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Posts posted by BillK

  1. Many will have noticed that the green iron fence has been removed from the large piece of land separating VTs 5 and 7 and the site is currently being cleared of rubbish and flattened. Rumour has it that this is not, at least for now, another VT, but that the VT owners have leased the site on a short term basis to an amusement park operator who is planning to bring in around 15 "rides" and use the rest of the area as a car park.

    Unless there are very tight noise and opening time controls, it is difficult to see how this move will encourage further sales of either of the two VTs, but one thing seems for sure, give it 12-18mths and the owners and residents of JCC, VT5, VT7, Grand Condotel etc and the management of Avalon Resort will probably be begging VT to build some 29 story towers on that land just so that they can sleep again at nights.

  2. Obviously there are a huge number of art shops around pattaya and on the road out to Jomtien. From personal experience can anyone recommend a particular shop or artist please or is it pot luck?

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