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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. just my 2 pennoth, if i am near a western lady, if possible i will try and engage in converation , i i feel they are uncomfortable then ovioulsly i stop, usually they realise its not a hit on, just i really enjoy western ladies company for chats etc, and after 9 years of Thai ladies really enjoy a chin wag with a western lady, more so then western guys. so maybe there are other ex pats craving an educated conversation with a western female and not hitting on them. cretainly my case would never hit on them, not polite, for a start, just an hello, where you from or its hot today!, if its cold responce leave well alone but has led to many an enjoyable conversation and ladies view on living here.

    i am not a western lady hater, after all my dear mum was one, and is till best mate, friend etc.

  2. first ever post on here, but i would like western ladies view on this matter, we were sat in Pizza hut yesterday and lady opposite just got her breast out in full view and fed her baby at the table, then in full view just put he breast back in. is it just me being a prude are would you ladies consider it acceptable rather than going to the bathroom. must admit i did feel a little queezy seeing it, im not a light weight blood etc ok, but that had me nearly wrenching . not troll i do that but i like to know am i becoming a dinasour and this is the norm. espeially in Thailand.

  3. goverment hospital 30 baht scheme Banglamung, same result, Thais seem to do ok with as do friends wives, or you can have the oh thats not good enough for my wife view and pay silly money elsewhere for same result.

    upto you, 100,000!!!!!!! they drop them in the rice fields back home. Makes me wonder how the Thai race survived before all these private hospitals, and cash rich farangs.

  4. I took a ride out to Theppasit 5/1 when fueling up today and did not notice this place can you give more precise directions?


    soi 5 theppasit, if you come from suk, turn left 4-5 shops in, if you get to honda dealership gone to far, Joe helped set it up, trained her for 6 months. great food but i put order in for 2k baht over a week ago she keeps saying not finish tomorrow. great food the best for me but 4 trips from darkside now i give up, had to pay half to buy raw materials, not a good sign. think she needs some admin stafff, pies when available best ever but never have them in.

    Latitude, Longitude


    Just a friendly question PRK.

    Are you the NEW Joe?Seems a waste of time imho.

    never be a new Joe they broke the mould after him, Joe set it up, trained her, kept coming back to train fun, but partnership did not work out and Joe stopped dealing but her food i s exellent, her management skills are 0. she needs a farang input to help her organise her self, the steak and kidny pies are a dream. she deserves to succed, just wished she would make it ,freeze it and call me when its ready. will give her another try as she is nice lady, will, see if my pork pikes vindaloo pizza bacon etc has come in, i even paid for some of it up front. even though about setting her up in bussiness elsewhere where he would do well. best for me is she does 1 litre of sauce for 160 baht add meat of your choice. balti,madras,vindaloo,korma, tikka. might be wrong prity sure no farang involved at the moment.

    p.s nan breads perfect 15 baht i think.

  5. i looked at them but for what i wanted just to zip about around town felt it a little to big plus wife said to big for her so went for the suzuki 125 fuel injection, great bike. friend has PCX loves it, cuts out when you stop, starts again when you open throttle, combined braking, alarm and 135 engine,

    all looks good but i wanted something a little smaller.

  6. http://www.worldmapf...hailand/Pattaya just inside soi 5/1 on the left ABC, good food but, after 4 trips day s apart over a course of a week for a 1700 baht order i gave up. i did say look take your time put in feezer i will come in 2-3 days no tomorrow 100%, even when i left it 3 day still not one item of the remaining order. thing she needs a bit of farang management, had a curry tonight. Joe was one of my best friends so wanted to support the shop but. give up after 4 visits in a week, the pies are great as are the curries, just not worth all the toing and frowing from Mabprachan, to get the same tomorrow.

    Latitude, Longitude


  7. I took a ride out to Theppasit 5/1 when fueling up today and did not notice this place can you give more precise directions?


    soi 5 theppasit, if you come from suk, turn left 4-5 shops in, if you get to honda dealership gone to far, Joe helped set it up, trained her for 6 months. great food but i put order in for 2k baht over a week ago she keeps saying not finish tomorrow. great food the best for me but 4 trips from darkside now i give up, had to pay half to buy raw materials, not a good sign. think she needs some admin stafff, pies when available best ever but never have them in.

  8. "I do agree but my passport, account info, and withdraw slips all have the same info positively identifying me and corresponding, what much more worth are the bank books then?"

    Simple, it has your signature in it, so they need to compare the signature in the book with the signature on the withdrawal slip, they have no other signature for you on file.

    they have signature from when you opened account, passport is enough. did it today big file went back to when i opened checked sig and it was ok

  9. ''In disbelief, I asked "so if I had 99 mllion baht in your bank but lost my book, I could not get my money?" You can guess the answer... ''

    the answer would be :

    if you lose book, report loss to police, get copy police report, bring back to bank, we make new book for you.......

    today i went lost book and card, 50 baht new book 100 baht new card with passport, no probelm. no need to report loss to police. ayyuda ( yellow bank)

  10. Very kind of you Sweeny Todd. :)

    Quick update on numbers.....









