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Posts posted by richardshane

  1. Just to clarify, the verdict will be read on August 27 at 9:00 am. in the Ranong Provincial Courts. Thai time so maybe 10...maybe 11.... ?? Its been such a long tough struggle I feel like I' ve run out of jai yen yen....Sitting in the same hallways in the court with these people laughing and looking at me as though they already won the case...stealing all my brothers assets, her mother telling me that my brother owed her money and that was why she didn't give me anything...then in crminal court how much she loved my brother...now I'm finally sole executor of nothing...they've sold everything...I tell people in court and the police and they say that they aren't allowed to and they will be in trouble...It is just crazy all the crap I've put up with...but god forbid if I get angry...I'm going to need a lot Jai Yen Yen on tbursday...A funny post I read on this forum a while back was mentioning Jai Yen Yen in thai life but you put them behind a steering wheel and all is forgotten... never in my life exept Thailand have I been tailgated within inches at 120 kph... Soon I shall begin the mad rat race back to Ranong...

  2. My TGF just got off the phone with the prosecutor and he knew nothing of jindas incarceration and to push him to find out is difficult so we had to leave it at that...It is hard to get used to dealing with things here...in Canada we would be able to find out easily...but...This Is ThailandI was given full executorship of my brothers estate on August 10, 2009 and was told by the court clerk the papers would be ready in 3or4days...we reluctantly hung around Ranong to wait for these and went into the court on the Friday and guess what...no papers...then it is we will call you when they are ready...still no call yet...The court clerk doing the paperwork actually sat in the court corridor chatting with Nee(accused murderer) for about 10 minutes one day during the criminal trial which I thought was rather odd...

  3. Thanks everyone...Sorry for not posting too often but my laptop bit the dust the other day...This phone sure is coming in handy now. Tomorrow I will phone the prosecutor in Ranong but I dont think he will know Jinda's status as this other murder trial is in Lang Suan closer to Surat Thani but I will try... As the verdict date gets closer I begin to get nervous...although the evidence against them is overwhelming...This Is Thailand and anything is possible...

  4. I don't even know if Jinda (mass murderer) did have to post any bail whatsoever...when he was released the Canadian Embassy told us that he was released on a temperary release or something like that...???It is all kind of fishy and I think there is more to it as initially one of the big cops in Ranong(moved now or transferred as I haven't seen him in a long time) told me there was also someone else involved which they haven't caught yet....but they were looking....a cover-up of some sort was in the works but the story changed as time went on and eyes and ears were watching and listening...there was never anyone else it was these three that was it....I don't know what kind of power this Jinda guy had but he had some friends helping him but in the end he was abandoned....who knows This is Thailand.....Hopefully the constant court appearances having to share the same space with my brothers murderers as they walk freely is coming to an end it will make me feel a whole lot better facing Nee in civil court when she is in handcuffs coming in from the back room......

  5. Yes, one of my pet peeves...When I was just holidaying it didn't matter but it was frustrating....now I won't let it happen unless it could cause me bodily harm, but on the same note I've noticed at resorts and whatnot that cater to farangs I will be served before a thai that has been waiting longer...I don't like it when it happens to me so I wait my proper turn....When I am driving through Tesco Lotus or mall I also notice most drivers just whiz right by pedestrians...I stop and let them go...some just stand there not knowing what I am doing others are grateful and give a wave....I always tell my GF that it has to start somewhere and maybe if I let someone cross the road etc. maybe they will do the same...who knows but if you do nothing nothing will happen....

