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Posts posted by submaniac

  1. Thai officials generally don't know what they're talking about...about a 50/50 chance they're making it up. I don't have much useful information to add, but wanted to point out one thing: Once you get your kids registered on the Tabian Bahn, they're potentially subject to the military service lottery. The house book is how people are chosen. If you are not listed in the book because you are out of country, you are not subject to the lottery. If they're name is still on the books when they get of age, they may be subject to the lottery.

  2. I'd take the KRR - better engine and produces more power. It does however look seriously dated and has a VERY low seat compared to the TZM which is essentially a full sized bike, in terms of ergonomics.

    Actually the last years of the KRR are very beautiful, and not dated at all imho. Here's a pic:


    That said, I also agree TZM is a full sized bike (this is the bike if you are tall). From owning a TZM and Honda NSR RR, I would say that the parts availability is pretty good for TZM. I don't know about Kawasaki though.

  3. Speaking as an American, and as an avid lifelong sports fan, all I can say is...........

    ...... we have a soccer team?


    Yeah, as someone in the U.S. right now I can safely report that there's not alot of news reporting of America's effort in the world cup right now stateside. Stanley cup was big. NBA finals big. Soccer...ermmm...I mean footbal is barely a blip on the radar. Looking here is how I found out U.S.A. won over Ghana. (Ummm...congratulations and yay!!!! I guess).

    • Like 1
  4. I am on it. Zolpidem is the generic for ambien. From my experience, the real drug works better than the generic (seriously, the problem has been said by others which can be found with a google search). And yes, it is addictive. Take it too much and the problem you get is you can't sleep without it.

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  5. "All three people in the car - a man, his wife and his mother - died in the attack, which saw their vehicle plough into crowds of tourists, killing two and wounding 40 other people before bursting into flames, authorities said at the time."

    OK, so the terrorists in the car died in the attack. So who/why were the other people sentenced to death?

  6. "Akeyuth became rich running a pyramid scheme two decades ago, and stayed in self-imposed exile until the statute of limitations in the case against him ran out."

    Sorry. Don't feel bad. Actually, the word "karma" comes to mind as does the old phrase "what goes around comes around". To be a BILLIONAIRE, imagine the countless people who lost their life's savings to one person's greed (I'm thinking of the interviews I have seen of the victims of Bernie Madhoff's schemes.) Madhoff got a life sentence for his schemes.

  7. ^^This is good stuff. Would definitely create more interest from Americans for the game.

    Hey submaniac ... where you been bro?

    Heven't read you long time.

    sbk is gone, retired from the game.

    Live Long and Prosper.

    yeah, mate,, i guess it has been a while. I had some health issues that I had to take care of. Thymus cancer. So that has kept me out of the game for a while. I am slowly sneaking my way back on to the board.

    SBK????? Retired? NOOOOOOO!!!!! I am so terribly sad about that.

  8. I actually had a conversation with a doctor about this. He had been in Europe (and the name of the drug he was talking about I forgot) but were we having a discussion about how in Europe he talked to people who were administered the drug and they were talking about how spiritual it was, but in America people (given the same anesthetic) were unwilling to talk about their experience. So the gist of the conversation was whether it was a cultural thing.

    Having being administered Ketamine, yes, I get what you mean about spiritual experience. I guess I like spiritual experiences as much as the next guy, but this was not alot of fun. It's one thing if I'm wandering through the desert with Jim Morrison looking for a bald headed indian, but I'm strapped down to a gurney in a Ct scanner dousing me with radiation while a machine with a needle at the end punctures my chest...that is really not the time for it.

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  9. I was on Ketamine for a medical procedure. Doctors did a biopsy near my heart. I wanted to get knocked out completely (no one really wants to be awake when a really long needle pierces your chest next to your heart). Couldn't be knocked out because I had to be semi conscious to control breathing. So ketamine mixed with Versed it was. I have a hard time understanding why anyone would want to take Ketamine for recreation...unless your idea of fun is having hallucinations and out of body experiences.

  10. This would be more appropriate on the motorcycle forum. And it has already been discussed many many many times. Long story short, really it is cheaper just to buy a Harley in Thailand (yes and I know they are expensive in Thailand). There is a good chance you will either pay more by doing it yourself (if you are lucky) or (if you aren't) you will lose your bike. Unless you know someone, it's hard to make happen. Sorry, but that is the reality.

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