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Posts posted by Wentworth

  1. I've decided which notebook to buy and want to install LInux Mint. I tried to search for Hardware Reviews and also any possible problems that may arise with installing LInux, especially Mint if possible. A Google search only seems to return general spec details and suppliers. It's no problem if the hardware is intended for the US or European markets, but I can't find anything on hardware for Asian markets. The Linux MInt website does have a section for people reporting issues but mostly US/European models.

    I'm not sure if the Asian models differ solely in say keyboard layouts but wondering if I could find out a comparable US/European equivalent. If I could get that then perhaps I could then search for any issues with Linux.

  2. I'm a Newbie to Linux and tried to download Mint 10 as a dual boot with XP on my 5 year old notebook

    I posted an installation problem on the Linux Mint site. I got as far as entering my username and password registration details and then everything just froze. I ended up having to literally unplug the machine. I thought I had lost everything, including my XP O/S but it seems that the MBR(Master Boot Record) was corrupted (suggested by a Mint user). It couldn't be fixed and so had to have XP reinstalled. I also had trouble trying to find the right keyboard from the Mint supported list.

    I'm on the lookout for a new notebook. It would be great if I could get one without an OS and just load Mint on its own. However, it seems that most makes from reputable sellers come with Windows 7. In the last ice age when I bought my last notebook, I think I had to make my own recovery disk as none were supplied. If anyone has bought a new machine recently, please let me know what is either supplied or default for recovery disks. If my new machine comes with Windows 7 I do intend to install Mint 10 as a dual boot and don't want to have the same problems as before.

  3. My 'almost 5 year old' notebook is grunting that it wants to keel over and die.

    I'm on the lookout for another notebook and not really up to date with the various specs. I'm just trying to start seeing what sort of thing I should be looking out for eg RAM and hard drive etc.

    I'm the Average Joe, in as much that I do most of my stuff on the net. I have a 250Gb external hard drive, which I use for backups. If it makes any difference I'm not that concerned about the printing aspect. I have an old all in one Printer that I occasionally scan things with; I generally use a copy shop for any printing as it's not economic to use my printer.

    My feeling is that I wil probably look to replace my notebook say every 2 to 3 years. I figure in this way that I can get something fairly up to date but without paying an arm and a leg for it. I'm planning to do the rounds of the various places and so don't have a real budget in mind - I just don't want to be paying 50k+.

  4. I'm the Average Joe when it comes to computers. 3 or so years ago I installed Ubuntu but got into all sorts of problems and had to get rid and use XP again. I quite liked Ubuntu but despite it being held up as the best distro for non techies, I found I didn't have confidence that certain things would work eg printers.

    My notebook is over 4 years old and I'm expecting it to die fairly soon. I begrudgingly use Windows products as I feel I don't really have a choice. I want to use something else apart from Apple but not sure and would like to start to learn a few geeky things. My ears pricked up when I heard about Google Chrome OS, but they say it's aimed at Netbooks and the roll out seems to be some way off, but not 100% sure of it.

    I hear that Linux Mint is getting rave reviews and apparently it seems to have all the compatibility that Ubuntu doesn't. I just want it to work using things like Memory Sticks, and other plug ins like Ipods What I'm thinking is that I could use Mint alongside XP until I'm confident enough to go solo. I like the Open Source Philosophy and come the glorious day I buy a new machine, I want a kosher OS and would really like to avoid paying the earth for Windows.

    I have a 250Gb external hard drive - would I be best downloading Mint onto it or perhaps a Memory Stick. I'm thinking that if all goes well then I would migrate slowly ie First - Memory Stick/External Hard Drive, Second - Partition Disk and then when reasonably confident use only Mint.

    I'd be grateful for views on Mint - as a matter of interest, if I was using an external hard drive or memory stick to run it and stayed that way for months, would there be any problems with periodic updates?

  5. I mainly use Google Chrome as my browser. This morning I logged onto a secure page and all was fine. Then suddenly the page shrunk to about 25% of its usual size. I reloaded and tried a new window but still the same. None of the other web pages has been affected. I tried said offending page on Firefox and it's alright. I don't have IE, so haven't tried it. Have I done something wrong and if so what is the remedy?

