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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Governments don't tend to announce things on the same day they make the decision dear.
  2. Current evidence is that we left. Everything else is conjecture.
  3. That's cute. Let me know when you win a general election on a manifesto for a referendum followed up by a vote to rejoin. I won't hold my breath.
  4. Wise move. When in a hole, stop digging. Probably delayed 12 months due to Covid and the war in Ukraine. What's important is that the British government decided to postpone it. The British voted to leave the EU. As a result, we do what we want, when we want.
  5. It's about raising the debt ceiling I.e. increasing debt due to a classic failing of left wing governments that spend money it doesn't have. PS adding the word fascist to every post does nothing for your credibility.
  6. A few polls vs a referendum to leave and actually leaving and revoking hundreds of EU laws and signing multiple trade deals. Nice poll though. It's worth nothing.
  7. I'll give you some evidence. The UK has left the EU. Your predictions on rejoining are based on your wishes and not based in reality. You've got nothing.
  8. Let's hope Biden's financial ineptitude doesn't crash the world stock markets. The US defaulting on it's debt would be a disaster.
  9. Got nothing? We already left. I already got what I wanted.???? Let us know when a party is elected on a manifesto of holding a referendum to rejoin. And then get back to me again when the electorate vote to rejoin in said referendum. You're as deluded as the Scots nationalists thinking Scotland will become a proud independent country as a minnow in the EU. You've got nothing.
  10. As the older voters die off the young become middle aged. They see that all the lies and horror stories about Brexit never materialized. They accept the status quo. They grow wiser with experience. They see the corruption engulfing the EU. Those turning legal age to vote never really experienced life in the EU. It's an argument for a previous generation. They won't really care. It's over. We left. Even if the EU still exists in 20 years the UK wont be rejoining it. Marvellous.
  11. If it was an election winning policy, Labour would have done it, wouldn't they? If the demographics favour YOUR contention then such a simple move would get Labour back into power and the UK back into the EU. So ask yourself a simple question, why haven't they done it?
  12. I already stated the laws surrounding fisheries and gave you examples. If you want to know the exact laws I am referring to, they are there online for you to check. If you think I am going to waste my day running around looking up information for you, you are very much mistaken.
  13. The moment a party states they will hold a referendum on rejoining, their chances are toast. That's why none of them have mentioned it. The UK will not be rejoining. Best just to accept it, after all it's the hope that kills you...
  14. Let's start with those surrounding fisheries. For example the sustainable fisheries partnership agreements with the likes of Gambia. There is one, but there are actually hundreds of laws that will or have already been repealed. Since it's a long list and you clearly have more free time than I do, if you are that interested in my views you can list each of them and I'll give you a Yes/No answer in terms of whether I support removing each one (it may take me some time though as I fly to Manila this afternoon). However, once again you appear to have deliberately deflected into the minutiae and ignored the bigger picture that we are now able to repeal any of these laws as and when we see fit. It's like someone is released from jail and they sit down in their living room to watch TV with a cup of tea and you say "You had TV and tea in the jail's common area, it was pointless leaving". It's an inane argument. You don't undo decades of legislation in a couple of years. We now do what we want, when we want. The attempts to subjugate Britain have once again failed. I know it stings, but acceptance will make you happier in the long run.
  15. Calling out the behaviour of calling out the behaviour. Ironic indeed.
  16. I'm simply calling out the behaviour for what it is. Don't shoot the messenger ????.
  17. Best not to mention them when you're stoking the flames of racial tension in order to score cheap political points from a mainly black audience. What a guy... https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/22/us/politics/joe-biden-black-breakfast-club.html
  18. The US has very serious racial tensions, so playing to the gallery (a historically black University) by calling out the racists on only one side of the racial divide is irresponsible and stokes the flames of tension in exchange for no other reason than to score brownie points and a round of applause. Pathetic stuff. Not only irresponsible and cowardly, but ridiculous to suggest that a few hillbillies with confederate flags are a bigger threat to the West than the likes of Al Qaeda. Almost as stupid as his comment "If you vote Trump, you ain't black". Like black people need lessons on blackness from the white liberal elites like Biden. Unbelievable stuff.
  19. Biden stoking the flames of racial tension again. Like the US doesn't have enough issues surrounding race. Deeply irresponsible.
  20. Whilst I have some sympathy for Daniel Penny and believe he was trying to protect himself and the public, he clearly went too far. He should have released him once he lost consciousness. If Neely regained consciousness and started threatening people again he could have choked him out again, or simply beaten the daylights out of him. To keep the choke hold for 15 minutes even after he lost consciousness was the wrong thing to do. I think he will be convicted but the sentence will be as lenient as possible. Given Neely's criminal history (including breaking the jaw and orbital bone of an elderly lady), I don't think he will be a great loss to society.
  21. It's amusing how all the Brit hating Europeans and Americans were so happy to see us subjugated by the German Franco led EU. It was as if they were finally happy to see us put in our place. They couldn't take us over militarily so they tried to take us over via treaties, regulations, laws and open border policies, all hidden under the pretense of Democracy. If Brexit was destined to be such a disaster you'd think they'd be begging us to leave the EU. That they are still so angry that we voted to leave and finally regained our sovereignty only reassures me further that we did the right thing. We'll replace the EU laws when we are good and ready. We are in control of our own destiny again. We do what we want.
  22. Hiding behind the fact some people didn’t care enough to vote is pretty lame IMO. You could discredit almost any democratic vote by claiming those who didn’t vote agreed with you. Those who voted, voted to leave. Simple as…
  23. If you don't vote you give up your voice. Those who cared enough to vote, voted to leave by a majority. That's democracy. Your notion that people want to return is inane. No doubt based on polls of 1000 Islington lefties or bitter Scots.
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