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Posts posted by RKASA

  1. Did the games work before is this a new problem? If they worked before just resent try a restore point and see if an update or something has caused it. If they never worked at all, you'll have to reserch if you have a program compatable problem. Try the compatable mode options to run them as 98se or 2000 it should be on pro as it is in home version.

    edit add info: for my xphome its, start>programs>accessories>program compatibility wizard then just follow the steps

  2. The big c phitsanilok has a refill place and its cheap 40Baht, but my carts cost 780 so its a deal. But as was said before if I don't use daily the refills plug up. I run a test page everyother day seems to keep it going. Mines a 2000 baht lexmark x1250 all in one. Its not great but works for my needs. It was a closeout at Tesco about year ago. thats a x1270 not 50

  3. OK I am up on my PClinuxOC 2007 now and went back into the synaptic. I found the repository setupa and now see what I was doing wornge. I still have this MS click and go bug. So I assumed the reload was something else. I selected the repositories and reloaded. Found alot of stuff. downloading updates now. should make packages work alot better. Thanks everyone.

    :o OK that worked real well 6839 listed, 1205 installed,0 broken,0 to install/upgrade,0 to remove

    8/30/07 15:56 It took along time, and had to restart after java failed so unmarked them, then saw java interpeter go in during rerun so ran again after that and java went in as well. now all 400+mb downloaded and installed. I have wine,but don't know how to use yet. Still missing help files on some programs will have to track down web site info on them.

  4. I am not dogging autopatchs intent or quality of patchs, just process they where told to change. A part of the issue they leave out.

    Posted by Antonis Kaladis on August 29th, 2007 | 60 Comments

    Today we received an e-mail from Microsoft, requesting the immediate take-down of the download page, which of course means that AutoPatcher is probably history. As much as we disagree, we can do very little, and although the download page is merely a collection of mirrors, we took the download page down.

    The use of mirrors and a download page is the problem, autopatch scripts must use MS archive to build disk, thats what I mean by connected to MS, and there is the sys admin site at MS which also can also be used. I don't think autopatch had any bad intent. It s just that auto building patch scripts must run off the MS server as source of patchs. Thats what Hiese does. They could do that too, but they don't want to I guess. I think they should be able to do this but MS has 9/10 of the law, it owns the patchs.

    You nor I would ever do it, but some people using the mirrors can exploit the WGA work around, which is harder to do if using the MS source server. Back in april I was at MS update forums and was told I could use an autopatch, but look for one that uses MS update source, one that connects direactly to MS servers. That is how I found Hiese.

  5. And what's the real meaning of: "Antonis Kaladis (our project manager) once spoke to a Microsoft employee and apparently they know about us but don't care what we do!"?

    It just mean that a Project Manager was talking to some (which kind of) Employe! That should mean something? That's meaning: NOTHING! May that employe was resposible for to clean the toilets?

    Thats my whole point. Who is he talking about? Antonis Kaladis is the project manager of autopatch.com He want you to beleave he is connected to MS. He is not. Thats why MS shut them down. The system admin site for MS is on MS server links to it are provided in updates home page. You can build slipstream disks at their archive.

  6. No its not the same MS site its autopatcher.com and they use mirror sites and exchange files with other sites read the

    Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about AutoPatcher. at that web site and you can see they operate without using MS update site. The MS site for system admin. people is still running. Its to hard to for most people to use, but hiese provides an MS approved script which downloads from MS update site not mirror sites. You have to use MS update once with the script then it can do that part from cd with contect to MS update. Future running of the script rebuilds the cd ISO but only from MS update site with the WGA.

    They have a line in FAQ at autopatcher.com "Antonis Kaladis (our project manager) once spoke to a Microsoft employee and apparently they know about us but don't care what we do!" Thats no offical MS site, and I think now MS did care.

  7. Still need OEM disk. I see how they do it now . Its just like the updates I have for xp from Hiese security which is legal it uses WGA, They just put togather a package to restore if you have OEM disk to start. Which in itself is not bad. They added freeware AV and a few other things. I guess if you have an OEM disk it could get everything running again. devil is in the details.

  8. Are you sure? they have a trade mark take c cards and have a shopping cart. They also deal in many other products this is not a bogus site. full online store.

    On-disk and the On-Disk.com logo are trademarks of Webpath Technologies in the United States

    and/or other countries. Other Product names and Logos are trademark of their respective owners

    Copyright © 2003-2006. All rights reserved.


    c/o Webpath Technologies

    40 Charles Ave.

    Rochester, NY 14623


    I don't think mozilla firefox would be promoting this site if they are pirates.

