBO releases for Asia is not the same as what is released for N.A.

    I suspect that entertainment providers offer variously priced packages and that UBC, while charging us top fees, are giving us the lowest priced trash. When it comes to series it has been my observation that when a show gets really popular the price goes up and you will no longer see it here.

    There is also so much really ancient stuff on several channels. Entertainment Tonight stills talks about the upcoming Michael Jackson trial and even when they run old classics like Star Trek Next Generation, the shows are the least popular ones rather than the complete series.

    UBC is junk and I am surprised more people don't remark about it.

    We all kind of despise UBC ... just the HBO thing isn't the reason ....

  5. Take a trip round the residential areas of the eastern seaboard, ayuthaya or eastern bangkok that cater for these people. Ask people where they come from and what they do. You will find there has been an up country influx. Certainly more than a negligible minority. Look at the ages of the people. ask if they want to go back to be farmers. It is an eye opener.

    Now as to who attends rallies. I do not go but my wife has gone to all thbig days on her own. She gets to talk to many people. Some she has met are Bangkok middle class, but there ae more who are not and there are many from scattered provinces from small villages. These are obviously not an up country majority but they are vehemantly anti-Thaksin and are well into the song. When they go back home why wouldnt some CDs or ring tones go with them? Oh and by the way this group apparently is the rudest in its description of the PM not just sticking to "ai" and "ee" but dragging up far worse descriptors.

    Personally I think that to use a stereotypical generalization of up country Thai folk is wrong. They are a lot more complicated than that.

    Well, take a trip around the adjoining slums, dormitories, lowest cost overcrowded apartment buildings and similar estates, look how many people live in absolutely cramped conditions, and tell me again who is in the numerical majority - the guys with the diplomas, or the simple shift worker?

    These villagers you talk about in the rallies are mostly oranised by allied NGOs, and yes, they are as vehemently anti Thaksin as the Caravan of the Poor are vehemently pro Thaksin.

    The last thing i would want to see though is those two groups of opposing villagers meeting each other, as there would be many dead on both sides. I have seen people of those backgrounds kill each other here for far less insults.

    Additionally, i dare say that compared to the majority of villagers from the north and north east the PAD supporters under the rural poor are a tiny minority. I may reconsider my statement if today's elections show a different result in those areas. This should be rather easy to judge according to voter turn out (compared to the last elections) and percentage of "No" votes.

    oi :o


    Thaksin hints at crackdown - The Bangkok Post -

    Prime Minister Thaksin voted on Sunday and then dropped a strong hint that he has seen just about enough mass protests.

    He showed up with his three children, and all cast their votes. His wife, Khunying Potjaman, votes in a separate constituency, and also voted on Sunday morning - ironically at the same polling station, and almost at the same time as opposition leader Maj-Gen Chamlong Srimuang.

    A main organiser of the People's Alliance for Demcoracy protests, Sondhi Limthongkul, returned from China (see separate story). He told an interviewer for CNN last week that he did not intend to vote, and apparently did not.

    That would make him ineligible for all political offices and many duties in the event he and PAD achieve their goal of forcing Mr Thaksin out of office.

    But the prime minister, who started his career as a police officer, hinted Sunday that in the post-election period he might be less tolerant of civil disobedience and street protests..

    "It's time to bring law and order," Mr Thaksin said to journalists before speeding away from the Bang Plad polling station.

    PAD is scheduled to resume public protests on Wednesday in Hat Yai, and then in Bangkok on Friday evening at the Makhawan Bridge, scene of a lengthy street gathering last month. (BP, from agency reports)


    The iron fist emerges from the "velvet glove".

    The exact same thing would happen in the U.S. since they went past civil disobedience and broke the law. They are very close to becoming terrorists, blackmailing the general public to cave in to their demands.

    There is no way any protestors would ever be allowed to shut down a heart of the business district, such as New York for example, for several days when there are many other alternatives available.

    If you do this, it is no longer civil disobedience - it is economic terrorism.

    Apparently you have not seen the news out of the USA over immigration rights etc for Mexicans ..... nor do you have the slightest clue about the definition of "civil disobedience". Not to mention that the actions taken by PAD so far have NOT been civil disobedience and instead just exercises in the right to free association and to protest.

    civil disobedience


    Refusal to obey civil laws in an effort to induce change in governmental policy or legislation, characterized by the use of passive resistance or other nonviolent means.

  7. The people that see Farang that LIVE here as having No role and No Bearing on the election ... really shouldn't comment at all ... as it would be a moot point huh? <not telling people not to comment here ... just if they think we have no role or affect ... then why bother?>

    But then again ... My "upcountry" extended family ... who all voted TRT the last 2 general elections .... voted no Vote this time as well ... there's a few more votes that Thaksin lost .... (I had directt influence on only one ... and never suggested how to vote ... just discussed democracy--- and have no idea what me being in his life had to do with his decision)

  8. This will be the cleanest election in the history of Thailand.

    With millions of people watching for any evidence of fraud, no one would dare try anything.

    Have you seen the press for the last 3 months? Seen allegations of vote buying (directly .. not just the populist indirect vote-buying of only one side!)

    Have you even been here? Of course silliness will happen today ... just hopefully it will be peaceful and less direct than it has been in the past!

  9. "i'm a us citizen and would like to open a bank account and safety deposit box with a thai bank but reside in the us and won't have a thai residence address.plan to visit thailand once or twice a year but live in the us for now.can i open an account and have a safety deposit box in thailand with a us residence and how would i receive any statements,notifications,etc.?also same question for singapore banks if anyone has accounts in singapore but no residence there."

    Wow ... things change fast for you in a month .... If you aren't moving here for a few years you have plenty of time to loook around ... You might think about the Travel Thailand forum OR the NKK forum for this post

  10. hmmm have you been to Thailand yet?

    Actually I think there is an answer to this post ... the farang you assume are with hookers ... just don't give a big hairy rat's ass what people think of you.

    If they are with hookers they know it ... they are probably on vacation ... or the oddish sex-pat that just doesn't get Thailand or gets it but thinks ... this is my life .. or my retirement ... wheee have fun!

    And frankly I don't care about what Thai's assume about me as long as they remain polite.

    I also don't care if guys come here just to get laid and take their companions around with them everywhere :-)

    There have only been 2 times in the past 2+ years that someone has reacted negatively to me and my partner ... one time it was a Thai couple in Hua Hin .... gave them our business cards ... (politely embarassed the hel_l outta them)

    The other time it was 2 aussie guys ... the partner handled them :-)

  11. Obvious answer is run/off elections until they do have enough seats. :o

    Brit ... can you explain this to the rest of us? Run-off/By-elections must take place in what 30 days? Do they have to have the same contestors for the same seats by law? How long will it take for TRT to fill seats that are non-contested in the South ... or even some constutuencies in BKK? How long will the population accept NOT having a real government and just sit with a caretaker government?

    So ... election in May ... then June ... then July .... maybe after 3 more months he can get those seats from wearing people down ... (not likely but maybe) ... I would think that the population would not be OK with 1 person's ego sullying the King's 60th anniversary in office ......

    but Brit ... please explain your thoughts ...

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