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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. I just found the opera mini and like its navigation abilities a bit better, will have to play with it later on after i get back from the gym.

    That remote control sounds crazy, just what I need when on the running machine and surrounded by TVs blaring out soap operas, haha.

    I also think the media player on this gadget is not half bad. Won't be throwing away my Ipod, but this is good to put a few of my favorite albums on plus a couple Howard Stern shows.

    What's the biggest miniSD card on the market, and what's the price more or less?

    The speaker sound of the phone itself is even bearable, not tinny sounding at all really. At least ok enough to set out on the kitchen counter when chopping garlic.....

  2. Hi All

    Well after reading the board awhile and double checking on the net I bought the Nokia E51 yesterday, and have to say it is a really nice, geek-minded person's toy.

    So far I have the yutube app, gmail mobile, and Fring up and running with my Skype, Gtalk, etc. All works great on the WLAN in the house. Made a couple calls to the States with Fring and all was very clear. Even was able to walk out to the garden, nice to be able to break away from the computer when making my calls.

    So......what other apps would you all reccomend for this phone? I'm mostly looking for useful stuff, free of course. Good communication tools that can utilize this puppy are what I want.

    Also, is there a better web browser for me to download than the Nokia one? I looked at Opera, but it ain't free anymore.

    Oh, I love the RSS feeds component, great to browse through with the morning coffee, don't have to turn the computer on!

    Would appreciate your input.


  3. Hey all

    Have been using a cheapo Sony Ericcson Walkman now for about a year - actually does a pretty good job but I want to expand what I have a bit. I'm willing to spend between 15-20k for a phone, what would you all reccomend? I mostly use my ipod for music, so probably wouldnt be using the phone for a lot of multimedia, but would like a nice web browser and manageable text entry system for my gmail. I went and looked last weekend but ntohing really sparked my interest yet.

    I actually liked playing with my friend's iphone, I'm wondering when it will be out of its beta phase, ie on to G2?

    Thanks in Advnace for your opinions.....

  4. I concur with vulcan. Windoze Movie Maker and Cyberlink Powerdirector both do pretty much what anyone needs for standard movies - soundtracks, voice overlays, transitions, special effects, titles, etc. WMM is freely available with XP and Vista, while you are supposed to pay for Cyberlink PD. I use PD mostly because my video camera has .mod output which I need to edit in PD, unless I convert it.

    At any rate, they are both easy to learn and are really quite powerful programs. The next step up is adobe premeire/premeire elements, which has a huge learning curve over these programs.

  5. I have thought about this too, but the prospect of spending the cash just to suffer from broadcasts interrupted by buffering put me off the idea. Will they work well here?

    I use Internet radio all the time at home, and as long as I stick to the 56k or lower sites they seem to work fine (ie no buffering probs). I just hook my laptop up to my stereo, though it would be nice to have a standalone radio. It's fun to listen to kooky talk shows from the states, or go to live 365 and fine virtually anything under the sun to listen to.

  6. These are the main routes I travel regularly. Let me know if there are other spots that you have seen these B*******!!!! I don't think they ever move around or try being sneaky. A friend mentioned that sometimes they on the LAST ON-Ramp to the Elevated Expressway to Chonburi though I have never seen them here nor ever been stopped at the collection both.

    Ditto on what you wrote.....Going back into town on Bangna Trad elevated right where you say, usually weekdays from 15:00-18:00 or thereabouts. Going out of town they are usually there in the earlier afternoon.

    Sometimes they are at the intersection going out of town where you either go up on the elevated or down to the regular Bangna Trad highway (don't know exactly how to call that, so just look out around that area).

    They are also on the Ramintra/Rama 9 expressway, going towards Ramintra, just after the exit down to Kaset/Nawamin, I got caught by them once there (usually noonish-3 p.m. on weekdays).

    Lately I've noticed more cars coming in the opposite direction flashing their lights to warn about the radar, like people do in the states.

  7. Order what you do but only eat a small part of the rice that comes with it. I know if I eat too much rice I never lose weight. I just have a couple tablespoons of rice with my meal, that is, if any at all.

    Sticky rice is very high on the GI too - about the same as sugar!

  8. Exercise, or at least move around, every day for 45-60 minutes. Whether it is hard exercise or a nice brisk walk down the soi, just do it!

    Try some weight training - it gets the metabolism moving!

    Center your diet around proteins like fish and chicken, and eggs, and green vegetables. I often buy a whole chicken from 5 Star and use that for several meals in combination with all kinds of veggies.

