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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. 15 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

    I'm no fan of Thai bashing, but sorry, it IS an accurate statement.  Pedophilia in Thailand is so widespread as to boggle the mind.  I speak Thai close to fluently, and let me tell me you, it's unbelievable the amount of rural Thai women whose "first sexual experience" was rape at the hands of an uncle or older cousin, and that doesn't even get into the sexual assault by people who aren't related to them.


    And just so you know we're not just picking on the Thais here, I include in this pedophilia problem a large number of the farangs who come to Thailand as sex tourists.  Mind you, I'm not saying anything is wrong with sex work...it's just a business, an occupation, an option for women (and men) to earn a living.  But if you're a farang, and you've partaken of sex workers at gogos in Thailand, and you claim a "preference for 18-20 year olds," then I GUARANTEE you have had sex with at least a few 14 or 15 year olds from gogo bars as well, probably not knowing it.  I guarantee it.

    I've never been with a prostitute before, wouldn't have experience in that.  I live and work with educated mostly middle class Thais and my Thai is pretty good.  I don't see any of my Thai friends or acquaintances hanging out with hookers, they would be looked down upon.  


    I would bet it's the same anywhere in the world, that if you solely hang our with people involved in the sex trade that you will be seeing a lot of underage sex.  I never did that though, here or in my home country.  Too afraid about AIDS and VD, abhor the idea of having to pay for it like that, and highly doubt that my intellectual or spiritual interests would be piqued through hanging around members of the sex industry.  Plus, for me anyway, the thought of a person having had sex with maybe hundreds of sex tourists gives me the shivers!

  2. If he knew his documents were not valid I suppose he is just daft to abuse a student.  Please deal with him according to the law.


    MOE is very strict with Intl Schools now.  You need original documents from university when applying for teacher license plus a letter from the university sent directly to MOE confirming degrees (amongst many many other documents).  It is a real pain in the keister to get that done but understandable.  I would imagine for local schools for the amount they can pay teachers their requirements are much less strict, or they just wouldn't have any teachers.

  3. 5 hours ago, Catkiwi said:

    Peculiar how we go off on these tangents isn't it? What does the brand of phone have to do with this horrible, needless death? Perhaps they wouldn't have killed the poor kid if he only had  a Samsung.....

    I was just defending my choice of phone.  Personally no matter how much I love any tech product I would not die nor kill for it.

  4. 22 hours ago, speedtripler said:

    Its a crazy world where people even pay over a few hundred dollars for a piece of apple garbage.... 

    Well I don't agree with that.  I've use apple and android and by far apple is vastly superior in design, technology and joy to use over android.  Plenty of cheaper phones out there and nothing wrong if you can't afford the professional product that apple produces.

  5. 21 hours ago, akirasan said:

    That's a really good idea.  I'll float it with the director as we go out for a drink pretty regularly and he seems open minded.  

    You're right about the budget too, they just don't have the money.  I considered trying a gofundme or some kind of fund raising because my wife said it would only cost around 60,000 to get new books.  

    The kids seem to enjoy reading comics, I'm sure we could find some graphic novels or a mixture books they want to read and books they have to read.  

    Thanks for your comments and suggestions. 

    If you are getting locally printed books you can get quite a lot for 60K.  Wait for the book fairs at Siriket and elsewhere, you can get a ton of stuff for really cheap.


    We find things at the fairs, but a fair amount is ordered from the States because it's just not available elsewhere.  I would say on average over the last 10 years the budget for our libraries has been about 400,000 each per year.  That's really just the fiction and non fiction for our students to check out.  But if you were getting Thai books like I said you could get a lot for 60,000.


    DEAR is great - do your best to have all adults doing the same the kids do.  I had to train teachers to DEAR as well and not spend the time grading :)  As principal I would choose different classrooms from Grades 1-12 to show up at with my kindle for my 20 minutes.  Was fun!  Can't tell you how many parents commented on their children coming home and getting into their book right away.

  6. 34 minutes ago, akirasan said:

    Thai kids typically don't like to read.  At least not where my wife teaches.  I'd love to fix up their library as there is barely any books in there.  But that was the response I got.

    That's too bad.  At the intl school I administrated we constantly promote reading for pleasure.  We have a DEAR (drop everything and read) session 20 minutes a day, where everyone in the school stops what they are doing and reads for pleasure.  A huge amount of kids carry this into their lives at home.  The trick is to have something they are interested in reading - and for that you need a good librarian and a healthy budget for getting fiction books for all tastes and reading levels.  Not cheap, but definitely worth it.  Don't see that happening here though, reading for most is done out of necessity, not pleasure.

  7. On 5/22/2017 at 5:46 PM, smo said:

    Wow, now I just want to lie down and die... a different version  of "Les Miz" shall I say? By the way has anyone seen "Sliding Doors" which gives viewer (dis)safistaction to know both outcomes, should one be so curious... starring Gwyneth Paltrow.

    Good movie!  I sometimes wonder how my life would have been different if I had not seen that movie.  :)

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