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Posts posted by seatimes

  1. here is one of the reasons I generally ignore this forum.

    I have been going to immigration offices around Isaan for 18 years now and some of the best, most polite service I have gotten is in the Sakon Nakhon Immigration Ofiice

  2. it sure depends on where, how far from utilities etc

    it can cost more than the land to get electric to it

    is internet important to you?

    that's another consideration

    how good was your friends Thai?

    who is going to buy the land?

    and what protection will you have?

  3. my international phone service was temporarily suspended last week.

    when the wife went to the CAT office, with all receipts, she was told we didi not owe anything and the service was not off.

    She returned home and of course the service was off.

    She retirned to the office and was informed that it had not been turned off and would be on soon. (yes I know what I just typed)

    Over the next few days (mon thru weds) she had to ring BKK several times, we live in Nong Khai. Finally she had to fax our receipts to CAT\BKK at my expense.

    It appears that Nongers CAT takes the money, gives a receipt and does not record anything. I have had past problems with TOT, TTT, and my favourite EMS ( Express Mail Storage). Anybody else and can anything be done

  4. i am writing an article about Tesco Lotus in Thailand and am interested in

    comments about peoples experiences there.

    Comments about service, products and anything else of interest would be appreciated


  5. they removed the rubbish bins the day before they instituted the fine

    i was stopped on soi1 shortly after the law came in

    i was shown the brochure and told i had to pay a 2000 baht fine for a butt i had allegedly tossed a couple hundred yards back.

    so i took him back to the alleged site of my infraction, where there were dozens of butts on the ground and asked him to point mine out to me

    he stared to look or scratch his head or something and i pointed out, just to help out, that i was smoking lao cigarettes

    since i was speaking isaan thai he asked me where i was from

    nong khai, said i

    well go away sez he

    no fine

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