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  1. Maybe too late, you could already be flagged.
  2. Regardless, poor bloke didn't deserve this!!!
  3. Cause 'Go-Fundme' is free if things go wrong, insurance costs money. The world has clued in.
  4. Same for me but many more times... never did they ask, until they did !!!!
  5. They say they are trying to clean up Pattaya? 🤮
  6. Uddin gets the lesser sentence out of the 3 Life in a Thai jail is probably worse than death
  7. An old fool and his money parted. Ka-ching!!
  8. Careful Yagoda, you may hurt BillyD's feelings. Seems he has a soft spot for the BiB.
  9. Pot calling the kettle black, with your dumb-ass comment. Maybe I should have known in advance, boarded a plane, and been there to take care of it myself Tell me, is what I said not correct?
  10. Thai cops, piss weak, a group of them can't take down 1 man. They should take classes in how to wrestle.

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