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Posts posted by zoolander

  1. Peppers bakery is your best bet for information.

    Weloveubon.com is a good site about Ubon. The information in the site is not up to date but gives you some great info about Ubon.

  2. Today i visited the True office in Ubon Ratchathani, who confirmed that in the city area, there is 3g coverage.

    Anybody have this service?. If so, are you getting 3g speeds.

    The package seems reasonable at 450 baht per month for 4 months, there after its 900 baht a month.


  3. Take a look at the following web site.......its a little out of date now but still has some good info..........Baan Thai as Memock suggested is very clean and they have larger rooms. Never seen rooms here that have separate bedrooms..........and i have looked at most apartments here.............I have seen a new apartment complex near Nong Bua which is not far from Lotus..........Best bet is to pop into Peppers bakery and ask around.......always some friendly help at Peppers.....www.weloveubon.com/ubon-apartments

  4. Take a look at the following web site.......its a little out of date now but still has some good info..........Baan Thai as Memock suggested is very clean and they have larger rooms. Never seen rooms here that have separate bedrooms..........and i have looked at most apartments here.............I have seen a new apartment complex near Nong Bua which is not far from Lotus..........Best bet is to pop into Peppers bakery and ask around.......always some friendly help at Peppers.....www.weloveubon.com/ubon-apartments

  5. Sunee hotel is the newest and one of the best hotels in Ubon. It has many facilities but in my opinion a tad bit business like.

    If you have your own transport I would stay at Huai Muang Apartments which is a new complex with great views of the reservoir and a third of the price of Sunee. The rooms are very good. It’s located just a mile from one of the large shopping malls SK.

    If you don’t have your own transport I would stay at Pan House as it’s very central and also have very good rooms.

    If you like a drink away from the two farang bars I would visit Swing Party House, they have a good band playing, but they do have hostesses, but they are very discreet and professional. In my opinion it’s suitable for couples to have a good time.

    There are a few farang orientated places to eat. Enjoy a breakfast at Peppers and if you’re missing the company of other farangs then you can visit Wrong Way and N Joy. I would suggest trying the local Thai restaurants if you coming to this part of Thailand.

    All the above information is on weloveubon.com

    MeMock, we are missing your good company but John is doing a very good job. Maybe you will continue with you blog................

  6. hi, i currently use my laptop at a wifi hotspot to talk people via msn video.

    Can i do the same thing if i bought a mobile phone with wifi................or if i cant use video and i still talk through msn.

    If i can, can anyone recommend a cheap phone....................many thanks.............

  7. Can anybody recommend a brand of water purifier to use. I’ve looked at Pure, Aquatek and Fujika so far. Looks like they are all local companies. Any advice please.............thanks

  8. On 15th July we cancelled our TrueVisions satellite package. I now have an Intelsat 8 satellite which provides free BBC World Service, Australia Network and other English speaking channels.

    TrueVisions response to our cancellation was that the local agent would collect their equipment in 3 days and then we would have to wait a further 30 days for the return of the deposit we paid when we first took out the package.

    Well ,we had to wait over 3 weeks for the agent to come and collect their equipment.

    Now TrueVisions are saying we will have to wait a further 45 days for the return of the deposit after the equipment has been collected.

    After several emails to TrueVisions customer services saying this seems unfair, TrueVisions now completely ignore my emails.

    Anybody have a contact at TrueVisions that can help us.....................the sum is minimal but their attitude makes me feel we should pursue this until we get back our deposit.


    Yesterday i went shopping at Sunee Mall in Ubon and wanted to look in the large sports shop there.

    Upon entering the sports shop i was followed by one of the young helpers, as is normal here.

    After browsing, i picked what i wanted and the helper and i walked to the cashiers desk to pay.

    After paying the plump cashier lady i turned to walk out, when she said in a rather loud and intimidating voice “Tip Mai”. I just carried on and walked out of the shop.

    I’m sure this would not have happened to a thai and while this is no big deal, there have been a few unpleasant incidences similar to this happen here in rural Ubon.

    I guess i will have to learn to live with it, but only five years ago i never heard any such comments.

    The worst part of this was that the cashier actually expected a tip.

  9. When every conversation you have concerns money or food

    When loud music is considered normal

    When the shop assistant follows you around the shop and you don’t feel uncomfortable

    When you think all thai men are hard working

    When people stop asking for money, drinks or other donations

    When people stop asking what’s your name and where you come from

    When KFC is considered fine dining

    When having Truevisions is considered the pinnacle of TV programming

    When being waved through a police check point is considered as saving money

    When lost and don’t bother asking for directions

    When you understand the importance of money

  10. Many thanks Citizen 33. I visited my local dealer and now have a fixed dish which receives Intelsat 8. This gives me BBC World News, Australia TV and Japanese news without any payment . Just what i wanted. Cost 6000 baht.<snip>

  11. many thanks..............thats just what im looking for...............i live in amantcharoen...............do i just go to the nearest satellite shop and ask them to install a Intelsat 5 (169E) or Intelsat 5 (166E)

  12. "Regarding free-to-air broadcasts on a big dish, you will get BBC World (news)". Thanks..............can you tell me which satellite i can view this on

  13. Can anybody give me a list of options for satellite TV available in the Isaan region. Most important is BBC or CNN news. I’ve got True Visions now and want rid. thanks

  14. We live in a small village and send our rice to the village miller. But we are getting less than a thied of a sack back after its been milled. Is there such a machine as a domestic milling machine where we can do this job ourselves. thnx

  15. hi, we have a low level water tank at ground floor level and another high water tank 7 meters above the ground.

    We want to pump water from the low level tank into the high level tank.

    Any ideas how i work out what pump duty i need. thnx

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