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Posts posted by rigpigonjuice

  1. The valve that they replaced was the SCV valve. It controls to amount of fuel that enters the fuel pump. The sound you heard was the engine starving for fuel and rattling. Once the valve sticks, the computer is unable to regulate the fuel supply to the fuel pump, and then bypasses the engine.

    I have changed my SCV valve three times in 1.5 years. My Colorado is heavily modified and the stock fuel system can barely keep up. The last time I changed the SCV valve is took me 1/2 hour to do.

    I was told that Chevrolet has just recently changed there suppliers of the SCV valve, and that the new stock is much better than the old ones.

    Also the SCV valve does not like B5 fuel. It seems to make the valve more prone to sticking open. Either there are small contaminates is the fuel or the B5 does not lubricate as well.

    I hope this helps,


  2. I am a Premier customer, but my main accounts are in Singapore (offshore). I have an account in Bangkok and only have used it to transfer in money to buy my harley. I have used the branch in Bangkok to do some offshore banking, and they where able to help me.

    The only complaint I have is, that the last time I went into the branch, I was waiting to see an accounts manager and a Thai family came in. They took one look at me and then proceeded to try to steam roll in first. The lady that is at the little counter as you come up the escalator, was about to take them in, until I stood up and said I will not stand for this treatment. I will be the next one in.

    The assisant manager came over and had to explain to the Thais, that I was first and they had to wait. This was not taken well by them. If looks could kill, I would have been dead.

    I was quite pleased as they then sat down and watched me stroll in. The Hi So's couldn't believe that a heavilly tattooed, goatee wearing, 6'5" skin head farang with shorts and flip flops was being helped first. :o

  3. This thread is an insult to Thai women, also It's an insult to anyone with a brain.

    Why do some Farangs feel the need to put Thai people down ?

    Is it your own insecurities, are you just going with the flow ?

    Pathetic! :o

    I never replied to this thread as an insult to Thai women. I simply replied with an offer. Take it or leave it......it means nothing to me. I have what I want in life, and no one will ever change it or take it from me. So to dumb it down for some, this is up to you. Now, isn't that Thai enough???

  4. I will give you piece of mind, PM me her details and I will report back on how sincerer she is. Let this be an offer to all, if you think your lady is genuine, I will test her for you. And the best part is....this is free. No cost involved. I am happy to crush your dreams. Rigging is the life.

  5. She took pictures of us together travelling through Thailand over the last 1 1/2 years, her and my mother when she visited Thailand, and us at home. I think the most imporant thing here is that the embassy staff in Bangkok like how the applicant holds themselves. The embassy staff that work in the visa application department are Thai, so they can make or break you. From what I gather, they can sway the outcome of the application.

    The GF visa is good for 6 months. but I have not sure for how long she can stay. I work 28/28 offshore in the gulf of Thailand, so we are going back to Alberta for 3 weeks in August.

    Also I do think that the age of the parties involved makes a big difference. I am 31 and the GF is 28. Of course they say it doesn't matter, but I think different.

    Good luck

  6. I just wanted to post up on my girlfriends recent experience at the Canadian Embassy.

    On Monday she took in her application form and all the supporting documents. She was told to come back the next day for an interview. So on Tuesday she went back to the embassy, and low and behold, she had a visa. No interview was needed.

    I thought this process would be much more involved. She quit her job over a year ago, she does not own any property, just owns a new pickup truck. I live and work in Thailand so maybe this helped. She took in alot of documentation and pictures. My mother wrote the letter of invitation for her to come and visit her in Canada, since I am a non resident. The girlfriends bank account had 70,000 baht and showed a history of regular deposits. I wrote a letter stating that I would be responsible for all her expenses and she would have international health care insurance.

    I am pleased with the application process and the Canadian embassy after reading about the nightmares that some people have had here in Bangkok.

  7. I am from Canada, and daytime running lights are standard equipment on all new cars. It has been proven that using your headlights in the day time is safer. The highways system in Canada is nothing like the roads here in Thailand. If it is a little safer in Canada, then it is a lot safer here.

    For example, the U-turn lanes on the highways. I have seen many accidents involving cars pulling into the way of on coming traffic. Why do you think drivers flash there lights when they see cars getting ready to U-turn. TO BE SEEN :o If everyone drove with there lights on, maybe it would save a life.

    To me it is common sense to drive with my headlights on. I am not worried about diesel consumption, with the extra strain on the electrical system. I will continue to drive with my headlights on, even if it is not the norm here in Thailand.

  8. I got stopped today at a toll booth in BKK. The copper told my girlfriend that it was illegal and dangerous to have my headlights on during the day. He wanted 500 baht and I refused. I have a Thai DL and told him I will go and pay ticket at the station. he finally realized that I was not going to pay, and he gave my DL back and told me to turn off my lights. This has really burned my ass, in this true? I have a hard time believing that the Thai government is this Fuc_in stupid....Please enlighten me.

    Thanks... Rigpig

  9. I would like to state my personal experience about witnessing a violent crime. I am from Edmonton,Alberta Canada. I was witness to a robbery in Edmonton. The witness accounts of what happened and the CCTV showed a vast difference. My statement to the RCMP concurred with the evidence of the CCTV tape. There were 6 eyewitnesses to the robbery and I was the only one to see what the camera saw. In a stressful situation people's vision can often be blurred. I am not advocating what has happened, but making a simple statement that the eyewitness accounts of a crime will vary.

    We need hard forensic proof to back up the claims of the shooting.

    This we will never have. TIT.

    Love it or leave it. Rigpig

  10. I bought a 2007 Chevy Colorado. I should be able to source the heater controls through a friend that works for Chevy in Canada. The heater core will have to be a custom job, as the climate control/ heater core is all on the right side of the firewall. I will only have to install a heater core and plumb it into the existing duct work.

    I have a 2005 Chev Crew Cab 1 Ton 4x4 with a duramax at home, and this mini , right hand drive duramax will fit in the garage nicely.

    And be a good conversation starter too.

    Thanks Rig Pig

  11. The right hand drive is not an issue. I have two friends in Canada that imported a Skyline and a Supra from Japan. Their insurance companies did charge them a slightly higher preimium, but not too bad.

    The biggest hurdles are daytime running lights, a heater, and if it needs to conform with the emissions standards.

    Thanks for the input.

  12. I believe the truth will never be known. Right now we can only speculate on the events leading up to the shooting.

    We do know that one man is dead and another lady is injured. The shooter is a Thai Police officer and has been charged with premeditated murder.

    People who are defending the officer and that claim the "farang" got what he deserved, well I have two words for that. #$@! you.

    No one should pass judgment until the facts are known.

  13. I am looking for a few different steroids in Thailand. Are they available ? I am looking to buy Anavar (Oxandrolone) and Dianabol (Methandrostenolone). I was in a bad car accident and need to get back into shape.

    I am fully aware of the side effects of steroid use and just would like to know if I can buy them and where.


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