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Posts posted by whatchamacallit

  1. So exactly the same as Perth ( only one photo in Perth and copy of wife's passport and house book.)

    .goodonya mate for your post

    @David: Actually not the same - Perth allows you to apply for Non-Immigran-O on the basis of visiting friends/relatives. So even if you do not own property here in Thailand, you can still get it. All you need is an invitation letter from a Thai friend and a copy of his/her ID.

  2. from the Thailand Ministry of Foreign Affairs website -- http://www.mfa.go.th...482.php?id=2489

    3. NON-IMMIGRANT VISA 1. REQUIREMENT This type of visa is issued to applicants who wish to enter the Kingdom for the following purposes: - other activities (Category "O") as follows:

    to stay with the family, to perfrom duties for the state enterprise or social welfare organizations, to stay after retirement for the elderly, to receive medical treatment, to be a sport coach as required by Thai Government, to be a contestant or witness for the judicial process.

    --- 'Doesn't say anything about condos or rentals; doesn't say anything about 'visiting friends' either.

    If you have been following along about getting NON-O on the basis of visting friends/relatives (Hull/Perth) and owning a condo (Brisbane) - you would have noticed that different Thai consulates interpret the requirement differently despite the regulations even here in Thailand different immigration offices handle things differently - TIT.

    There has been many postings in regard to Hull and Perth consulates issuing Non-O on the basis of visiting friends and I can tell you first hand that I got my Non-O visa from Perth on the basis of visiting friends last year. As Perth will be closing, I called Brisbane the other day and asked for their requirement for Non-O which I shared in my previous post.

    So despite what's written down in the book somewhere, this is what Brisbane Thai Consulate requires for getting a Non-O Visa - at least for now.

  3. There has also been at least 1 report that Brisbane refused to issue an O-A visa (to an Australian).

    The O-A may have been refused because the applicant was not an Australian citizen or a permanent resident of Australia or he did not meet the criteria for the visa

    Thai Consulate Perth closing means no more Non-Immigrant-O on the basis of visiting friends/relatives for those of us who are under the age of 50 :realangry: . Hull, England is it - but too far for me.

    Just called Thai Consulate in Brisbane and talked to a nice Thai lady named TIM - she said They will issue Non-Immigrant-O with multiple entries (Cost AUD$225.00) valid for 12 months (you can stretch it to 15 months) - with the following proof of docs (Copies):

    1. Title to your condo here in Thailand with your name on it

    2. 2 photos

    3. Your passport

    4. Thai Bank Statement or Bank Book - no required amount but the more the merrier.

    5. Fill out application

    Guess where I'll be flying in November :P ?

    Just one more year and I'll be 50 -

  4. Went to Villa Market yesterday to pick-up a couple of steaks but I was schocked to find out that the cattle who were generously supplying these steaks were "Glass fed" :bah: Not too appetizing!!!

  5. My partner's OA Visa extension is coming up on the 1st week of August. Last year's extension he also paid for multiple entries. He supposed to report back for his 90 day reporting on November 5, 2009 - however he has been going in and out of the country before the 90 days required check-in and going thru Immigration at the airport. In other words he has never stayed in Thailand for more than 90 days continuously. He has all the necessary requirment for the next extension - my question is: There is a piece of paper stapled on the back of his passport regarding his next 90 day reporting being November 5, 2009 - will they give him a hard time when they see this :-).

  6. Go see Dr.Mongkol. On the The hill going down into Jomtien, he is in the corner of the car park for the supermarket there. Worked in the USA before coming back here. Speaks perfect English so you can discuss with him.

    Thanks for that.

    I have to disagree. Went to see Dr. Mongkol twice - regarding rashes on my toes and rapid weight loss. He misdiagnosed the sympton, gave me the wrong meds and overcharged me. I went to Pya Thai Hospital - turned out I had high blood sugar level (405 - WOW). Go to Pattaya International (Pattaya) or Pya Thai (Sri Racha) - you pay a little bit more but at least you quality treatment.

  7. I need AU$2000.00 cash - anyone needs Thai Baht? BTW can we get in trouble for doing this..? :)

    no u cant get in trouble for it, anyway what rate u offering? I may be able to help u here.

    to be fair... we meet in the middle between current Bank's buying and selling rate... pm me if interested.

  8. a) severe?

    2) life is too short to worry about traffic congestion.

    ii) you be drivin the beaches on the 'enders. i'm down with your commute. but, sounds like your bro is gonna be hoofin it down to Northshore :)

    You really need to get out more.

    He can always go to the Grand-Sale same-old-same-old junkie flea market this weekend..... Oh wait the minute... don't they have something similar already at the Thepprasit night weekend market.... that's right.

  9. Once again - the OP has not done anything wrong. He has a valid visa - the officer gave him the wrong stamp!! The only thing he should have done is to check the stamp at the airport as this would have avoided his problem in the first place, but it is not a biggie. It's a simple and honest mistake. Technically he has not overstayed, had the officer given him the right stamp.

    So go to the BKK immigration (name?) like we did for our son. Go directly to the "Wrong Stamp" booth, be polite and explain to him. I bet they will understand, no questions be asked and correct the mistake - off he goes. Good luck.

  10. As I'm 40 days over my stamp already I really don't want to get collared with a 20k penalty, if I can avoid it by going to BKK and getting this rectified there I might do that.

    I think the best move is to go to BKK Immigration - and YES they're probably more helpful and better to handle this.

    You have a valid visa - it's the officer at the airport that gave you the wrong stamp - so be polite and just go to the "Wrong Visa" counter and just tell him you have the wrong stamp. Don't even mention that you have overstayed based on that wrong stamp. I'm sure it will be just fine. It's a simple mistake. Good Luck.

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