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Posts posted by BanTamo

  1. It's easy to see that the dean is minimizing the incident. The artist was a 'freshman," The intention of the message was "good and bad heroes." This is a nonsensical reaction for a dean.

    I do agree that this is a rather pathetic response.

    And if the said University is acclaimed to be one of Thailand`s top end education facilities, than we have wonder as to the quality of Thailand`s education system as a whole? And it becomes clearer why Thais are lacking in their knowledge of both Thai and world history, as it seems that ignorance is bliss in that department.

    I can't see how you can support this statement - it seems to be nothing but supposition. Could you explain the rationale behind it?

    I have no intent to protect the overall image / quality of Chula, but let's remember that Finance students (just one example and many more professional areas / faculties) don't study world history as part of their course, in any university..

    Probably because a course that presumes to cover "world history" is more likely to be taught in high school. At least when I studied History at Cornell there was no such course. Maybe at some community college?

  2. Citalopram, buproprion, lamotragene, lorazepam, and all the non-pharmacological measures above will help a lot. But do your friend a favor and make sure he's monitored by a psychiatrist with specialist training. Difficult but not impossible to come by in Thailand. Not too difficult in Bangkok.

    Good luck to you both.

  3. What's all this nonsense about "collage" in every other post?

    Having attended. Chulalongkorn for a Master in Finance just prior to the Thais crashing the Asian financial system I knew the degree was worthless, though it did give me insight into Thai elite character. Insight I have often wished I didn't have.

    But this new low has me considering mailing the damn fool thing back to the benighted <deleted>.

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  4. Thais are creative drivers. Farangs are used to conformity to rules and regulations, leaving them poorly equipped for situations that require thinking. Hence all the whinges above. But after driving a dozen or more years in Thailand, fifteen in Hong Kong, and on and off for months at a time in Taipei, Manila, Singapore, Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali I'd take Thailand over the lot any day of the week. In my experience Balinese are an absolute menace on the road. All the rest are F1 capable by comparison.

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  5. Sorry but apparently I cannot edit my post from within the mobile site. Here's a repost with, I hope, all the typos corrected. Will get ride of the first one when next at the PC.

    In my experience these places can be even more 'difficult' for the 'Thailand-resident farang' as there are groups specifically targeting the 'mia farang.' They know all the 'buttons to push' to manipulate her self-consciousness about no longer being quite the same as her Thai friends and to make her feel uncomfortable about her generally more affluent lifestyle. These groups (gangs may be the better word) are quite expert in psyops-type manipulation and results can be stunning, even, or maybe especially, on her own self-esteem. I've seen several distinct patterns and none of them are pretty. They can range from simple extortion, to encouraging alienation from the farang spouse, to sexual indiscretion and even rape.

    Not in every case, but the modus opperanda is there. Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Bangkok all have practicing expert 'teams' who specialize. Not every spouse is properly equipped to resist their operations.

  6. In my experience these places can be even more 'difficult' for the 'Tthe-resident farang' as there are groups specifically targeting the 'mia farang.' They know all the 'buttons to push' to manipulate her self-consciousness of no longer being quite the same as her Thai friends and to make her feel uncomfortable about her generally more affluent lifestyle. These groups (gangs may be the better word) are quite expert in psyops-type manipulation and results can be stunning, even, open maybe especially, on her own self-esteem. I've seen several distinct patterns and nine of them are pretty. They can range from simple extortion, to encouraging alienation from the farang spouse, to sexual indiscretion and even rape.

    Not in every case, but the modus opperanda is there. Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Bangkok all have practicing expert 'teams' who specialize. Not every spouse is properly equipped to resist their operations.

  7. Buddhism, and the Thai language, both very definitely have the concept of awareness at their very heart ( Thai language removed ) is but one of the relevant words. Trouble is, contemporary Thai society is about as Buddhist as Wall Street or the City are Christian.

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  8. In my experience (in Isaan some years back) there are roving sawyers who own rickety old chainsaws held together with duct tape and baling wire which nevertheless get the job done. All the work takes place late at night in total secrecy. The sawyer wears nothing but shorts, flipflops, and a small lamp on a strap round his head. A sophisticated crew serves as sentries stationed at all possible access routes and carry mobile phones. Certainly one of the command level police or military officers is informed and paid. In fact the sawyers basically work for those guys.

    That said, we were only working the rather large stumps that had been left behind by other operations, and none were proper rosewood, though one was a related species. Some of these stumps were up to 2-3 meters high and probably 2+ meters diameter, so the tree had made the previous team some decent money. My salvage operation was so small and labour intensive, what with cleaning the base of the stump down below ground so as not to spoil the chains every three minutes. But we were able to take some prize specimens that were well worth working.

    And not only that, but it was a fascinating look into the mechanics of a very dodgy business in the Emerald Triangle.

  9. Safe or not, legal or illegal, the bloody farang is not authorized to "enforce" his personal interpretation of traffic laws. Not in Thailand. Not in Blighty. Not in "saha rot". I suggest a loaded 9mm with a silencer to be used as you see fit on such pathetic, little-dicked vigilante enforcers. That's how I handled it anyway. Never found the need to actually pull the trigger as once I stopped them (I drove a black Benz 600 with deeply tinted windows in Thailand) they were invariably reduced to a blithering wet faced mess. When instructed to exit their broke-assed Honda or Mitsubishi many bore the signs of incontinence 555555 bunch pissants

  10. Isn't it perhaps appropriate to at least mention to the OP that the better schools in Thailand look rather more favorably on a TESL certificate earned abroad, in a properly accredited university, than they do those earned in for-profit businesses in Thailand, many of which are more akin to mills than educational institutions?

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