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Posts posted by wandasloan

  1. I stated she is ignoring the deep south now. I did not say she didn't visit it.

    Er. Yes. In fact you said she probably didn't even know about it. That is what you ACTUALLY wrote.

    However. You have overtaken that silliness with the startling and major scoop above. I presume you don't want to give up your sources, but can you fill in more details please? I for one did not know this, it has appeared in NO Thai or foreign media. More, more!!

    What I did see in the newspapers was a statement by the prime minister's chief of national security that he had the South as his No. 1 priority issue. As I say, your statement is a major scoop, indicating he was lying through his teeth and of course on behalf not just of the PM but the entire government and security apparatus.

    Ummm, wonderful, she visited the deep south..Great pics.

    I stated she is ignoring the deep south now. I did not say she didn't visit it. She has made over 200 local and overseas visits (look it up yourself) in her time as PM. SHe visited the Maldives, but does that mean she worries about the Maldives?

    I can send you some quant photos of yingluck looking at fruit like below, but it does not mean she loves fruit.

    Actions speak loader than words.

    Her actions and the PTP actions have shown that they have ignored the deep south since December the 9th. Up until then they actively attended meetings with the separatists.

    This is a fact.

    PTP hate facts.

    They prefer beliefs as you have highlighted.

    There have been no meetings with the separatists since Ramadan, which was in August. There have been some desultory contacts, desultory because the Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN) wants it that way. But meetings were called off as of the end of Ramadan by unilateral decision of the BRN. Since then the government has paid a LOT of attention to trying to get these propaganda-friendly talks going again, because they give the impression of some sort of progress. But between the BRN and the leaders of southern corruption on the Thai side, there have been no meetings.

    I'm from Malaysia and will be travelling to hatyai next week.
    Is it safe for me to visit hatyai at this moment?
    Really appreciate any advise

    You'll have to get with a fortune teller on that, nurul. There is no way for regular people to know the answer. The very last moments, 10 seconds ago, were ever so safe. Ten seconds from now, who knows?

    I'm rather surprised how many people are surprised at yesterday's events, given that bombs have been going off in Hat Yai for 50 years over this southern violence, including the past 10 years of increased violence. I think it is very safe to predict there will be more bombs in Hat Yai in the future, but WHEN in the future is impossible to know. Have a great trip, though, because for 99.9999% of moments, there's no problem with bombs in Hat Yai.

    To all the anti Muslims posting here: Don't believe this is about the teachings of the Qur'an. It isn't. This is about drugs, smuggling and taking advantage of ill educated people for their own agenda.

    No one is innocent in these situations regardless of religion.

    Well, I'll be darned.

    I am always pleasantly surprised at words of knowledge and wisdom about Thailand on Thai Visa, they being so rare - and about the far South doubly so.

    I hope everyone reads AND absorbs that first para above, schondie, good work! No, I take that back, GREAT summary and wise beyond expectation, unfortunately.


    • Like 1
  2. Nice. That's almost a cut and paste from the first two paragraphs of Wikipedia.

    Do you have anything to back up the claim that it was intended as a tool for developers/geeks? Developers/geeks don't need it.

    IMHO it's best for those who don't know, or who forget what Windows can do, and how to find it.

    It is a hack by an individual and not an official Microsoft release.

    Well, I don't write or edit for Wikipedia, but on the other hand I'm sure there are numerous other places that have had that very old information, such as at least two articles I wrote myself for the Bangkok Pxxt — plus wherever the Wikipedia people got it.

    Windows developers made this particular "hack" (it's not really a hack but people do love jargon) so they could have a fast way to test their search code inside Windows. It was first used in Vista development. You could read about it on Microsoft blogs, where I did, or you might find it in many other places, maybe Wikipedia for all I know, because it certainly isn't new information.

    Your last sentence sets up a strange but obvious false-choice. There are many other possibilities than the arbitrary two you chose. I have given you the Microsoft explanation, which I certainly believe. If you have better information, by all means post it, although please not from Wikipedia.


