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Posts posted by JoeInSurin

  1. I second that. I love Budweiser. If Budweiser is so bad why is it the "Best selling beer in the world"?

    Easy... yanks are renowned for having crap taste in beer, and there are approx 300,000,000 of them. :D

    totster :D

    There is approx. 300,000,000 in America total made up of yanks from the north and rebels from the south. I am from Virginia. We get offended when called a yank. :D

    I was gonna say septics... :o

    totster :D

    Steptics!!?? Man and I thought being called a "yank" was bad. :bah:

  2. JoeInSurin- Newsflash. The war is over. You lost. No more de jure slavery. Get over it.

    Old Croc- I'd never heard of that beer and so Googled it. It's an offensive term akin to "kaffir." So better not to use it. And if you know already and don't care--apartheid is over and the white racists lost. Get over it.

    It was a joke!!! Notice the "smiley face"? :o Lighten up!!!

  3. I second that. I love Budweiser. If Budweiser is so bad why is it the "Best selling beer in the world"?

    Easy... yanks are renowned for having crap taste in beer, and there are approx 300,000,000 of them. :o

    totster :D

    There is approx. 300,000,000 in America total made up of yanks from the north and rebels from the south. I am from Virginia. We get offended when called a yank. :D

  4. Capitalism is what is developing the drugs.

    Not entirely true - governments do invest in developing new drugs, or at least regulate the industry so that necessary drugs get developed.

    Generally governments look after the whole country, not only one industry. They might cut profits of pharma but get bigger returns from healthier population.

    The case of Thailand has been decided when WTO made compulsory licensing legal. Big pharma should have protested then, now it's too late - rules have been set, compulsory licensing is legal.

    The rules are are up to interpretation. When is a Country too poor? When is a disease a public health emergency? It doesn't matter if compulsory liscensing is legal of not. Taking away the profits and incentive of the drug companies to develop new AIDS drugs is going to hurt the AIDS crisis. I want these companies to have the money they need available to beat this disease and get rid of it once and for all. Why would anyone be for cutting the profits these companies are using to develop new AIDs drugs? How is cutting these companies budgets going to get rid of this disease? If you want AIDS cured you will let them have the money they need for R&D to beat this disease.

  5. JoeInSurin , whats your monetary value on human life ?

    You can't put a monetary value on human life. It is priceless. I feel the same way as you when I let my emotions get involved. I am just discussing things as they are in the real world. If you want the investors in the drug companies to fund the AIDS crisis what do you think you and everyone else should do to match it and do our part to help. It's everyones problem. Why doesn't the Thai government help buy the drugs. Whats the Thai governments monetary value on human life?

  6. Capitalism at it's WORST ........................ :o

    hey. it is in their legal right to do what they please with THEIR drugs.

    thanxs , your reply whilst correct mearly illustrates my point .

    it's this simple , assist the people who are positive OR see infection rates skyrocket ...................................................

    Capitalism has no place in this .

    It's this simple take away the profits to put into R&D and to give the investors in the drug companies a return on their investment there will be no new drugs. The infection rates rise.

    Capitalism is what is developing the drugs.

  7. We all know about the costs of R&D and the shareholder issue. As far as making money is concerned they make more than enough and then some. There comes a time when you have to say "look there is something we can do to help, make our money back 10 fold and when thats done reduce the cost to minimal and move on to the next wonder drug"

    Why ? because it's the right thing to do simple as that, the drug companies are, like it or not, part of the medical world by association, they are also bound by the fundimental laws of helping humanity as is a doctor. They have helped by developing these drugs, made thier money and can now more than afford to be generous with their product and save even more lives . Thats the idea about being in the medical profession right ? to help to save lives. Even if it means reducing profits ! :D

    As a far as shareholders are concerned they should also have a thought to where that holiday or new car came from.

    You can justify the drug co's pricing all you want but it does not alter the fact that these people are DYING and there IS something they can do which involves no more than cutting profits on a very minor level. It would'nt hurt their image none either. :o

    The owners of the drug companies are investors and most are not doctors or in the medical field. They are hard working people that are investing their money to save for retirement or their kids college ect. Example. Me and the guy next to me at work both get bonuses for Christmas. We want to invest the money for retirement and our kids college. I choose to buy CD's from the bank. He choses to buy stock in drug companies. Why should he not get a return on his investment and I should. He should not retire or be able to send his kids to college because it is the "right thing to do"? Aids is everyones problem. Not just the drug companies. The Thai government needs to buy these drugs and make them available to their people. The Pharm. companies are already cutting profits by offering these these drugs to them for a much reduced price. The Thai government want to copy them and pay nothing.

  8. My 2pc is that after the initial profits the drug co's should not be making money on something as critical as AIDS drugs. It is the single biggest new disease killer to emerge in the last 100 years. So much of the worlds population is infected it's scary.

    In the name of humanity why don't the drug co's see it as simply the right thing to do and help to save lives with no ulterior motives just for once.

    They've had their windfall for years already.If I were a shareholder in those co's I would sell. And yes it matters not one jot if they were making me bucks i'd still sell, it's blood money any way you cut it.

    I would think that these kids would tend to agree with you, englishoak...


    Katin Kethsamrau, left, and Angsana Suyata stand together at the Human Developement Foundation in Bangkok, Thailand. Both were infected with the AIDS virus at birth. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton supports Thailand's move to reduce AIDS drug prices, May 9, 2007 after the country decided to break patents on three medications.

    Associated Press


    Angsana Suyata, a Thai girl infected at birth with the AIDS virus, displays the limited medication she receives at a Bangkok hospice. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton supports Thailand's move to reduce AIDS drug prices, after the country decided to break patents on three medications.

    Associated Press

    The drugs she is dispaying were developed from the profits of the Pharm. companies from previous drugs. If they didn't make profits to develop these drugs there would be no drugs to hold in your hand no matter what the cost. What you are asking is for the Pharm. companies to not make profit and have no money to develop new drugs or maybe even a cure. How is that helping the AIDS crisis?

  9. My 2pc is that after the initial profits the drug co's should not be making money on something as critical as AIDS drugs. It is the single biggest new disease killer to emerge in the last 100 years. So much of the worlds population is infected it's scary.

    In the name of humanity why don't the drug co's see it as simply the right thing to do and help to save lives with no ulterior motives just for once.

    They've had their windfall for years already.If I were a shareholder in those co's I would sell. And yes it matters not one jot if they were making me bucks i'd still sell, it's blood money any way you cut it.

    Drug companies must continue to make profits on their drugs. This is what pays for the R&D to make new AIDS and other drugs. The profit from the old drugs are paying to develop the new. A shareholder will never sell if the company is making money. They are there to make a profit not to save the world. They will sell when the company quits making money when people start stealing their patents and the company starts loosing money. Which in turn will slow the development on new AIDS drugs to save people.

  10. I design most of the Garden roofs on commercial structures in the Washington D.C. and metro area from my home in Surin. I can help you with any info. you would need. Depending on what you want to grow there is an "extensive" system for smaller plants with approx. 4 inches of soil and there is an "intensive system" for larger plants with 6 inches + of soil required. The systems usually are made up of a waterproofing membrane on the concrete deck, a root stop material, insulation (if required), a moisture retention mat, a drainage composite, a system filter fabric and then the soil and plants. I am not sure how many of the manufacturers I deal with would have there products available here. Go to www.hydrotechusa.com and check out their info. on the Garden roofs. They have the best system available but there are many others. Any help you need with design just e-mail me.

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