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Posts posted by Aladdin

  1. Nothing to do with Thailand. I just came back from Singapore. And of course, I didn't brought my camera as I never expected to see any exciting stuff in Singapore. But suddenly, there was a Hornbill and I only had my Scooby Doo camera


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  2. Black crested Bulbul in one of the national parks that charge us 10 times more than Thai people. Wonder how that is working out for them.

    I was back from Singapore yesterday

    Flying to Europe on Thursday (Biz)

    Flying to Australia the same day I'm back from Europe (Biz)

    Back in the day it would all have been with Thai Airways, now none of the flights are with Thai.


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  3. Lineated Barbet, I usually see the bird when I do my bird watching in Bangkok. Bangkok is amazing for bird watchers

    dddave, search for Asian Koel on youtube, might be the bird you're looking for. You can hear them everywhere. Black but easy to recognise (If you're lucky to see them) by their red eyes. Not sure about the "Haunting" call, but give it a trylineated_barbet.jpg

    Asian Koel, I don't know how to put a sound file here but I have a picture


  4. Can anyone of you long stayers help me out? Why would someone carry a COPY of your driving licence? I made a driving license (Only been driving car once in Thailand, never again) just in order to be able to leave my passport at home picking up parcels etc.

    I never heard of any one carrying a copy of the driving license before. And I know that the traffic police in most of the world would laugh if you showed them a copy.

  5. Thai Airway used to be my airline by choice. I have more than a few concerns about Thai. I have sent them messages with a few simple questions, of course, no one bother answering them.

    So I only fly Thai when I have to, and last time Singapore Airline was full and I had to fly with Thai. It was not a pleasant flight and I sent below e-mail to them. Of course, 2 weeks on and no one have bothered to answer


    Dear Thai Airways, again!

    One more question!

    Why should I pay for the business class ticket?

    I buy it for the comfort, my last flight with you (Singapore Airways was full) and I was in my chair. Business department, maybe 25% full so I was enjoying myself. After take-off and the brought the tax free trolley and they parked it next to my seat.

    The Stewardess pitched camp in the chair on the other side of the aisle from me. She sat up office and she started to take inventory of the tax free trolley. Up and down from her seat, open the darn doors. People going to the bathroom had to squeeze between my seat and the trolley.

    For sure not a relaxing experience. When the tax free sale started the other Stewardesses started to come up front to pick up tax free items. It was one of my worst flight and I gave the crew my DUCK OFF glance and they realise that there were passengers. They brought the trolley to where it have been on ALL my previous flights, in the galley between business and the tourist class

    No consideration for the passengers and a never mind mentality and my business class ticket was a waste of money. Please explain why anyone should choose to fly business class with Thai Airways, or use any of your services.

    Former Thai Airways business class passenger and Thai gold member

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