  3. ^ Actually, most gays are usually quite particular about their hygiene.

    And they are terrific decorators. Also, if you want to see small dogs, always look for a group of gays.



    • Like 1
  4. This has been around since Vista. It's intended as a tool for the Windows developers/geeks.

    You need not make a folder. In RUN or in the Explorer addressbar, type or paste


    Make a shortcut instead of a folder, with this as the command for the shortcut:

    explorer.exe shell:::{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

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  5. So I am not considering giving anything. I am just wondering if it's a scam or not. In either case, I don't see how I lose a dime.

    No one can answer you, since there are two possibilities.

    A school teacher would normally be accepted as a guarantor or co-signer on such a loan. His position and job security makes it hugely likely the bank would accept him. What would normally happen is he would go to the bank, cry, plead, complain and finally make a payback deal of x baht per month - which he would have to sign for again.

    Shorter version: The story is credible.

    That has no bearing on whether it is true, or what the motives of this lady are or might be. No one here can know that any more than you do.


  6. Complete reforms before the next poll, otherwise not fair on the electorate.

    Do tell. How do you know when you're finished. You seem to feel reform can be timed.

    This is really the whole problem with reform. AFTER reform, away you go, and you find out that someone is still dipping into the highway fund, or some government official's cousin suddenly got a nice job in his office, or a foreigner has paid someone at immigration for a service, and succeeded. More likely all three and several hundred more.

    That proves that reform doesn't work? About as much as passing a few laws and having elections proved how serious you were about reform.

    The idea expressed over and over every night at Lumpini Park and echoed mindlessly in here is that some airy, completely unstated theory about "reform" will take hold in, as Mark says, 15 to 30 days. Or maybe a year, Or maybe it will take two years, but THEN reform will be complete.

    Why? Corrupt people won't be corrupt any more? By trying to impose some weird, unstated idea about reform, by force, without a government, without an election, all you're doing is ASSURING that in a month or year or two years, millions of people will be mocking you, cursing you and threatening you for incompetence, hypocrisy and power-grabbing for your own enjoyment - and failing to curb corruption. And weirdly, that's a future you want.

    I like the example of US election law. They have been reforming that every year for more than 30 years I personally know about, and every election is MORE controlled by the money people. Why do you think you won't commit this on Thailand?


  7. I think Tanasak needs to repeat his no coup remarks to make it clear that Abhisit hasn't convinced him to have a coup.

    Gen Thanasak has no ability to mount a coup, or to prevent one. His opinion and/or his promise is worthless, and without meaning.

    Who mentioned the yellows--THEY ARE LONG GONE I didn't did I ???

    No you didn't. And it wasn't the only error in your error-strewn post, but it was the first - the canary in the Lumpini mine, maybe?

    Friday night. LAST Friday night. You should have been there:


    DO NOT DOCTOR POSTS, leave the whole post in so that it will show your not cheating.--you did this to gain brownie points Do not mislead others in order to enhance your post.

    Two posts. All about you. Not a word, not an attempt to explain why, if you are so convinced the government is out of favour, why you will not allow a national head-count to confirm this?

    I think people should notice that in TWO posts replying to this question, you completely avoided any attempt to address this question, let alone answer it. I think that if you had a good reason for not holding an election you'd give it, just like I think if you had even one small, lonely idea about political reform, you'd give that, too.

    You could make me look so-o-o-o-o dumb, just by refuting my claim and giving an answer (or more). I bet you CONFIRM what I say, by your silence or your next post trying for sympathy as the victim of a mean, conniving Thai Visa poster. As the highly paid TV pundits say, "Only time will tell".


  8. These Thai policemen found implicated in the scam should be immediately suspended, investigated, and tried publicly. If found guilty, they should be terminated immediately with no benefits no pension. That's it - the only way to stop police corruption is to make it too high risk for them to commit crimes and corrupted behavior.

