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Posts posted by filingaccount

  1. Global ice mass is decreasing because? Not because it is getting cooler.

    It is not about "belief". When you just look at the numbers you can draw a conclusion that temperatures are increasing globally, and as a result global ice mass decreases. Temperatures are not increasing because a measuring station (or all) is close to an air condition or isn't in the path of some wind (as observed by shrinking ice masses)

    Temperature increases are real. (again, why temperatures are increasing is not the issue here.) Why argue observed facts?


    Greenland 1992


    Greenland 2002


    I dont have a picture for 2009 but this graph shows the trend


    As for Bangkok sinking... hasn't it been sinking for decades already and this is why we have continued floods even though measures are put in place and improved upon yearly?

  2. A PC can be built for as little as a couple of thousand baht if you are lucky that some equipment survived.

    However, this means you know a thing or two about building PC's... if Somchai couldn't figure out how to make it work yet then I guess, if you are unable to fix yourself, you are SOL.

    A hypothetical cheap PC:

    1500 baht Mainboard: ASrock N68-S (everything built in, including VGA/sound/LAN/more)

    1250 baht CPU: AMD Sempron LE140 (or Athlon II X2 240: 2000 baht. Much more powerful.)

    800 baht RAM: 1 GB DDR2

    500 baht Generic Powersupply

    500 baht Locally made case (eg. Phoenix)

    20 baht SATA to IDE converter cable

    Total: 4570 baht

    You can get laptops on the cheap now with decent specs. I have seen several around 14-15 k with good enough specs to last a few years with light/internet use.

  3. I have "worked/co-ordinated" with True over several months trying to piece together what is actually the problem. True is using a "compartment" system with their staff, so no staff actually knows more than a tiny piece of the whole system. Also, the support staff at True have no way to escalate the problem to higher level engineers and management. This is by design.

    My, simplified (as there is lots more), conclusion is that they simply have an underpowered and over filtered DNS server solution while, at the same time, using transparent proxies to filter and delay outside DNS servers. Why? Because the Thai law stating they need to collect and store every Internet address each IP visits, together with time stamps as well as having too little bandwidth to cope with their 16 mbps promotion.

    A simple test is to go to your slow or non loading website using the IP address instead of the website name (or using a VPN proxy solution). For example www.thaivisa.com/forum. Using an alternative DNS server with True results in no images loading at all while entering with a VPN proxy the site loads completely.

    True also filters public torrent servers and tries to cache the most popular torrents on their own local servers. This worked fine when the maximum ADSL speed was 4 mbps. Now with everyone having 8-16 mbps their caching solution is underpowered, and thus torrents download slower. Use private trackers and you should be fine, as long as you get on decent seeding torrents.

    They also limit the number of concurrent connections allowed. If you happen to optimize firefox to load pages faster (and thus use more concurrent connections) and open automatically 15-20 pages on browser startup you will see non-loading pages with different error messages (eg. Connection was reset). The same scenario happens if you are connecting to public trackers and you happen to connect to more than 120 seeds/peers with more than 20 half open connections. Your Internet connection simply "dies", and the only solution is to heavily limit your torrent client connections.

    Also, their technicians they send out to customer sites are trained in one thing and one thing only. To find a way to blame you and your PC.

    They connect the ADSL signal checker and read the number. If the number corresponds to the range of acceptable, they move on to switching your modem to "a better version".

    If that fails then they say the fault is with your PC. If you then have 4 or 5 different computers with 3 different operating systems showing the same problem it is ignored.

    If you then show that you just installed a clean Windows XP on one of your backup PC's, they will come up with a number of non-related problems (such as, you have no anti-virus). If you then ask them what are their recommended softwares they have no clue and are unable to answer you.

    If you ask them to plug in their laptop and they do so, and things load, ask them to clear their browser cache and cookies, and flush the local dns resolver cache.

    If they happen to agree, and they see the same slow loading issues they will quickly take their leave mumbling something about "have to check cable outside" even though they categorically stated the problem was the local PC (wihtout actually telling you what the problem is) and the line is 110% perfect.

    If you then try to show them measurementlab.net and the results from there showing connection issues they will simply ignore you.

    If you then call the service center, yet again, the service center has no fault report from the technician. And thus the same story is rinsed and repeated.

    This way they never have to own up to the fact that it is their network that is underpowered and that they oversell the bandwidth while applying extremely strict filtering and blocking techniques.

    There is a lot more, but this should narrow the field a bit.

    I suggest you contact www.tci.or.th and file a complaint (this goes for everyone on all trouble ISP's)

  4. Thaivisas speedtest has found its way to speedtest.net

    Too bad it is woefully underpowered.

    I get about 1/4th of my ADSL maximum speed whereas if I test my speed against another server I manage to hit full speeds sans Internet overhead.

    In real terms this means I have 3.9 Mbps to Thaivisa and 15.2 Mpbs to, for example, the Amsterdam server.

