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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. 2 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Dont forget apple cider vinagar.. do that too. I also take some Berberine and Ashwagandha.. but not sure how much any of this helps. My blood sugar is good. But i read if you can regulate your insulin sensitivity it could help even more with burning fat and building muscle. So far no shocking results (not that I expected them)

    Oh yeah I use ACV, I put a tablespoon in my first morning liter of water.  Not sure if it actually does anything but what the heck.  I need to get my bloodwork done again.  I was borderline hypertensive about two years ago and dropped a fair amount of weight, went low carb, upped the fitness and things are quite good now (checked about 6 months go).  Intermittent or extended fasting is a great way to regulate insulin sensitivity.  Check out Dr. Jason Fung on this topic.  He uses fasting as therapy, along with LC.

  2. Just now, robblok said:

    In general I workout hard (do have my down time too and then i scale down a bit). Injuries are hard.. i have not had many injuries thankfully. I do have a crappy lower back for some reason. I don't notice a thing during deadlifts squats and all.. never during sitting walking.. but the moment I sleep too long on my back i wake up with back pain. When i started doing deadlifts it went away. But not it seems to stay. I am in the process (its hard) of changing to sleeping on my side.


    I like working out, though at times its hard to start.

    I was getting this thai sports massage where they use oil (well it feels like a sports massage) and this guy who I hadn't used before twisted my shoulder.  Then when I went to workout the next day it was painful and my arm was numb and tingly in certain positions.  I used some NSAIDS for a few days and it went away but was still tender.  It seems perfectly fine now for about the last three weeks but I'm going to give it a full 2 months before I go back to light weights.  I get really paranoid about injuries, and see way too many guys all bandaged up....that's not what I do weights for.  I love the challenge and how it  makes me feel but I can get my fitness other ways too.

  3. 1 minute ago, robblok said:

    I take steel cut with huge leafs and use cinamon on it.. read up about it. But anyway it all depends on personal preference at some times I just took egg for breakfast (baked with some bacon or ground beef). I have tried many things. I actually still switch things up once in a while. I also don't do juices. 


    But in the end i like my oats.. i like my musli and yoghurt.. i like my proteins. 

    I do the cinnamon thing too!  As well as tumeric.

  4. 20 minutes ago, dontoearth said:

    I have also read endless research on how very good oats are for everyone.  I am very skeptical as most of it has funding from the cereal manufacturers.   My hometown is Quaker Oats headquarters!  I no longer believe that cereal products or breakfast is good for you. (at least for me it is not.)   This is the way my body behaves.  I do best with intermittent fasting skipping breakfast.   I don't do cereals anymore.  I don't do juices.   If you read up NOT on Oats but on glycemic load you will find my statement is accurate.  The more a food is processed the higher the load.  The less processed the lower the load.  Some people don't believe in the glycemic load research or in the insulin driving obesity research.  I think this research has helped me and I would encourage people to read up on their own.  Try their own programs and see if it helps.  BTW, pearled barley is really low on the glycemic load something like 25 out of the 100 point scale.  Whole oat grain would also score somewhere near there but an hour of boiling keeps most people from eating it.  The scale ranks white bread at a 100 and table sugar around 83.  I couldn't find a good table of just all the types of oatmeal compared by glycemic load this am but I did post one before somewhere else on the forum.  Oatmeal is averaged (all types at 55) and Instant Oats at 79.  I try to stay below about 45 with most of my food.  Averaging oatmeal is a bad idea.  It means some variety (steel cut or whole oat groat) is bringing the average down.  So you might try the steel cut or whole oat groat or just continue to weigh and use whatever product is working for you.   We all have to find our own answers.  For me no oatmeal.  No breakfast!   Maybe steel cut or groats once in a blue moon but as a bedtime snack.

    I have been doing IF for quite some time now, and have been dabbling in extended fasting - 2-3 days at a time.  Gets pretty easy to do.  I personally cannot take in grains, I get hunger pangs and am miserable.  Mostly I just do cruciferous veggies for my carbs.

  5. On 7/4/2017 at 8:39 AM, robblok said:



    Going to listen to it and see what i feel about it. There are other sources saying different things. A lot of websites are saying that you need to control your carbs (not around workout time but other times) That you have to make sure your insulin sensitive so stuff gets delivered to your muscles and not your fat cells. I am talking here about someone who is fit and trains a lot. 


    I read a lot about food on different websites one I do like is the forum from lylemcdonald. I am always open to learn new stuff about this topic as I am a guy who is lean and works out a lot but always has to watch what he eats and to lose fat I have to go to extreme measures.  ( i prefer this topic over Thai politics but in general this part of the forum is dead).   


