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Posts posted by Beck1976

  1. I have a friend who been here in Thailand for 2½ year, doing visa runs to Singapore getting a tourist visa every time, and had a ½ year "break" in his native country. So obviously he have a lot of Tourist-stamps in his passport, and he is only 24 years old.

    Yesterday he went to Hong Kong to get a new Tourisy Visum before going back to Denmark later this summer.

    Apparently he was rejected, and the clerk told him they needed to see a bank statement?

    Is this in any way normal?

  2. Thank you for your answers.

    OK, I'll almost certainly wont be able to make it before the 21 days-mark (visa+extension expires July 6th), as the paperwork with embassy and Thai ministry is far from complete. Actually I wasn't sure I would be able to get married before I had to renew my visa (would then be for another Tourist Visa).

    I currently have my funds in a bank account in Denmark. I can wire them to Thailand, and have them in my bank account here for 2 months before applying for an extension, but will it be accepted as financial proof (if they require it) upon the non-O visa application, as it at that point only have been in the account little more than one month (I know, my timing sucks).

    In worst case scenario, I guess I'll just get the tourist visa, and then later have it changed. I assume that upon applying for a non-O, they will tell me if my documents are insufficient, so I can change my application to a tourist visa?

    My last problem is

    My passport expires in June next year. I can get a new passport from the Danish Consulat in Phuket, but how does that interact with getting visa and extension? Is it transferred to the new passport or how does that work?

  3. Right now I'm staying here on a normal 60-day tourist visum. If it can be done without leaving the country, please tell me :)

    Yes, my wife has her Tabbien Baan. But I read in another post about, since she is registered in Khon Kaen, and we are going to live in Phuket, we could have problems (if they decided to come look at our home to verify the marriage). That's me misunderstanding that? As long as she have the TB then no problem?

    I will not need to show any financial documents upon applying for the non-o?

  4. I'm getting married to my girlfriend within a couple of months, when all the paperwork with the embassy is in order (am a Danish citizen, FWIW).

    I then plan on going to Penang, Malaysia to do a non-O visa, and then later a 1-year extension at the immigration office in Phuket Town. I've read all the threads I could find, but must admit I'm getting a bit confused (different documents needed for marriage, Visa and extension) and still have some questions, trying to find out exactly what I need.

    First the initial application, I read this page http://www.thaivisa.com/visa/non-immigrant-visa.html and it states I need the following:


    Initial place to contact: An alien must apply for non-immigrant visa "code O" at a Thai Embassy or Consulate abroad before he/she enters the country.

    Duration of the first permit: As warranted by this visa, the applicant will receive permission to stay for 90 days. Duration of extension: The Immigration Office will grant that applicant a maximum extension of one year at a time.


    1. Application Form T.M. 7.

    2. A copy of passport or substitute document.

    3. One 4*6 cm. Photo.

    4. Marriage certificate.

    5. 500 baht fee.

    6. Birth certificate (if any). & current medical original certificate (any Thai clinic will do for 30-50 baht).

    7. Evidence to identify that the supporter or the one being supported has a Thai nationality or has residence in Thailand.

    8. If an alien is the supporter, he must submit financial evidence, proof of employment, work permit and tax receipts.


    1-5 is no problem.

    6. Is that my birthcertificate they need? Should I have it translated to Thai? Or English? Current medical certificate?? Never heard about that.

    7. Is a copy of my wifes ID-card sufficient?

    8. My income is from an apartment I rent out in Denmark. Would I typically be able to get a "certificate of income" from my embassy based on that? Or is it better if I present a bankbook with xxx baht in it? If the later, how long should the money have been in the bankbook allready? 2 months, same as with the extension?

    Should I bring anything else? Wedding-pictures etc? Or is that only for when applying for the extension?

    Now about the extension.

    I've seen some posters mention I need my wife's house card. What is that? Is that a document that shows her official address?

    And is it a problem that she is not living at her offical address?

    Final question:

    My passport expires in June next year. I can get a new passport from the Danish Consulat in Phuket, but how does that interact with getting visa and extension? Is it transferred to the new passport or how does that work?

  5. I went to get some thai-massage, because of severe pain in my shoulder (old sports-injury - inflamed tendons)

    After the massage the girl told me that the pain was due to ghosts inhabiting my body!!! And now she exorcised them, so now a lot of ghosts would be standing outside of her shop, not knowing where to go. I don't know if she later tried to guide these lost spirits on their way or what.

  6. First of all, thank you all for your responses.

    To clarify, I am definitely not in a hurry to buy anything, but I figured I might as well started trying to figure how to go about it.

    Ownership. OP didnt ask, but..... Whatever you do (leas, co ltd, loan in land deed) do it before getting married. When married you have to sign in land office this is her property bought for her money and everything else becomes invalid.

    I was under the impression (and please correct me if I'm wrong), that if you get an usufruct in your name from the original owner of the land, and the land is then sold to your wife, then the usufruct would still be valid?