    Is anyone else experiencing poor performance to the new "standard" server on speedtest.net?

  5. One thing I have learned is that without a great Co-owners committee even the "best" condos turn to crap in short order. Ask for a 6 month plan of future repairs and see what they come up with.

    Be vary of buying into second tier developments like Condo One and the like.

    I surveyed, in Bangkok, approximately all developments from 5 years old to the ones not even finished today over a period of 3 years while searching for a condo to buy.

    The one thing I was impressed with was the extremely professional bullcrap coming from developers and resellers of units. The developers do dress things up very well and get out of dodge faster than you can say "draw" on the official transfer day.

    Do your research, ask other foreigners what problems they see in the building. I know this sounds bad, but Thais generally speaking do not share problems openly. Visit the property on your own volition without the supervision of an agent, and do so several times at different hours of the day. It is amazing what you will find out by just hanging around for a few hours.

    Developers cut costs, up-sell as much as they can, treat their VIP buyers (eg. 5+ unit purchase) at launch to whatever they need and they have independent PR machines. They will hide financial info, and low ball costs calculations to the very last minute. If there is something seriously wrong in a new unit, pressure and push and pressure some more, and eventually they will replace the faulty stuff, but they will never step up and do it easily.

    Simple note: Ask for extra tiles for your bathroom/kitchen/floor that match the color and shade of the current tiles. You will never ever find the same color and shade again, and tiles break...

    There is plenty more to think about, but over-budget for expenses by 33%. If you decide to furnish with a contractor, over-budget the time, and expect to be on their butts daily to get things moving.

    Remember, nobody thinks like you, so make even the smallest thing clear. Ask questions, and then ask them again... and again. Better look stupid now, than be stupid after the fact.

  6. They were available in number a few months back, but I haven't seen much of them lately in Bangkok. It could be that people do not quite "get" what it is for, or a more general purpose desktop is suitable for Thai's instead. A Nettop is generally the 3rd or 4th computer in a household, and rarely do we see that many in one household in Thailand.

    Netbooks seems to be almost as successful in Thailand (at least in Bangkok) as elsewhere in the world. This is supported by the boatload of netbooks on sale in all computer centers, and by observation in various coffee places with Internet access.

    One could get a cheap laptop and have it double as a Nettop "clone" when needed (as in using the VGA or DVI out and using an external keyboard) with the additional benefit of portability with screen. Not ideal perhaps, but a possibility.

  7. OP is asking for the best of the best, for free or minimal cost.

    This is quite likely not going to happen.

    You can setup your online presence for free, just as many have suggested, however the results will reflect the cost. If it was free, it will look... well... free. You have myspace, several wordpress sites, even social networking sites all for "free". Most solutions will allow you at most a subdomain (eg. yoursite.theirsite.com). You can setup a domain redirect. Eg. People type yourdomain.com and it automatically redirects to myspace.com/yoursite.

    You can spend a moderate amount and use semi-professional, newbie solutions like squarespace or equivalent, for a fairly easy and quite intuitive step-by-step process. However, they charge you quite high monthly for the hosting part as this is where they make their money. They allow your own domain as well as "free" subdomains.

    You can also setup your own server, OS, software, apps and control panel, but this requires you to know what you are doing and only then can you start pushing down the cash amount (although you will spend a lot of time doing it). The server can even be connected to your own home connection if you expect extremely light traffic.

    The last solution is to ask a decent company to help you with your setup. Again, price here normally will reflect skill level, but not always. Web design is a lot like artistry nowadays, and tastes differ. Sample work is a good indication which style a design company has chosen. Very rarely will they be able to deviate much from their set styles. Anyone claiming to be good/great in any/all styles is most likely blowing smoke up your tubes.

    Google apps for your domain is easy to setup as soon as you have your own URL. This is not tied to any hosting company or website. You can register your own domain, set the MX records to google and setup your emails @yourdomain.com without having a website setup.

    If you want any more suggestions or advice, feel free to PM me.

  8. Perhaps crushed and cooked with short ribs? Other than that it can with good results be used in "exotic desert salads", as a juice as well as tomato-pineapple salsa.

    I'm guessing the juice could be used as a cream (whipped or not) flavoring and served together with a crepe perhaps?

    Maybe as an alcoholic sorbet (vodka pineapple?) or as frozen pineapple margarita?

  9. "he said the insurgents were now based mainly in Bang Kapi district"

    Ok.... how about arresting them since you know their locations at pin-point accuracy? They are apparently identified as insurgents already, so it follows they must already have done something against the sovereignty of Thailand.

    But let us assume they have done nothing ... yet ... but there is evidence or suspicion they might do something or other. How about deploying a large amount of police and/or military personnel and have them tracked during the critical days? It was so easy to deploy police/military several times throughout the year, so this should be a breeze.

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