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  1. They'd save themselves a lot of hassle if the actually issued people who qualified with long term visas. People try to game the system because of its largely absurd in nature. I remember back in 2001 working with a guy who had a daughter with Thai nationaltiy but struggled to stay here. Things are worse than 2001 and I don't see them getting any better. Married for decades and still renewing visas every year, the mark of an absurd system.
  2. Agreed! Society is far too soft on such crimes in this day and age.
  3. The West and their globalist cohorts are in for a loss over this Ukrainian affair. Putin isn't mad as some commentators have remarked, he is caluculating and methodical and looks out for the interests of his country; something that can't be said for the majority of western 'leaders'. I would suggest checking out the Duran on Rumbe and Youtube to get an accurate unbiased analysis of events.
  4. Thailand doesnt' really have a democracy, neither too does the US after the 2020 fraudulant election.
  5. The last thing need is any interference from the US, they don't do anyone any good. Just ask the people of Liybia, Iraq or Syria.
  6. The ARC company mentioned in the second post, the link brings you to their website.
  7. Remember Thais have visa free travel to Russia, this cant be said for other European countries.
  8. A most pernicious tax orginally introduced by William Harcourt to target the rich. Best thing to do is open up an offshore company and place the assets there. (Depending on the value of the said assets)
  9. So you didn't have to use your passport? Which office did you go to.?
  10. It's not a pedophilic fantasy, I don't wish to defend the teachers actions; due to the fact that he was in a position of responsibility which he abused. My father married mother at the age of 16.
  11. How many countries have the Yanks bombed in the last 70 years? Millions dead as a result, America sticking its nose in Russia's backyard means that its libable to get broken.
  12. Does anyone know of any good double glazing companies around Bangkok? Thanks
  13. Each Amphur office should provide a fund for locals to euthanise these stray and dangerous dogs.
  14. Let him fail in his task, if he were really concerned about improving this country rather than following a woke globalist agenda; he would stick to amending the general libel laws. Too many citizens of this country are stiffled from speaking out when they see corruption and genearl malpractise. This change coupled with a reform of the judiciary and the police would result in an organic change in this country that would prove to be unstoppable. Going about like a bull in China shop will rightly exclude him from the P.M position.

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