    I understand that could still cause me problems, should we ever split up, if she decided to make my life miserable / trying to chase me out of the house. I'm pretty sure she would move back to Khon Kaen, should that happen however, so not causing any problems on that front.

    I understand that renting is easier in so many ways. Several of you say "then it's easier to walk away". True, but having a kid in 4 months, making it easy to walk away isn't my first priority.

    On a side note:

    I am able to build the house in my name (but on her land)?? If I have an usufruct giving me lifetime use of the land/house, what are the additional advantages of owning it myself? I mean, I cant sell to anyone I guess, since she could prevent them from using the land? How does that work in practice?

    Oh, and I'm definitely gonna get hold of the book, thanks.

  7. So I'm thinking of aquiring real estate here in Thailand.

    A few facts first:

    My girlfriend is 5 month pregnant, and we are going to get married soon.

    She doesn't care so much about size of the house etc. I'm the one who'd like a big house.

    I've bought and sold a couple of condos in my homeland (Denmark), but know ABSOLUTELY nothing about building anything, preparing land for building etc.

    The house and land will of course be in her name, with an usufruct in my name, giving me lifetime use of the house, should we ever split up.

    Now, I've been looking at a newly built house in Phuket, price 7m baht. How much do the project owner usually make in profit? In other words how big a premium am I paying for buying something allready completed?

    Not that I'm gonna do the actual building myself, I will of course employ a contractor to do everything.

    Basically, what are the up- and downsides to buying compared to building?

  8. Apparently Chai Air only have website in Thai, and I´m uncertain if it is in any way up to date.

    So was hoping somebody might have the correct phonenumber for booking a trip from Khon Kaen to Bangkok?

    The other day I found a timetable on the internet, but by the love of God I´m unable to find that same timetale now. So likewise, if anybody have the timetable, please share :o

  9. So my girlfriend started talking about something she call "share". I've seen it described somewhere once before as Thai-bank, but searching now has proved futile.

    Anyway, as my girlfriend is unable to explain it (in a way I understand it completely), I would like to know if any of you know anything about it?

    I'm thinking the legality, is it a scam, and what are the actual procedures?

    As far as I understand a group of people pool together an amount of money every week. Then these same people can then bid on the pool of money, sort of an auction. And whoever bids the most (i.e. paying the highest interest) will get the pool of money. And that happens every week.

    But I am unsure how it is decided to share the revenue/interest, as it is my understanding that not everybody get the same?

    Please enlighten me :o

  10. I'm doing the Penang-trip tomorrow (will post trip report after).

    Which pages of my passport do I need a photocopy of when applying for the tourist visa? Also I'm gonna have a single day overstay, do I need any photocopies of anything when paying the fine at the border?

    Or should I just inform the mini-bus driver about it and let him take care of it (he did last time, but didn't seem like normal procedure).

  11. Hello

    I'm currently staying in Khon Kaen, and plan on going to Vientiane in a couple of days (probably/preferrably monday) for making a visa. I was of the understanding that it would be possible to make a tourist (2 month visa), but reading the recent posts, it seems people only go there for a one month visa?

    Is it possible? Also, any special things I have to be aware of?

    I read in another thread that it was adviseable to make a visa for Laos beforehand, as the busses Khon Kaen-Vientiane wouldn't wait for those needing to make visas at the border. If I take the early morning bus, will i then be dropped at the border, can make the visa, and can then catch the next bus several hours later?

    How fast can I get the visa for Laos here in Khon Kaen? If go to the Laos consulate early monday mornig, can they do it same day?

    Thanks in advance


  12. Thank you for all your replies.

    Actually, I just discovered a bicycle repair shop has recently opened here in Kamala (else I was going to Thalang).

    It was only minor repairs needed: Back brakes needed some adjusting, and the back gears had taken a minor hit, when the bike tipped over one day.

    The repairman looked like he knew what he was doing (working on another bicycle when I came), he spoke English, and understood fully the repairs needed. Could pick it up next day, price 150 bath, and everything looks good.

  13. I'm looking for a place where it's possible to swim laps (25m or 50m). Something like a public pool, but with a designated swimming area.

    Swimming at the beach is quite troublesome due to waves, jetski's and so on :o

    Also, if you have suggestions for semi-extreme sports like climbing, rapelling (sp?) and so on, it would be much appreciated.

  14. They have been asking recently but not normally if you have a visa prior to arrival.

    One way of doing it is to use an old e ticket or checkmytrip.com print out and photshop it, they don't have the ability to check it anyway.

    Trust me, it works.

    As far as I know, I'm not able to get a visa from the thai embassy here in Denmark unless I have a return ticket too. So don't think it's possible for me to have a visa prior to arrival.

    So a fake return e-ticket is the way to go?

  15. I will be going/moving to Thailand in a couple of months. I'm not sure I'll move there permanently, but at this point of time has no plans when to leave the country.

    If I only buy a one-way ticket, will I have any problems getting in to the country? Will they demand I also have a departure ticket?

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