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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 1 hour ago, Neilcnx said:


    The rim size is 16


    Thanks, hope you know of some  that has in stock or coming soon:


    Malt 25:


    Why on earth would you ask such a question?


    Basically because I don't understand anyone putting second hand tires on their car. You don't know their history. Unobvious sidewall damage & other possible defects.

    Top of the line tires can be expensive but some lesser know brands are fine for most driving conditions. At least they are NEW & usually come with some form of gaurantee.

    As well as brakes & steering, tires are a BIG safety item.

  2. On 5/14/2017 at 2:54 AM, sirineou said:

    In Europe and indeed the rest of the world  they are different stupid.

    Different stupid for sure. Like Christians, Catholics being baptized. People kissing the Pope's ring. Priests or whoever walking down the aisle waving a smoking tin can. Wearing a cross around ones neck. And that's from a so called educated, civilized culture.

    Different stupid for sure !!!

  3. 6 hours ago, Flustered said:

    10 minutes is a tad too long but maybe, just maybe, she knows more about turbo engined cars than you think and she is waiting for the turbo to spool down (not cool down) before switching off so as not to damage the vanes.


    Never know, clever girls these Thais......Damn sight more intelligent than the men.

    Not quite right. The turdo will spool, slow down very quickly once the engine is turned off. Leaving a turbo engine running at idle is primarily to let the engine oil cool the turbo to the same temp as the engine. After a lengthy or fast drive the turbo will be much hotter than the engine itself. Sometimes in extrene driving conditions the turbo can be red hot. If the engine is turned off at this point the oil pump ceases to pump oil through engine internals, including turbo. With the turbo's temp so high it can, will crystalize the oil. The result is the oil in the turbo & return pipe to the engine sump becomes a solid mass. Next time the engine is started there's no oil feed to the turbo, oil pipe blocked by crystalized oil. Solid carbon. No oil means no cooling or lubrication to turbo.

    I agree with your last sentence.

  4. 1 hour ago, kurtmartens said:

    OP and Trolls aside.


    Banking is frustrating here I agree.  My original account was with a KBank branch in Bangkok, we now live in ChiangMai and if I ever need something changed or updated on my KBank account ... I have to go to the branch I opened the account at.  Never mind we don't live in Bangkok anymore.   My wife (Thai) and I both have Bangkok Bank accounts in ChiangMai, but its the same issue ... anything more than taking or depositing money requires going to the branch the account was opened at.  It does frustrate me and even my wife doesn't understand why a branch refuses to service an account they didn't open.


    Then again, to be fair, this practice of branch managers "making up rules" as they feel ... allowed me to open my original KBank account with just my passport and "tourist visa/stamp" years ago ... when some branches wouldn't.


    As others have said .... TIT.  (Don't get me started on the fact I spent all day yesterday trying to buy a proper raincoat for my daughter and son, and all I could find was the silly trash can ponchos ... when it rains everyday for 1/2 the year!)

    " My original account was with a K Bank branch in Bangkok, we now live in Chiang Mai and if I ever need something changed or updated on my K Bank account ... I have to go to the branch I opened the account at.  Never mind we don't live in Bangkok anymore.   My wife (Thai) and I both have Bangkok Bank accounts in Chiang Mai, but its the same issue ... anything more than taking or depositing money requires going to the branch the account was opened at. "


    There is a way around going back to the original branch to close your account. Withdraw all but 20 baht from said account at any branch. Open a new account with your funds at the branch of your choice. With only 20 baht in the account & no action for 6 months or so, you'll get a letter from original branch telling you your account has been closed due to minimal funds on deposit nil transactions.

    Problem solved.

  5. On 5/14/2017 at 2:29 PM, taichiplanet said:

    i nearly always get weird looks when i point to a star and say that it is the same as the sun, just further away. Obviously stars are different in Thailand.

    Many moons ago, (pardon the pun) when I first arrived, I was in a conversation with some reasonably educated Thais about the sky, sun, moon & stars & such. I was trying to explain that many of the stars in the sky died many, many years ago & they were only seeing the light from the dead, extinguished star. How do you think that went ? Falang crazy man.



    " It is interesting what the Brit Emb does "

    How can anyone, embassy or otherwise, witness you signing a document if you are not signing said document in their presence ?

    " At least they should be able to do a mail back if it can't be done on the spot. "

    It's always done on the spot. Takes about 5 minutes max.

  7. I realize this won't solve all the issues, but something I have done & works well.

    I only receive mail from a few people back in home country. Family, accountant & solicitor.

    The wife has written our address in Thai & I've sent this to the mail senders back in Oz. The mail addressed in Thai must be seen as important as we haven't missed any since we started doing this.



  8. 17 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I am wondering what caused the girls to complain. Was it the actual act of groping of the breasts, or the fact that one of the boys posted it to Facebook?

    If every boy who fondled a girls breasts got arrested, the police would have little time for any other work.

    " If every boy who fondled a girls breasts got arrested, the police would have little time for any other work. "

    Are you insinuating that the BIB have time for any work at all, anytime ?

  9. 18 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    I remember the story of Moses and the commandments.

    Wasnt it like this?

    Moses was up on the mount, and then the voice of God called to him in all its power and glory, saying, "Moses its obvious to me that all the people have got way out of hand, with the golden calf and all that s#it. I am very pissed off, so i am going to tell you how to live, these are my rules for the  jewish faith.These rules will be cast in stone so that you and your people will never forget.Do you agree to this?" Moses thought for a minute and being a wise man said "ok lord but how much are they" God said "well, er, nothing" so Moses said, "Ok i'll have ten":cheesy:.I do make me laugh sometimes!.

    And the Lord said unto Moses, Moses, come forth !  But Moses being old & feeble, tripped & came fifth. 

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