    I'm curious why you call this a "scam" - or maybe your reason is just rote repetition from the OP headline. But if you actually thought about it, why did you write "scam"?

    You know, I am unaware of a country in the world that uses your model in this sort of situation. In the US, officials would be written up, moved sideways and never get another promotion - and then retire and take all the rest they had coming. From the first such scandal I found in the Bangkok embassy in ... well, many years ago, to the recent multi-million dollar visa scandal in Ho Chi Minh City, not a single visa person was suspended or tried. They were investigated, though. Then they were reprimanded with a serious letter. Have you heard of any upcoming trials in the fully exposed corruption gang inside the US government in the Afghanistan aid graft? Right. Neither have I.

    In pretty well every army in the world, officers who make this type of error, usually euphamised as "violation of policy", are written up and that's the end of their promotion track, but virtually none is ever cashiered, let alone court martialed or turned over to civilian authorities. They follow the Thai tradition of transferring them to an inactive post, although in the west they save their faces by calling it something else.

    Truth is that in Thailand, in the police force, this filthy business proceeds as it does worldwide.


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  9. Ms. Venkiteswaran said the Southeast Asia Press Alliance is working on campaign to amend the Computer Crimes Act, and is monitoring the case of the two journalists from Phuketwan."

    She is Malaysian, so good luck with her campaign to change a Thai law that was passed by the military and backed by the Democrats and Pheu Thai. If she were Thai, I might want to know more, but I now know all I need.

    What does "monitoring the case" entail? And why is it allegedly important that she does this, along with many, many others, some of whom are in Thailand and in a position to have effect?

    I think I'd like to have her job. Sounds easier than mine. For sure, she gets more respect from Thai Visa.


  10. But even though they have committed crimes, they do not get fired or spend any time behind bars, but mearly transferred to "head office"


    You know they have committed crimes how? By the ACCUSATION that they have? By their transfer so that an INVESTIGATION might be conducted without their direct interference? Certainly not by the court decision, right? So how do you know they have committed crimes — and plural at that?


  11. You are taking about a government that is out of favour only--this is not the case---recognize it.

    So you say, and on your word and your count, so the fate of the government and the direction should be decided.

    Funny, but MY count indicates something quite different, an extremely large majority that would like to have the chance to have an actual say in all this, without just having to accept your word. Even if you aren't biased... which would make you pretty special in today's Thailand — even if you are absolutely fair, is it okay to say I don't think you can do arithmetic well?

    And so once again the age-old... well, five-month-old question. If you are so certain that the government is out of favour, why are you going to such incredible lengths including violence and inconveniencing millions over the course of five months. Why are you afraid to actually confirm that the government is out of favour by doing a simple, national head count?


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  12. are you full American as your written english is very poor?

    Have you read many of the posts here at Thai Visa from members supposedly from English speaking countries and the product of the educational systems in the US, UK, Australia? And these same people quite often critical of the English language skills of Thais.

    On the nose. But I was actually more curious about the horrendously ungrammatical Mr Baker's definition of a "full American". I always thought that a full American was an American who had just eaten a large meal, but he seems to have something different in mind.

    Bam...so quick with the snide remark.

    Unless you have been to school in Australia, wouldn't it just be best to leave them off the list?

    My goodness. I don't think he meant to make you think what you think he was thinking.

    Suradit wrote about the graduates that emerge from schools, including in Australia, that write atrociously in English. If you want to claim that every single pupil who emerges from every Australian school writes perfect English at all times including at Thai Visa, I'll hold Mr Suradit's coat while he takes you on, starting with reading for comprehension.


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  13. Always do the kiss on cheek thing with my wife's aunties, but since they have been in Switzerland for many years they are a bit wiser

    Only well-travelled people want people to walk up to them and embrace them? How strangely you view the world. Is it barely, just possible that your aunties allow/welcome your cheek pecks because they know you and even like you? Is that possible? Or do they welcome cheek-kisses from anyone at all who wants to try it on them?