  6. Thanks, I even found it rather difficult to read the screen on my laptop after reading these thoughtful posts ....I was in Ranong civil court on August 10 and was granted sole executorship of my brothers estate not that it means much as Manerat was given ample time to dispose of assets. But with that being said I can still apply to the courts to order her to bring assets to the court which will be time consuming if judged by any of the past subpeonas...It is just a matter of pressing on and letting nothing slide as she will benefit if I do....After lots of research I did find the Harley it was apparently at XXL Big Bikes in Phuket City but after having been there on numerous occassions as of late it has dissapeared...it seems to be quite a hot potato as of late...anyways the civil stuff is ongoing as it will remain. After my court hearing I also had a visit with the police investigator who I filed the complaint with in regards to money stolen from my brothers personal bank account with the withdrawals begining the day after his murder and the very last withdrawal on July 20, 2008 just to remove the last 400 baht the majority of the money was successively withdrawn shortly after his death....I had to complain to the Canadian embassy as the officer I filed the complaint with said there was not enough reason to proceed with the case but he has now proceeded and he has applied to the Head office of the bank for photographs of whoever withdrew the money, the picures have not yet arrived but he did show us other pictures form another case and the images were suprisingly clear...it will be nice to figure out who this person was as Nee was incarcerated for the majority of withdrawals...Anyways the court date for that proceeding is on September 07, 2009. Sorry to get off the topic of the trial but it is all relevant to the case against her and what I have to do to keep her pockets empty but the lawyers full...If she is convicted on August 27, 2009 she could still apply for an appeal bail and I am not going to let that happen if I can....If I spend money on lawyers so does she... The trial was a little weird certainly nothing you would expect in a western style court...?? Anyways evidence was given the confessions of Nee and her boyfreind were presented as well as the pictures of re-inactment of money being handed over her boyfreind pointing to a picture of Jinda on a wall of photographs etc. there was also video confessions on a cd which were presented to the judge as evidence but were never shown to the defense or court...the defense lawyers began asking about the video in the afternoon, they were presented in the morning, and the judge retorted loudly, you want to see it, you want to see it...at that moment the court became silent and not a peep was said about the video thereafter...?? I will be visiting with the prosecution soon as he is going to give me copies of the proceedings and I will question this as it is really puzzling...I asked the investigating officer the other day and he just shrugged it off....the court system here is certainly not what I am used to....it semed more a stage of theatrics for the defense....they all had there characters...Nee's lawyer who would ask a question then do a little dance then await an answer....Jinda's lawyer who was constantly late, he didn't even show up one afternoon but when he examined a witness he spoke so fast...then Nee's boyfreind's lawyer who spoke so loud and was basically coachng his clients testimony on the stand....Things that stand out right now, I've been up since 3:30 am, were the fact that Nee and her boyfreind were together before her marriage to my brother they said they were not in contact but the judge was presented with call records from Nee's phone....the defense for Nee said she was coerced into signing the original confessions and then said she signed blank pages, amonsak, her boyfreind said the police threatened him with electric probes so out of fear he also signed blank pages of paper....Jinda also used the same defense and said he was threatened with a microphone stand so he also signed blank pages of paper....Nee's mother testified saying her and Nee were upstairs when this happened, Nee testified she was confronted by the attackers who made her lie on the floor and told her not to look around, it took them 30 minutes till the mother finally went accross the street to the government mans house a one minute walk...I checked the other day....Jinda's girlfreind testified he was at home in bed around midnight of the shooting, another man, a witnes for Jinda testified he saw Jinda at a funeral that night at around midnight, another witness for him said she saw him around midnight and then again around two in the moning when she said he asked her to make him some soup....his girlfreind said he was in bed around midnight...there are so many holes in all the stories I will be very suprised if there are no convictions....Anyways thats about it for now...Its been a long haul and not a lot of sleep...my life has become consumed by all this and waking up at 3 a.m thinking and more thinking.....is this the end or just the begining ??

  7. Sorry LaoPo,

    I've been busy reviewing different media reports across Canada....Its really peaking right now I just hope the momentum keeps going till the verdict. Since we are neither the father or mother or son or daughter of Dale we cannot hire our own prosecutors....I would have loved to believe me...but I was told flat out that it is written in Thai law....If I were either of the above I would have had access to all the prosecutions evidence etc. but I am not so I have not....This is the Law......

