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Posts posted by DonaldBattles

  1. It remains to be seen what kind of sneaky decisions will be made in distribution of the free USA vaccine. As for the 20% foreigners I think they will be last in line. Then, oh, we ran out, sorry about that. Notice Thailand has not made any public statements on what their plans are. It seems reasonable that American living in Thailand might get a jab. Wait and see if we are last or if it happens.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Jimbone said:

    It's unfortunate that Thailand seems to be relying, at present, on Sinovac, one of the worst vaccines one could receive. And, if I remember correctly, the reason they are so late in getting vaccines was because they didn't pre-order, but wanted to wait to make sure the vaccines worked (and, in consequence, pay a higher price).  While Sinovac may be better than nothing, with so many others available, why go for one of the worst? 

    Sinovac is on the bottom of the effectiveness list. It also has a record of causing blood clots. Why would anyone in their right mind want to use it. What about the kick back from China to those who buy it. Thailand needs to forget Sinovac. June 1 a new Thai factory will open producing AstraZeneca. Why take a chance with cheap Chinese junk? Wait till the end of May.

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  3. On 4/27/2021 at 6:16 PM, ukrules said:

    He seems to be confirming that anything he does is only done with the direct authorisation of the Prime Minister.


    I think we all knew that anyway.

    As there is no plan or program let alone public statements from the PM you can expect the situation to get worse. Leadership during this critical period of time is badly needed.

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  4. 15 hours ago, audaciousnomad said:

    It's RESIDENTS ONLY.  If you do not possess a Thai ID, you are not eligible.  You can only go the private route, which at the moment the hospitals have yet to receive any stocks of vaccine. 

    I have a permanent residence permit. Will I be able to get the vaccine. I live in Chiang Rai. If so, when and where. The announcement says that the government vaccination of the AZ will be available May 1. 


    Hoping the government will exclude the Prayut-Chinese blood clotting Sinovac. The local private hospitals have no vaccine. The government hospital has the Chinese-Thai Sinovac that people don't want to use. Why did Prayut buy 800k doses of this junk? 

  5. On 4/22/2021 at 7:24 AM, crazykopite said:

    That’s if you haven't pegged it by then my friend The Astra Zeneca is perfectly safe all my family have had it back in the U.K. with no side effects  

    What takes place in another country has no baring on Thailand. The only vaccine I have been able to find is the Chinese Sinovac. When the PM decided to load up with 800k doses of the Sinovac I wonder why he did not buy other brands that don't cause blood clots?


  6. On 1/28/2021 at 9:23 PM, Aeiou7 said:

    Seems this is only half true, according to one of the arrested party people I just asked personally:

    "According to Sky News, those in attendance at the bar were each fined 4,000 baht and given a one month prison sentence,  suspended for one year."

    4,000 baht fine is confirmed, but no prison sentence for them.

    My contact didn't know about the verdict for the bar owner and party organiser because of not speaking Thai.

    Is it true that if a foreigner is convicted of a federal crime, he is deported? I know one person that this just happened to.

  7. 2 hours ago, spiekerjozef said:

    Dangerous? Are they terrorists?

    Spreading a virus which there is no cure for is dangerous to each person they come in contact with. Look at how many people are in the Chiang Rai Hospital. God only knows how many people in Chiang Rai are positive. Would you care if you were exposed to the virus? Terrorists can be dealt with, the virus can't. Some of the border jumpers went to a big Singh Beer Festival. Hoping the 38 known infected can be put in quarantine quickly. I am staying home until these people can be rounded up. 

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    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. I paid 3000 Baht to change two tickets till May of next year. I think it is 50-50 that Air Asia will be around then. The bitterness of quality far out last the sweetness of price. Never again will I fly Air Asia. I delayed my flight for a long time hoping that the virus infected hookers entering Chiang Rai who by pass the border gates will go away. Many of these people are probably already in Bangkok hiding from the police.

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    • Haha 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

    Thai citizens working in Myanmar?!?!?

    To the best I can learn all persons entering Thailand must quarantined 14 days and must have a health insurance policy that covers them against COVID. This means the border at Mae Sai uses these rules. Does any one have different information especially about the crossing at Mae Sai? Three people have arrested for illegal crossing.

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