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Posts posted by MandoDog

  1. Yes. And you are right, the magic of restarting of often effective. Unfortunately the problem continues.

    The customer service lines at TOT have been busy, so I was wondering if there was a more wide spread problem.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

  2. Question about timing..


    I will be going to the Mahasarakham Immigration office at the end of the month to get my NonImmigrant O (marriage) Visa extended for another year. My current re-entry permit expires on December 2.


    Does anybody know if they can do it on that same day, or if it will need to be sent to Bangkok for processing?


    If not the same day, will they hold my passport for a period of time for processing? Or will I get it back and have it in my possession during processing.


    I ask since I would want to be able to fly to Bangkok and stay in a hotel during the following week, but both require that I show my passport.


    Am I better off just going to Bangkok and doing the renewal at the immigration center there?



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  3. Am slowly furnishing my new house in Mahasarakham, the biggest trick is keeping my wife from buying the particle-board crap that is most prevalent around town.

    Does anybody know of a place that sells/makes proper solid wood furniture, such as Dressers / Armoires?

  4. Are there any PVR options that can capture these HD channels?

    Or, is the only reasonable PVR option geeting one from True. Reasonable meaning you could program the thing to record in advance and not worry about having the True set-top box (STB) turned to the correct channel.

    I think they only over the regular SD version at this time, but I really, really want the HD shows. (Once you have had HD for an extended period, really tough to go back to SD.)

    I am completely open to buying one myself, but not sure how that would work in relation to the STB. Maybe simply a problem of my own limited technical understanding.

  5. Thanks, seems to be general agreement it should work better than this.

    I'll speak with them again, but between my language limitations and the odd symptoms.....

    The strangest thing to me is that the temperature gauge must be working as it will control the mode (what vents are open) and speed fo the fan as it cools down. (Starts at high speed fan and slows down as the temperature comes down.) But, it always blows really cold air. So it seems to be a "stranger" problem.

    I do use the recycle/outside air switch but it generally has no affect on how cold the air is blowing.

    Will let you know how it works out when I try again.

  6. This may sound like a nice problem, but the air conditioning in my Toyota Corolla is too cold. Even if I set it on Auto and the temperature at 28 (the maximum), it simply continues to blow very cold air.

    It seems that the only thing the "Auto" feature will control is the mode (which vents are used) and the speed of the fan. Is this right?

    I am used to the "Auto" feature also adjusting the actual temperature of the air coming out of the vents (if needed). Just like the good old days when there was a dial to change the temperature from hot to cold.

    The result of this is that I need to turn off the air conditioning (go to just Vent) occassionally just to keep from freezing. Drives me crazy.

    I tried to get the shop where I bought the car (bought it new) to look at it, but they insist it is working fine. Does this sound right?

  7. Trying to figure out when the best time is for me to renew my Non-Immigrant B Visa.

    I have a 1 year Non-Imm B Visa that will expire in January 2011.

    I also have an Extension of Stay that will expire in July 2011. I obtained this simply to avoid having to leave the country every 90 days.

    My understanding is that this Extension of Stay means I can stay in Thailand after January 2011 (when my Visa expires), up to July 2011.

    However, if I leave Thailand after the Visa expires, then I would need to first obtain a Re-Entry Permit before leaving the country. With this document, I will be able to re-enter Thailand without having to get a new Visa, as long as I re-enter before the expiry in July 2011 of my Extension of Stay.

    My question is, will it be more difficult getting a renewed Non-Imm B Visa in July 2011 (before the Extension of Stay expires) than it would if I started the renewal now, before the Visa expires in January?

    For instance, would I have to leave the country to get a renewed Non-Imm B Visa if I do it in July 2011, but perhaps I could get the renewal without leaving the country if I pursue it before it expires in January?

    Any thoughts on this?

  8. If the ruling was based on improper submitting why did two judges find agaisnt them?

    ...This is not about whitewashing anyone. It is a simple procedural point of law...

    How can a simple procedural point of law result in a ruling that is not unanimous?

    Clearly at least one of your premises is off.

    People can differ over the interpretation of a procedure. Why do you feel this is impossible?

    That was not my opinion, I was questioning the conclusion that this was "a simple precedural point of law". I agree with your point, this was obviously not "clear". If it was, then at least 2 (possibly 4) people made significant errors.

  9. Sometimes even a booking doesn't work.

    I played at Loch Palm (Phuket) recently with a group of friends using a tour company (there were 6 of us, playing at 3 different courses over the weekend). The tour company made a caddie booking for us (5 specific caddies), and I even called myself the week before we played to confirm the booking.

    Then, we show up, they say there is no booking and we have to take the next caddies in line. I protest saying I personally made the booking. Two of the booked caddies do finally join us, off we go to play.

    The following week, these two caddies are suspended for two weeks.

    I guess this fits the stories earlier in the year about some rather interesting changes to caddie management at this course. You may recall at one point the caddies organized to shut down the road leading to th course (maybe not a good idea, but it shows how frustrated they were).

    Not sure who is benefiting from these changes......does not seem to be the paying customers.

  10. I will bear this in mind next time certain posters say the PAD did not force the airport to close, cheers.

    Please feel free --- then read the reports from the AOT -- that do not in fact blame the PAD, and DO in fact blame the AOT chief on the scene.

    Comparing apples to oranges and supporting any thing the reds do .... ugh ...

    Suggest you follow your own signature, have a brain. Your premise is that the airport could have remained operational in the middle of those protests. And I suppose you would suggest that our lovely shopping malls near the current mob are closed of their own choice, not as the result of the mob.

    The propaganda from both sides is ridiculous. They want to overthrow the monarchy, they want to bomb the emerald buddha, we are only peace-loving people in search of democracy, ....

    I would think (hope) most of us realize that 90% of the statements from both sides are 90% bs.

  11. Silly situation. I have a proper Non-Immigrant B Visa (Multi Entry, 1 year) and a Work Permit. Both expire next year. However, today was the last day of my initial 90-days per the stamp in my passport, and my HR prime has not yet obtained my Extension of Stay.

    What do you suggest the best plan is?

    Do I let HR finish up, and try to get the Extension of Stay next week?


    Do I hop on a plane tomorrow night and spend a weekend out of the country?

    Your thoughts?

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