    Cut down or eliminate all refined white starch and sugar by products (white rice, sugar, white bread, cereal, pasta, potato etc).

    Get your carbs from good whole food - the best is from veggies, like squash, tomatoes, bell pepper, etc.

    Cut out grains except for a small amount of whole wheat bread or brown rice, or better yet lentils or barley, if you really need it.

    No more beer. Have a glass or two of wine, champagne, or a mixed drink with soda or diet cola as mixer.

    Try to make your meals as fibrous as possible. This will ensure you don't get hungry and overall improves digestion. You can have a huge salad with a little vinegar and oil, all kinds of veggies, and some chicken and pumpkin seeds thrown in, and be stuffed and the caloric count will be great!

    Find relaxing things to do that don't involve food and drink - hard to do in Thailand lol.

    Anyway, this has worked and is working for me........I guess you would say I eat a whole food, low carb diet.

  9. I was curious and bought a box last week of the SERC. I take a few a day, trying to do so before meals. I would say that it does reduce appetite, and have dropped a couple pounds since. However, I have been dieting and exercising regularly anyway and have been losing weight so I don't know how effective it is really.

    It's cheap and relatively safe so I would say try it out for yourself and see what you think.

  10. Actually a diet like atkins is not a "no carb" regimen, but a "low carb" one. But really you should be getting the vast majority of your carbs from leafy greens and broccoli and such. Just try to keep to clean proteins and lots of veggies, and you will do fine. Maybe a little boring, but not really. I love big salads and a couple pieces of steamed chicken or fish, or get some grilled chicken and yum dang gwa for lunch.....breakfast a couple of eggs and some protein, keeps me full til lunch. You just gotta be a litttle picky and get the carb moster off your back, which takes a week or so.

    I've tried all kinds of diets, and this is the one that is, for me anyway, sustainable and enjoyable. Also the one I lose weight on.

  11. Control Winamp From Your Browser with the Winamp Toolbar

    I mostly use Itunes now, and control it in my browser with Foxytunes, I love it! (need to use Firefox to use foxytunes). Foxy works with pretty uch all of the other audio programs too.

  12. If you use Nero Burning you can plunk the whole MP3 into a "make an audio CD" wizard window, then edit it down to fit the 80 or so minutes you are allowed on an audio CD (and fade it out). Then remembering where you split it make another CD and start off where you left. If your MP3 file is really that big you are going to have many audio CDs worth of music to burn (of course that depends on the bitrate of the MP3, like discussed above). I have done this before, it works alright, is certainly an easy task once you understand how to do it.

  13. what is wrong with the sound from your machine exactly, is it the sound quality (probably the internal speakers) the sound volume (internal speakers) what type of sound are you after ? I use my laptop as my music center and have it plugged into my hifi and it is superb, only reason I would require and upgrade would be for improving the sound stage dolby digital etc. you can buy a set of external speakers or use headphones if you want better quality/volume

    Hi there

    Sorry, never realized someone replied to me.

    I do a lot of music wiritng, producing on my machine, and DAW programs (Propellerhead Reason, Cakewalk Sonar, Frutiy Loops mainly) plus all the plugins I use require a fairly robust soundcard. I start to get lots of crackles from my programs unless I lower the quality immensly. For just listneing to music my com's interanal card is fine.

    I found a decent creative external card - USB - for a few thousand baht - works very well, and is very compact. Plus can handle my music programs well. I got this at the IT center in Laksi Plaza....a good shop on the 2nd floor that handles a lot of creative products. I've seen one on the net that plugs in to your pcmcia port, it's new and not to expensive - I'll probably try and get that one when I have a chance, if it ever comes to thailand.

  14. I don't know, I use P2P quite a bit, and over the last few days it has been just fine. I'm on True, one of the users who has had almost 100% uptime with the service for the past three years. My torrents lately have been very very healthy.

  15. Hi

    I was able to get rid of the bug (killvbs.vbs) with Nod32. At least I think it is gone. It was on my coms, my various pendrives, my camera, my ipod, my removable hards disks.......pretty much everyhhing that would connect via a USB. Other virus software could detect it, but couldn't kill it. Nod32 seems to have gotten the little bugger finally.

  16. I've had an LG now for a couple years.....heavy use and still is doing just fine. Salesperson I got this from steered me away from the Sony, even though it would have been a bigger sale for him.

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