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Posts posted by thairedofgoa

  1. Eventually found it. :o I found the right area then confused myself on the one way system. Went into a small bar I know in the Tapae Inn hotel (large Singha 60thb) and asked. I was just round the corner. Small ones 44thb and big ones 55thb. Not sure if this included a "white skin premium". :D Does dual pricing go on much here? I thought they would've been cheaper. Not the end of the world anyway.

    The owner of the bar I mentioned collects all sorts of things and puts them on show. He's got Pepsi and Coke bottles and cans, cigar boxes, a few clocks, a mini chopper bike, 2 Vespas in good shape and other stuff.

    Now ya know. :bah: Thanks to all.....


  2. I've been trying to find out where I can buy the foam bottle holders. :D Anyone out there? Cheers


    hi , sorry cant help , but i,ve been looking for the same thing everywhere in udon thani and nong khai

    if any 1 can help me also ... :D

    A bar offered to sell me one for 50thb, but as I want a few I'm looking for the real price. They tried to explain where a shop is but I couldn't understand. :o Couldn't learn Thai in 12 days. ;)


  3. Had a laugh in one shop. :o A girl assistant was doing the following as I slowly walked looking at goods in a glass display. As I became conscious of her I started making jumpy stop starts which she mirrored. When she relised what I was doing we had a good laugh. Next time I went there, she did the same to me. Nice to see a good sense of humour. You need one living in India. :D

  4. I'm only here a few weeks. I'm trying to call India cheap. I can't use the internet route and am getting screwed 20thb a minute on calling cards. I also bought a Thai sim(1 2 Call) and they're the same. SMS more. SMS from my India cards looks horrendous as one of credits is dead already. I'm getting "done" both ends! What are the charges from public landlines?

  5. Went to the Consulate. No queues, went straight to the one desk. Pleasant young lady (Thai) informed me that they are only authorised to issue 3 month Tourist visas. She said Bangkok can issue 6 months. That was yesterday. She said come back on 14th Audust. Now you know. :D

    Interesting, thanks for the follow-up. I don't suppose they give you any break on the cost of the visa since its validity is effectively half of what it should be...? :o

    No. Same price but it does say Tourist visa 1-6 months, and it's at thejr discretion.

  6. Time is not a problem. I'm there for 3 weeks. They tightened up on visas about 18 months ago after political pressure over illegal land deals (Russians) and foreigners buying property on Tourist visas. Nearly all visas are now endorsed "No stay to exceed 180 days". This is to stop you getting Residency status and then to buy property. If I only get 3 months, I'm going London in Sept so I'll try again then. :o Thanks.

  7. I've been living in Goa for the last 3 years and my visa expires beginning of August. I'm coming to Chiang Mai for a look around and was going to get the new visa in the High Commission there. Somebody tells me they are only giving 3 month Tourist visas and not the usual 6 month ones. I'm British.

    A long shot, but anyone heard anything on this?

  8. Sheet, your talking 'bout Enfield auto! Thought at first was talking about the rifle LOL

    You're getting warmer. Classic English Motorcycle - think Steve McQueen, Rebel without a cause, etc..

    I was thinking the rifle too

    Yeah, well unless you spent any time in India you probably wouldn't know it, but two absolutely brilliant classic vehicles are still produced brand new, at cheap prices, with updated features, but basically preserved in their native state: The enfield motorcycle and the Ambassador, which was a factory installed by Morris. I want both an Ambassador and and Enfield in Thailand, but can never get it. Very cool.

    HEY, This brings back memories, but i cant for the like of me see me riding an enfield during the day and going out at night in the morris oxford !, oh shit, deja vu, i did it already in the 50s ! ,have i had a dream ? :o

    Oh, the Ambassador (Morris) is now top shelf. I'm told the body design is circa 1950s, but they have redone the components, modern ABS I think, AND you can get an embassy-like interior with curtains, flower vases etc.. With a driver you feel like royalty in one. So, yeah, grab your girl, your top hat and cane and head for the west end, er, Thonglor I guess.

    Yeah, sorry all you shooters, it's a bike. Thanks for the info. i used to have a Miroku shotgun but had to give up shooting when I came here. Who knows?........maybe one day.

  9. Very inexpensive compared to US/UK/EU pricing.

    I don't know how Thai prices compare with India's, however.

    And my apologies- I somewhat misread your original posting; thought you were making inquiries regarding purchases of "recreational" prescription drugs.

    If you have serious medical issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. almost all of the required drugs for these conditions are available here easily. The healthcare system in CM is excellent with many 1st class hospitals, clinics and doctors. You won't go wrong living in CM, and we are happy to welcome you here!

    Ha ha! no none of that old sh!*! Not into that. Thanks for your help. Might take me a while to tie things up here but I'm looking seriously. They're making it hard work here.


  10. If you have serious medical issues, I am sure you can get a prescription here. Just go to a doctor, do a workup, and get a 'script for what you need!

    But you are not going to be able to walk into a pharmacy here, and point to what you want! You need a prescription here for a lot of medications.


    OK, no problem, but what are the prices like when you get the script?


  11. Do I need to bring a prescription or can I get one written when I arrive? Then, what are prices for drugs like? I'm talking about diabetes, blood pressure and cholestorol. I'm in Goa at the moment and you more or less buy anything you need.


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