    Many of my acquaintances, and all my family and friends are open to touchy-feely greetings, of course, hugs and pecks on the cheek included where warranted. Aunties included, once met and comfortable in the family. But I am repelled when a stranger tries the hug, never mind a kiss. Yuck.

    Simple rule. Don't touch Thai women females Thais people until you know they actually welcome it. When in Rome, do like the Romans, not the Romanians. If you greeted me with an unannounced, unsignalled embrace and/or kiss, I would greet you quite physically in return. Really. I don't care how you do greetings in your country, I really don't. I only care how you do it in my personal space.


  14. If that’s the case, why has the company managing directors not been charged with pre-meditated murder and if an official received a kick-back was involved so must he. If that happened in China the death sentence would be applied for seriously endangering the lives of its citizens.

    You believe... what? That China no longer has corruption because it gives the occasional death sentence for it?

    We're a little luckier in Bangkok. We have a Democrat Party government and machine in office. There is no danger of corruption from the party of The Kamnan and The Oxonian. No need for death penalties here, and if a Democrat governor is somehow accidentally named in a corruption case, he will be has been acquitted - by reputation, no evidence needed in any such ridiculous case..

    Eat your heart out, China!


  15. Who is the person who is willing to step down if it will forge an agreement ? Is it Yingluck ? Is it Surapong ? Perhaps it's Chalerm ? No. The only person doing so is Abhisit.

    Abhisit cannot step down, since he has nothing to step down from. He resigned as MP before parliament was dissolved. He is not leader of the opposition. He has no title and no job to stand down from. Of course he could quit the Democrat Party, but who cares? Most of the Democrats don't even support the party these days, they're off polluting Lumpini Park and scaring the other hia.

    I took Abhisit's initial statement as a direct threat to the nation. "If you don't accept my plan, without change, I'm coming back and if you think I was bad next time, well, you just wait."

    But then he said he would not give out all his plan because people would tear it down before giving it a chance, and he would talk behind closed doors and give out his plan there, and then make it public. Fine. Good. But now he says he does NOT have a hidden agenda. And now you say Abhisit will step down.

    It's not that I'm confused, because Abhisit isn't and wasn't ever deep enough to confuse anyone. He's a good looking, charming guy (put on a bit too much weight mind you) and would make a good mid-level civil servant, I think. He has been told all his life he was created for greatness, and he wasn't and it won't happen. And now you're saying he will step down? You mean boycott another election, or what? He has no position he could possibly stand down from that would affect the country in any manner.


  16. A completely ignorant, uninformed comment.

    Sigh, I guess I'll have to educate you. Movie productions cost MILLIONS (100's at times). DVD's help pay for this at the back end.

    Also, royalties (same as the CD's you buy) of the artist' work are stolen by bootleggers.

    If you are going to educate, then please use proper language. In all this piracy of intellectual property, nothing is stolen. No copyright, no disk, certainly no royalties. If you know enough to educate, then you know this, and are just using this word emotionally. Legally, nothing is, was or will be stolen. Every court agrees with that. The LAW agrees with that, all the laws in Thailand, America, Europe and elsewhere.

    Copyright violation for purposes of this thread is no more an act of theft than cloning a dog and stealing it. The owner of the dog still has his dog; you have not stolen the dog. You can steal *a* DVD of course, pick it up from the vendor's display and run away with it. But nothing in this thread involves theft. Nothing is stolen, including royalties. One can infringe copyrights, one can illegally make copies, one can profit illegally - on and on. But nothing is stolen, and forget common sense - there is not a law in the world that says it is.

    The only thing different with the DVD's is that here in Thailand, the format is Region 3. I have both Region 1 (US format) and Region 3 DVD's. The quality of the Region 3 DVD's is the same quality as what I would buy in the US.

    If you are in Thailand, you should have a region-free DVD player and not even think about that side of censorshi... er, copy protection.


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