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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 14 hours ago, asiam110 said:

    Cash is no longer king. You don't qualify as you say, but there is significant dealer commission in finance, also with an eligible thai (read anyone) they will also push other insurance products - gold/cashback-at-end worthless life assurance etc.. all nice commission generating that they'd happily discount on the chassis.

    "discount on the chassis." I would have thought any discount would have been on the whole car !

    • Haha 1
  2. 3 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    The previous cover when quarantine was actually called quarantine had to cover you for at least the period you were stamped in for. So (for most) those entering on visa exempt would need 30 days cover, those on tourist visas - 60 and those on Non O's 90 days.  I can't see this one being any different.


    That brings about another potential problem with getting 'Health Insurance' in your home country.  I checked 3 companies and for Single Trip Insurance, you had to specify the date your trip began and when it ended - the cover would only be for that period, it must match the dates on your air ticket and no Single Trip cover was available for those holding 'Open Tickets'. Therefore, unless other insurers will cover you for your stamped in period rather than the actual length of your planned trip. there's going to be problems.


    If that's unclear, I asked:


    My trip is from 29 December to 18 January but I may need cover for 30 days as I will be allowed to stay for 30 days.


    I was told:


    We don't offer that sir, the insurance must coincide with your travel ticket dates.


    How about Open Tickets:


    We don't cover Open Tickets on Single Trip policies. (The max per trip on those I enquired about was 45 days but I believe longer is available)

    The below is from a reputable broker yesterday.


    On Fri, 29 Oct 2021 at 09:58, mal  wrote:

    Hi again Chris.

    Let me see if I understand this correctly. “entering Thailand the cover has to be for the length of their trip or visa.” My retirement extension is due for renewal next April 17th. If I were to travel to Australia & return to Thailand during March, the medical & Covid insurance would only be required from the date of my re-entry until April 17th. ?  Or an I misunderstanding ?



    Correct. However if you extend your visa, your immigration office might set their own conditions over and above what is required. Each office makes their own rules up as they go along even if they are completely wrong. I'm sure you have had plenty of frustrations in the past dealing with Thai authority!! If it happens just "go with the flow". It is pointless arguing as you will get nowhere.

    Clear as mud!!


    Trust this explains why I offered that the medical, Covid insurance could be purchased for a minimal time. My understanding is minimum is 30 days.


  3. 4 hours ago, internationalism said:

    there is no prohibition, like during the 1st wave, in some places just for over 2 months.

    Anybody can buy everything and in any quantity anytime.

    They can drink in their rooms or even in common places inside hotel.

    Restaurants do tolerate punters bringing their own booze, no corkage. 

    For hotels and restaurants it's only side income to their main activity. They do survive.

    Pubs and bars rely solely on drinks, they are in a much more dire situation 

    "Restaurants do tolerate punters bringing their own booze, no corkage. "   Wrong ! I've been quoted up to 200 baht per bottle corkage to take my own into restaurants.

    • Like 2
  4. 10 minutes ago, internationalism said:

    you can get 1.5-2.5k per month (depending what country you are entering from), till 99 age.

    Those premiums should be falling, as they were calculated for $100k (now requirement is only $50k)

    Thanks for that. You have a link or know which insurers ?

  5. Good morning all  ????   Have any members bought, researched Covid insurance for re-entry ? I'm considering a brief trip to Australia next year when Qantas resumes flights to BKK. early January I believe. At this time, my biggest obstacle might be the insurance. I'm 73 today. Happy birthday to me ! I have to renew my retirement extension in April, so will only require the insurance for minimal period, I think ? 

    Any info on the required insurance much appreciated.  Thanks all.   Mal.

  6. 17 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    That is my point. You are using a different drug. I make no moral judgement. But buying a prescription drug to make you happy is no different than getting high off a street drug. This is precisely the problem in the USA. Once you self medicate you are effectively using drugs for recreational purposes. Valium, Xanax, prescription opiates etc, become recreational when self medicated. You are taking the drugs to make you happy not to address the source of your illness and have no plan to stop taking the drugs  nor receiving counseling, medical support or therapy. In other words: drug abuse.

    You have absolutely NO idea what you're rambling on about. There's a vast amount of scientific evidence that a lack of certain body chemicals "serotonin" for one, can cause severe depression. I wasted some 40 years of my life being undiagnosed. Not much was available on the subject way back when. I've been taking prescribed medication for the past 22 years, and will continue till the day I drop off the perch. Had I been diagnosed in my youth my life would have been extremely different.. I purchase my meds via the local govt hospital at a "reasonable" price. They are available over the counter at some pharmacies, however at an inflated  cost.

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    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    The Thai Welcome Wagon sure could use some more tweaks....sigh...


    Just find someone there with the balls to say yes we will take your money-but to be honest we dont want you here..

    I'll probably get a negative response to this... But !  "to be honest we dont want you here.." Some of you must live in a different Thailand to me. I've been here permanently over 7 years now. Travelled extensively. Driven over 85,000 km. Lived in a few different places. Mostly up-country. I agree somewhat to your comment if in BKK or Pattaya, but once outside the tourist traps I've always been treated respectfully. I have all the usual dealings with immigration, banks, insurance companies & service providers. I've never encountered a negative vibe. I have excellent neighbours who often drop in to just say Hi & give me their home grown fruit & veggies. I'm wondering if maybe some members have an attitude issue ?

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