    Major Major










    More names please! :jap:

    samui543 will come along , add him in

    :lol: OK adding spacedcowboy to the list as well. :)

    Add mrs sweeney Todd please

    what no Samuibeachcomber what mr S you giving it a miss?

  11. is that the russian place, just on your left as you leave makro and head towards tesco?

    That would be it. Granted, if you don't like Russian food or vodka then it probably isn't a good deal for you. But we ended up with at least 700 baht worth of free alcohol (assuming 100 baht/shot).

    btw - we didn't have to ask the waitress for more. She would just bring the bottle by every so often and give us a refill. Much like the free refills we'd get back home on coffee or tea.

    asuume 250 baht a bottle for gut rotting crap, realitci cost 15 baht a shot, sprack to cathch a mackeral. contessa or select vodka do the maths 700 baht free drinks not a chance.

  12. I had mine done at Mary Stopes clinic in Taunton, if you are going to the UK you can get your local doctor to get all the paperwork done for you, mine cost nothing.


    Check out the International site, they have clinics in surrounding countries, might be an alternative for you.

    But Chula is meant to be quite good

    Hi i will be back for 3 weeks any idea what teh waiting list is? i mentioned to new doctor last year about coming back to thailand 2 days later got a letter saying no more NHS, also said previous 30 years of paying into NHS meant nothing. NIce, flying to PAris this time, channel tunnel some scruffy bed sheets and claiming asylum, get my teeth, arthritous and vasectomy done next day.Free

    thanks for the advise, most replies i have found in search relate to having in done in home countires think i will. probably private, here just to many chances of infections :(

  13. Quite a number of TV members have had it done here. try a search of this forum. It is a very common procedure in Thailand.

    thanks will do, obviously its one of things you would like to think went ok

  14. good advice, although they will never execute a foriegner here, Malaysia it could and has happened. once did a border bounce to malaysia, went through in the car we were pulled over and car and baggage searched, christ was i scared as the driver and only non taking drug user in the car, i thought god please dont any of you 3 have anything in your luggage, thank fully they did not.

    damage done is exellent book to read about those who get caught drug dealing, should be enough to put people of for live but it doesnt.

  15. unless of course you want to walk down the old monkey theatre road where sevaral Thai shops as always will be selling it, think it should read no drinking for farang day. i always found the non drinking day turned out to be the best days out as everybody eneded up at the same places, and all managers had night off. would be good to see it respected by the local s but its not but will be rigourlsy enforced in the tourist areas though. i remember 1 last year there was a festival at bohput temple and all the girls from the bar at bangrak went and got minging drunk from people selling it at the temple festival.

  16. illegal yes, frowned on yes to say the least, offensive yes, disrespectfull another yes, if your friends want that suggest spain or carabien, it is diffinatly not allwed here. i am sure the Russian girls dont do it anywhere or they would be nicked and in big trouble. i would imagine a phone call to the BIB would be made pronto. IDEA, perhaps your efforts would be better put into explaining to your friends about respecting a countries culture rather than trying to offend its culture. since you are trying to promote an illegal activity which is against the forum rules you may find post removed, hope so anyway.

  17. i got my bike licence on multi entry, car on non o. i did the tests and it was ok. i paid last week 200 baht for certificate of residency at Jontiem.

    if your coming to live here easy to do the test, in and out in a day, maybe half day.

    this question is one of the most asked questions on the forum and always different answers, my own experience is Samui is diffent to Pattaya, so thats why maybe diffent answers.

  18. I do so hope the FA have enough evidence.

    Without doubt, along with many other, Mr Blatter and Platene should go , who are they, who voted them in , England was set to Play Thailand in a friendly but because of corruption England declined.

    they cancelled after thailand voted for other countries to hold the world cup, had Thailand voted for England then the team were coming so at some stage somebody in the FA agreed to the friendly in return for the vote, thats buying votes in my opnion.

  19. I had it done in Switzerland by a private practitioner urologist. It is a routine intervention, takes about 30 min. I had it done on a Friday afternoon so I have the week-end to recover. I even drove home myself after surgery. It was a bit swollen for one day, nothing dramatic though. Monday all was back to normal.

    Don't forget, it takes up to 6 weeks until you shoot 100% blanks. So make a test before you go out there.

    I am glad I did it. One worry less, haha.

    hi thanks, going back to UK in aug will see if i can get it done there, read on another forum that scalpelless was like have 2 bricks smashing together for 2 months, dont fancy that. will wait until i go to UK

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