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Posts posted by plasticpig

  1. What a fun day out ,

    To be behind the op in the check out line in Carrefore.


    i wondered when my cyberstalker would show up..........

    are you still stinging from the spit roasting i gave you on the Rolex thread plarstic piglet?

    i thought you would be too busy counting your cash to be rooting around in Carrefour.......

    You just cant stop yourself from insulting people can you.

    Always on the trail of an imposter.

    Mr. Mickey the Mouse Watch, Samurai sword dodger, Check out till Worrier.

    Who beats him self off to his own drum beat.

    Cant wait for the next installment of <deleted>.

    See you are still using, yourself winding watch then, take care you don't over wind it.


    BTW, I let the wife do the shopping whilst I have a beer down stairs.

    Your not to smart are you. :)

    BTW on the rolex thread, you lost, if you go back and read it. :D

  2. They sure are man.

    But that's the way they are wired.

    Men are from mars women are from Venus.

    And bull shitters are from Pattaya.

    Falang and Thai.

  3. Don't know of anyone who would just exchange them for any thing half decent.

    Think you will need to take a big cut in the price to get anyone to part wth cash.

    But a word of advice, don't leave the watch at any shop.

    it just might get some new bits inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That were made in china or some other place.

    Plenty of unscrupulous watch guys around. Falang and Thai, in pattaya.

    Good luck.

  4. You talk about and ask how JCC and the plaintiffs will split their settlement from VT7. Tropiccapricorn speculates about VT7 now suing JCC for 500M baht. Anybody confused?

    All that we know is JCC court case was dismissed and VT7 will be completed within months. America has a better chance of winning next year's World Cup than JCC winning its' court appeal. And doesn't tropiccapricorn know that VT7 can't sue JCC because stopvt7 has told us so. Has anybody known stopvt7 to be wrong?

    Thats true, he does know it all.

    Apart from he failed to realize his own head was firmly jammed up his own arse

    That’s why he could never see the light.

    And loose gracefully. :)

  5. What happened to the Irish Pub?

    Wanted to have a beer there last Saturday night and was shocked to see it closed!

    Renovation or what?



    Reported on Stickman.

    Great, one plastic mick pub down, about 10 more to go around pattaya / Jomtien.

    Hope it does open back up as a go go bar.

    Things are looking up, pattaya getting back on track. :):D:D

  6. Shenanigans much better at its old location, it was pretty visible to all. I'd imagine doesnt guess the same business as it once had.

    Stopped in there once but pissed me off when they wouldnt serve a pint because of Buddhist Lent Day. :D

    Should have asked for them to dim the lights and serve it in a coffee mug.


  7. Went back to the Great British fish and chip shop the other night. ( soi Kaw-noi )

    Said I would never do that again, but <deleted> was a bit hungry, and a few changs down the neck. :D

    Only had chips, they were good, thick cut, not greasy, a nice flavor. and well cooked. :)

    So something has changed for the good, from a few months ago. :D

  8. Quite a few restaurants are charging a 10% service charge these days. eg Zen, Fuji

    Do any of you leave tips in these restaurants?

    I only leave the single baht coins and I notice the Thais leave nothing else either.

    Thats so true.

    My wife even takes the tip back if im not looking. :)

  9. name='brasso' date='2009-07-23 11:51:25' post='2890209']

    why if some one does not like pattaya do people think you are jelous, i never understand the thinking behind it, good luck to all that live in the dump we all know the real reason that you and others like you live there

    Good post,

    but some people did come here for work reasons, through no choice of ther own.

    but very few.

    most come for the sex.

    The truth always get lost in the bullshit in the pattaya section.


  10. 20,000 not enough

    The guy wants a room near walking street with air con, that’s 4 or 5 grand a month

    He will be drinking in walking street as that where he wants to live, (expensive)

    He wants a motor bike for rent, just the room and motor bike will do in around 7 grand

    Now his got 13 for the month. Not enough. For girls, beer, food, tabs, electric bill, water bill, petrol cost, mobile phone cost, internet cost. Visa run costs

    Just to mention a few things he will need.

    You need 35,000 to 40,000 for a good time,

    pattaya costs a lot more than a few years ago.

    If you try on 20,000 you will be pissed off in 4 months.

  11. Patters is the jewel of Thailand. Unfortunately as Simon said it isnt for him.. doesnt make it a bad place because some people just can't handle it. :)

    Brit have you had one to many again in the Hi Boss bar, :D

    that was a very large typo error

    Think you meant to say, Cesspool of Thailand.

    I love pattaya for what it is.

    Sin City.

    Edit due to spooling mistakes :D

  12. Good to see this topic is running true to form.......downhill fast! :D

    Get rid of the posters who have a vested interest in the real estate market (those with the Rose-colored glasses) and things would probably be more balanced and civil. They refuse to see any negative reality and take offense that any person might actually point out something negative about the place.

    Great post, thats been my point about the pattaya section of thivisa for a long time.

    well said. :)

  13. I find it a bit sad to here some people / friends around the bars and restaurants

    Start passing moral judgment on people coming to pattraya, for a quick jump.

    With 20 different girls on a two week holiday.

    Lots of these people, have wives, children and homes in and around pattaya now.

    But have conveniently forgot why they first come to this town, 5, 10, 15 20 years ago.

    Or why they come back to retire here or to work.

    Obviously not all, but anyone care to take a shot at how many percent it is.

    I think about 60%, just a figure from out the air.

    Thats 60% of Expats in pattaya.

    Have you ever met those guys around town who say they live in Thailand but live in

    a home from home, just like the country they just left. You know the ones.

    They refuse to learn any Thai, refuse to integrate with the Thais on any level.

    Moan about how hot it is, moan about the 90 day reporting.

    Never eat any Thai food. Moan about the way the Thais drive only to drive up the wrong side of a carriageway themselves when on a small motor bike.

    And only hang about with people of the same mentality.

    The cocoon people of pattaya.

    What anybody ever says about pattaya.

    I will tell you this.

    If the girls were not here. nor would the rest of people be.

    Plenty of other places around the world to live in, but they dont have the birds.

    Like pattaya does.

    I love pattaya for what it is, not for what some people like to pretend it is.

    Or those who try to change it into a home from home.

    Long live Pattaya. :)

    If you don't mind my saying so, utter crap!

    I first came here around 10 years ago having had an asian girlfriend in the UK who ultimately decided to marry one of her own race. I liked the way she looked and behaved compared to Western women and decided to have a look at this part of the world for a holiday. Like so many I fell in love with first girl I met and decided to move here, although it didn't work out in the longer term it was in no way a p4p arrangement. I have had 2 or 3 of long term girlfriends here since and the relationships tend to break down in the end due to differences in age or culture. I currently have no steady girlfriend but still do not find it necessary to run to the bars to find a new sleeping companion every, or even any , night.

    Yes I go to bars yes I have a few drinks and a chat with the girls but p4p, I don't need it, I don't want it but I certainly don't pretend it's not there. I won't argue that I wouldn't be here if the girls weren't; it makes easier to find a new partner, but the way you appear to think everybody lives, no thanks.

    Yes I do mind you saying my post is utter crap.

    Now would you like to take me, point by point through my post

    and point out the lies at each step.

    Thank you. :D

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