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Posts posted by carbine1125

  1. 1 hour ago, Aforek said:

    It's just that the frogs tell to the beefsteaks: " before you lose ( almost ) everything, we give you a last occasion to stay with us " ; is it too difficult to understand for a beefsteak brain ? :post-4641-1156694572:

    It's harder to understand your post! But really in the log run it will be the EU who will lose. We will see how the frogs like their Increased euro bill. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, mok199 said:

    and so the floodgate finally opens.. so now its up to us, we give to her, then give to another gifted stduent and another ,and then what???,..who gets help and who will not???.now its not the sytems problem anymore..as we  have stepped up to solve this with our charity..and when it gets corrupted and abused ???and it will !!!!...between a rock and a hard place....let your heart be your guide...

    A rock and a hard place both being your heart? It's pretty simple really, its not obligatory to give. So you are excused.

  3. 5 hours ago, simon43 said:


    I agree.  If the teacher is prepared to commit fraud to get the job, it doesn't say much about their level of morals or honesty.


    OTOH, I do not agree that having a degree is necessary to teach English in a government school. One has to be realistic here, bearing in mind the costs to obtain a degree and the salaries on offer by government schools.


    IMHO, it is much more important that the teacher possesses an in-class (not online)TEFL qualification with in-class teaching practice, speaks English with a clear accent and has training in classroom management techniques (especially for those who will teach children and teens).


    I'd like to see all foreign teachers sit (and pass) a test of basic English grammar, punctuation and vocabulary, before they are allowed to teach in a government school.


    As a point of comment, in all the schools where I have taught (in Thailand, Laos and Myanmar), no school has ever checked my qualifications ==> 3 degrees plus numerous CPD teaching certificates).

    I would like to see all foreigner pass a police check to be even in Thailand. 

  4. Yes they should be investigated but only to find out why slippy Hillary got of in the first place. She should be Guantanamo Bay. The whole election was a joke. Make me sick to see Obama and Biden crying their eyes out on TV. His legacy my ass. His legacy is that he has left the world in turmoil. Shame on him and his party for what they did (or more importantly, what they failed to do) during their eight years in office!

  5. Hi I don't think that model has a gprs. Without this the return to home button will not be very accurate. If its good aerial pictures you want then you will need to buy , or build, a model wich will carry a go pro or similar. I have a few I have built. The parts from the model shops here are not so expensive.

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