  6. Now, don't bombard me with hate mail as I'm trying to get an objective view in terms of who should pay for tertiary education in the UK.

    I'm led to believe that it's becoming mandatory for young people to do something till they are at least 18 ie academic or vocational training. I don't believe it's mandatory that the government pay for tertiary education; people have just come to accept that it does pay.

    In terms of government funds to pay for education, does it mean that it should pay for all education, despite people's situation or age? I say the following as a statement of fact, not to win sympathy: I was forced to leave school at 16 and find work as my parents would not support me even to 'A Levels'. I had to find work, it was just not possible for me to study. In later life I found that I wanted to study to degree level and possibly further but was offered no help whatsoever, as I was employed and therefore I classify myself as being means tested.

    I don't really know if the students of today should get free education or what contribution they should make; but I find it hard to accept that I had to work, at a lower skill and pay level because of my situation and yet if I want to go for the same degree as a young person today, then I'd be expected to pay for all of it.

    Please put me right about any misunderstandings I may have.

  7. Immigration have extended the date that I need to go back to get the actual visa stamp. From speaking to others it's usually because they're busy or something. I've heard of someone having to wait an additional 3 months. Though I'm not desperate for cash at the moment, it did get me thinking about when I can actually spend said money. I'm fortunate enough to be able to only transfer money once a year, saves on charges etc. I could do a transfer if it got to desperation but not happy. So, what's the official position on when I can get access to the money without if causing problems for my visa extension?

  8. I live in the north but nowhere near any of the bigger cities that have Thai courses. I have a Thai teacher who's helping me using my very basic books and of course some like 'Teach yourself Thai' by David Smyth. The teacher is a retired English teacher and hasn't taught beginner level before. She was recommended to me by a friend and so far she's teaching me well. The only thing is that I can't seem to get hold of a proper set of course books.

    I previously asked about AUA but I'm told that the teaching style and books aren't aimed at one on one teaching. They changed the teaching style some years ago and I get the impression that the old books are probably not that great. I heard that Chiang Mai YMCA hold courses, but I've had no response to enquiries. I would be grateful if someone could recommend a language school that I could approach that would sell me a copy of their course books.

  9. I keep hearing all sorts of information about what you pay import tax on. Is there an official list, hopefully in English that will tell me what you have to pay import tax on and how much?

  10. I've tried to set up a podcast subscription for my new Ipod Touch but doing something wrong.

    At first I just got a list in my Itunes-Podcast folder. I then only downloaded the particular episodes I wanted for the moment. Sometimes I would like to update the complete list of available episodes but not necessarily download anything. The reason I say that is because eg total episodes of a learning programme is 100, broken down into different sections. If they add something new, say No 32a then I want to see what the new episodes are before I decided what to actually download. When I go to update the list it automatically downloads the latest episode.

    Also, is it possible to make a playlist of MP4 files or is it just for music?

  11. The Kindle, especially the new one seems to be really good. I know it doesn't have colour but wondering if you've used it for magazines, is it practical? By that I mean is it alright to move from article to article easy enough. I have a smartphone and it's alright to use the net when I'm out and about and for something fairly quickly, but not for serious surfing; do you feel the same about reading magazines? I really want to wait until a colour reader is available for magazines. I don't want to buy a tablet as I don't need one, an e-reader is all I want, plus I'm told that you get eyestrain with reading books etc on an Ipad.

  12. I don't live close enough to cities that use the AUA teaching methods. I have a Thai teacher and heard that the AUA course books are good. I'm a 'lapsed Beginner' and have fairly basic books. I haven't seen the AUA course books but wondering if they would be any good for just a One-to-One basis with my teacher? If so, then I'd be interested to know how many books AUA have available - and would I be able to buy a set.