    I do like what your saying here about the insulin spike and all.. makes sense too actually. (that is if you control your food like I do and make sure you eat almost the same calorie wise every day) Then I think in the end the calories win. However I have seen plenty of research where people were eating different amounts of proteins but kept the sum of calories the same and the guys eating the protein and working out lost more fat then those higher in carb. Problem is I can't 100# recall where I read it. I am always reading a lot of this stuff so if I come across something like that again I will send it here or to you. 

    I like Lyle but he seems so angry!  Must be all that red meat he eats.  Hahahah

  6. On 7/5/2017 at 9:13 AM, robblok said:

    I think it might be theory v.s real life applications here.


    In theory it does not matter how simple the carbs are but in life I tend to take oats and the biggest / least processed (not cut up ) that I can get. I can say for a fact it keeps me full longer then a drink full of simple carbs of the same amount of calories. 


    I also try to be lowish carb.. but I need some carbs for all the workouts I do. I am more high protein. (though not really over 2 grams per kg of body-weight). I think we should all find something that works and that is bearable. 

    2g/kg seems pretty reasonable if you are working out hard.  I've scaled back my weights because I messed up my shoulder.  All better now pretty much but I'm being really careful and fully letting it heal.  So lots of swimming, bike riding, and walking.  I take in about 1g/kg, for me that's around 80, but some days a little less and some days a little more.  It's funny how if you listen to what you body is telling you it needs it will lead you to what to eat.  I've been doing IF too and it's pretty cool how after you do your workout without eating all day your body craves to eat the right thing.  Nice 8 oz steak and big pile of spinach with a little coconut oil and himalayan pink salt on the top!  God that was good!

  7. What % of Thai people pick up their food at the market?  My local market is simply swamped between 4:30-8:00 pm with people grabbing bags of food for home.  Probably half the price of a restaurant, normally excellent quality and value because the market's market is very competitive.  Plus a lot of variety so you can always have something different every night.  


    Also the local restaurants around my house that offer good food and value are busy all the time.  The ones that offer shitty or expensive food or are bad service don't last.  Seems obvious.


    Personally I cook 80% of the time as I am quite particular with the quality of my produce and meat, but having spent the first half of my working career working in F&B it doesn't seem that out of the ordinary that that many restaurants are going under.  It is a very competitive biz that novices should think twice about going into.

  8. On 3/20/2017 at 9:50 PM, hawkeye76 said:

    Does anyone know where to find these 0 carb noodles in Bangkok? 


    Very interested in trying them out. 

    for sure at foodland and max valu - that's the two places I get mine.  Go to the refrigerated section where you see fresh noodles, kimchi, etc.  They'll be there.  There's the plain ones, then some that have some tofu added to them that are green and yellow.  You can get a big block of the stuff too.





  9. 7 hours ago, Artisi said:

    To all those who keep saying, "it goes on everywhere" - Ok - but this post is about a particular instance in Thailand - not the rest of the world, but sure - if you are really concerned about the rest of the world (which is very doubtful) join the local social media in those countries and protest there.  This is about highlighting the nonsense going on in Thailand where most of us have a connection.

    Fair enough but the posters I am referring to specifically make it sound like this is the ONLY place shit like this happens.

  10. 50 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

    Did people not do their research before moving to the country? It is a third world country, that is based on elitist ideals. Most third world countries with such class systems behave in exactly the same way. And I say this as from what I can see people are complaining about, the 'lack of justice', not the actual action - as indeed the nation the actions happen in is irrelevant as it does happen all over the world.

    Would be like seeing a really dirty hotel room, then the receptionist asking if you want the room, you saying yes, then complaining about it the whole time. It is what it is, and will unfortunately not be improved until the country develops (as that is the only way the people will have some sort of say/education). Which ironically enough (through different discussions on various posts), many of the members complaining do not want, as they will not be able to continue to take advantage of the country as easily. It is interesting how things work out in the world. 

    I think most people who complain so bitterly on this forum did their best to try and make it here but couldn't figure out how and failed.  Maybe deported.  Then they get bitter and wail about how sour the grapes are.

  11. 6 hours ago, fasteddie said:

    I couldn't agree more.


    6 hours ago, Cool Guy 5000 said:

    What an awful society it really is. It's quite sad as you come to realize just how disgusting Thailand is, my love for the place dies every day and it saddens me to say this.

    I suppose if your country is perfect with things like this never happening then you should be there?  Crazy people and tragic things happening everywhere my friend.

  12. On 7/5/2017 at 2:14 AM, HocusPocus67 said:

    Yes, I'd go along with that. A bit of a pain sometimes to set up but easy if you're careful with choosingcomponents, for me everything worked more or less out of the box, Mine has been fast and stable, no problems at all and a saving of about 50% over an Apple product - got all the components from my usual supplier in TL. I'd never buy another Mac, or indeed anything from Apple at all.

    Weird comment from someone lurking in the apple forum.

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