  9. If your not getting the little green lite on the network card then ether xover cable is needed or cables are bad. I had a bad one that worked in ToT installers PC but not mine. If you have a PC shop around have them test it with cable tester made for J45. and tag a xover cable to test that option with so it doesn't get mixed with other cables. You may even have xover cables and thats why they don't work. sort them out an tag them, have a few spares 1 m cable around 30baht. Plug someones laptop in and see if that works.

  10. There was a post in which someone was going to rebuild an old win98. I can't find the tread, but I found at on-disk.com

    // Link removed // They have all the windows ware you need $3.99 on disk never a need to download updates again all included. they have all the other versions as well xp ect. :o

  11. OK I am up on my PClinuxOC 2007 now and went back into the synaptic. I found the repository setupa and now see what I was doing wornge. I still have this MS click and go bug. So I assumed the reload was something else. I selected the repositories and reloaded. Found alot of stuff. downloading updates now. should make packages work alot better. Thanks everyone.

  12. It depends on what you call highspeed up to 1mb on sat. and in puket I would think you can get ADSL account. may be alittle cheaper. For the IT center I heard one person say in other forum he would do a download at the school because he had 8mb, that would be nice and $$$

  13. I was told the IT center is going into Chang mai or is already kind of there. But as for a real network, well it took 40 years to build an airport. Then it only got done because enough payoffs were made to make it happen. I am sure it will get held to the same ransom.

  14. I am Liking it but have to resolve the package manager as I can't add any programs if most the patch files are missing from Synpactic site it is using.

    I think the PClinuxOS is redhat based can I download and install a diff package maniger that would use another site were the files arn't all missing? I can hunt around for the files but hoping to find a site that runs the packages withiout browsing around.

    The answers to your install problems are above (see 2 message above this one).

    PCLinuxOS2007 is based on Mandrake

    Yea I was thinking mandrake and typed redhat. I was at the user site and got what your saying seems that list is not auto updated have to reload or it may be looking at older addresses of dep. files. reloading the list is going to re populate the information used by the downloader or at lest thats what I get from it. Will see soon.

  15. I dumped it back in Dec. they dropped NASCAR and added more PPV. I aready paided to view. and its all reruns on most stations anyway. edit PS where does all their money go?? its not uncommen to get vid on demand 500 station wirth internet and phone service in other country at the same all less price.

  16. Why limit yourself just to have a remote. Put an old PC or laptop connected to your LAN or WLAN and now you can use any format and rip or play DVD as well as content from the WEB. You can still use files on a network drive or the one in the PC. Just get an adptor to connect video from PC to TV. Only thing this device does is limit your formats and let u use a remote, and a PC with adptor will cost half as much. edit PS you can then rip content from the TV as well.

  17. Try Damm Small Linux (DSL), Hurd, or many of the other small compact Linux distros.

    damm is not the correct spelling, but phonetically pronounced the same as the banned word.

    I have DSL and two other small distro I use. Nimblex and puppy. all livecd's they are small and can run live. I use them in live mode with settings and things going to a fat32 drive. PClinuxOS is 698mb ISO to start and 3g unpacked it needs to be installed to really use it. The live part is just for demo. I am Liking it but have to resolve the package manager as I can't add any programs if most the patch files are missing from Synpactic site it is using.

    I think the PClinuxOS is redhat based can I download and install a diff package maniger that would use another site were the files arn't all missing? I can hunt around for the files but hoping to find a site that runs the packages withiout browsing around.

  18. I tried out the livecd for PClinuxOS 2007 and found that I liked it. I knew I had to inst it because its way to large for a livecd. I put it on an old drive which is using a IDE adpter to usb cable. I followed the usb install and it works great, boots and runs alot faster from the drive. I started to set up some more things and do some downloading. Using the packages I selected a game and it required two other patchs to go with it. I selected them and it went out to get them. It downloaded one or two parts then said that the others where missing from the server. OK I try other one and same thing happens, but not the same things midssing. again and again nothing can install because half of everything needed is missing from the server. I am going to the forum after they fix my user name again?? starting to get a bit worn down on this one. PClinuxOS forum is working about as well as the package site?? Just ranting about it because I still can't get back into their forum. I may just have to find another distro. Well the other forum just let me back in again, see what I can find.

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