  13. I bought an Ipod Touch and I copied songs from my CDs to it via Itunes. I didn't realise it at the time but Itunes seems to have encoded the songs in AAC instead of MP3 by default. I'm told that AAC has better sound quality and takes up less space, but I'm not sure if that's just Apple Propaganda. I did some quick research and the techies seem to be talking about bit rates etc, which I don't understand. Could someone give me a layman's explanation?

  14. The last time I showed proof of my 400,000 in the bank for my Married Extension, it was with the standard savings account bank book. They insisted on seeing the actual bank book and having copies of literally every page, even though I've had this particular book for over 3 years. I guess it's because the account number isn't on every page, though it has part of the actual book number in dots on every page. I'm changing over to E-Banking and as far as I can see I can pretty much get statements for any dates I want; well at least a year anyway.

    Has anyone shown printed statements from internet banking and had them accepted at Immigration?

  15. I'm coming to the end of my first year on a Married Visa, the expiry date is 14 Nov 2010. I thought that I was supposed to submit my application up to a month prior. So, I went today and am a bit confused. After the usual run around factor I was told everything was alright. They gave me the "Application is under consideration stamp' with the date I should go back as 14 December 2010, followed by today's stamp. I tried to ask if the date was correct as I was expecting to have to go back on 14 Nov 2010, but they assured me it was correct.

    As I've got the 'Under consideration' stamp I guess I'm alright but haven't they got their dates mixed up, or have I?

  16. They allow you to try 6 lessons for free. It seems to cover everything in terms of speaking, reading, writing and listening. I like the idea as it can stored on my Ipod Touch and carry around, thus avoiding the PC boot-up if I just have a few minutes to spare.

    They provide a course, which they say covers a year (700+ lessons), but you can do it at your own pace. The 'One time payment' is USD 197 but you can pay in 4 instalments.

    I have a native Thai teacher and married to a Thai, but this seems just what I'm looking for and at what seems a reasonable price.

    I would be grateful for feedback from any that have tried it.

  17. I'm coming to the end of my first Non Imm 'O' Married Visa on 14th November. As I understand it I have to submit my extension to cover the next year, a month prior to the cut-off date. In my case this would be14th October. It's also the school holidays and I'm trying to plan a few days away(still in Thailand). Do I actually need to submit my extension application on 14th October or do I have a window either side of that date?

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  18. As a Lampang FC fan, I would like to say a big 'WELL DONE' to Chiang Mai FC. I was supporting Lampang FC at the 700 year Stadium on Saturday and it was a great experience. You beat us at our place very early in the season but your team has improved a lot since then. There was a gulf in class between our teams and you really ought to have won by more - I was just amazed that the score wasn't higher than 1-0. There were at least 2 occasions where it seemed you couldn't miss.

    In terms of the promotion structure, I think that transformation is wrong, there really ought to be a more gradual regional grouping even at Division 1 level. However, the 'Promotion' league you now enter seems best, given the present set-up. Given the playing standards, club set-up and fan involvement at Chiang Mai FC, it would be a crying shame if you didn't get promoted. I really want to see a more even distribution of Div 1 and TPL teams, especially in geographical terms. Thankfully Chiang Rai United seem to be holding their own in Div 1 and Chiang Mai FC ought to be there too.

    For Lampang FC it's our first season in the league and it's been a great ride. We basically have no money and I'm told that at one stage we weren't even sure if there would be money to play the following week, but still a great experience, with many highs and lows.

    For us Lampang FC fans it was a nice end to the season. We didn't have far to go, good stadium, great fanbase, we didn't get beaten by a rugby score and a nice celebration for Chiang Mai FC as Champions.

    WELL DONE CHIANG MAI FC and I'll be supporting you through the Promotion League. Now, in honour of the God Nike - JUST DO IT!

  19. My thoughts are not based on any scientific data just my experiences.

    I'm from the UK and have always considered that the Dutch generally seem to be the best at learning English as a second language. I wonder what strategies the Dutch use to learn English.

    If you're Dutch I would be grateful for any guidance you could give me. How about when you're learning Thai, it's usually the third language? You probably have to learn it using your English; do you think it's a problem or puts you at a disadvantage?

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