  8. Thanks for the support everyone it does feel a bit better....

    Just another little tidbit of what I am going through here...during the testimony of the mother the first day she did say that both her and Nee were upstairs during the incident but Nee in her statement said she was downstairs and the bad men told her to lie on the floor and not look at them....BS, also it took them 30 minutes from the time of the murder till the mother went to the village government guys house which is about a two minute walk...they didn't get on the phone and call the police ??? The mother said Nee was busy holding my brother crying....also the defense kept on mentioning a Thai freind of Dales who he like to hang out with....I'm thinking no, Dale didn't hang out with anyone especially someone who spoke no English...The reason I found out he spoke no english was because there has been some middle aged guy hanging out on their side of the court and yesterday just before court went back in after lunch this guy come up to me and says his name is Chot and he was Dales freind (he said this in Thai to my freind) she told me and I looked at him and said I don't know you and have never seen you at my brothers or with my brother ...he was a little shocked at my abruptness but I knew immediatley where it was going....the enemy trying to befriend, trying to pull at my heart....he said yes I know Dale...chopper....I said no I don't know you...and we walked away...He went and sat on the other side....Tonight I hear he was telling people around Ranong after the murder to not believe the newspapers which were reporting the murder.......I think I've pretty much seen it all...sorry if I don't trust you if I ever meet you but.....This is Thailand...

  9. The biggest problem here is that I cannot be involved in the prosecution as according to Thai law it must be a mother/father or son/daughter there is no other exception....Totally Unfair !!! We have no parents as they are deceased and my brother never had children. So, there the court appointed prosecutor sits with 3 vultures waiting to pick apart their pray...they work together against ONE PROSECUTOR....if I was a parent or sibling I could be involved in the process and hire a co-prosecutor to help with prosecution but I cannot....I can tell you it is quite a helpless feeling sitting watching the process....with the accused and defence lawyers smiling and laughing....

  10. July 29, 2009 Day 2 of Trial :

    Todays proceedings began with a bang this morning, we went into the court room early before the judge arrived and as we were sitting down a lady from the defense side started ranting about how we followed her last night at tesco lotus (like wallmart). We did see her as we passed right by her...After seeing her it did not take long for us to get what we needed and get out of the area as I don't know who else was close by...Anyways then the whole other side started started on about us following her and the accused hitman then got up and was ready to come over to my side of the court room but luckily there was a police investigator there to tell him to sit down....There is absolutley no security within the court rooms and these people are free to do as they please without any security. Anyways that said there was an investigator who took the stand and presented his evidence which included written confessions from both Nee and her boyfriend in which Nee said Dale (my brother) beat her up on a regular basis which is why she, together with her boyfriend, arranged his murder through her boyfriends uncle who is known as a hitman in the area. They stated that they payed him 30,000 baht half of the total 60,000 baht. Both statements confessed to the crime, how they did it as well as who did it. The investigator also showed pictures from a reinactment of the the crime, where they paid the money and to whom. The investigator also produced video which was not shown in the court which was video recorded confessions from both accused which detailed the events.The video was given to the jdge and I have no idea when it will be viewed. The defense did seem rather interested in though. The investigator also showed confessions made at a later date in which they denied all alegations and Nee stated she loved her husband etc. The prosecution then let the defense lawyers cross-examine the evidence produced which did not really seem to amount to much as it did not go on for long. They never got a confession from Jinda (the hitman) so evidence against him which would be both signed confessions was examined by his lawyer. Although the evidence against them is enough in my mind to convict all who knows. Anyways at this point we broke for lunch break. After lunch court reconvined and the lead investigator in the case arrived and produced evidence which was phone records which included sms messages (text), bullet details,insurance policy etc. which was given to the judge as evidence to be used against the three one the 31. For some reason the defense decided to skip tomorrows scheduled hearing and we will not have to be in court again until Friday the 31. The afternoon was a rather quick affair as the defense did not question the lead investigator very much as there was not much to work with. On another note at the end of the day I had a discussion with the lead investigator and he said if the evidence against the hitman is not strong enough and he walks free....they all walk free....That really struck me as unfair....Anyways that is what happened today. I won't be out roaming the streets today it just does not feel safe.....

  11. UPDATE :

    The trial for the people accused of killing my brother begins tomorrow 9:00 am. July 28, 2009 in the city of Ranong at the provicial court building. The trial will last for 5 days, July 28, 29, 30, 31 and August 4. The decision will be rendered possibly 2 weeks after the last date possibly 1 month. Today I went through some civil proceedings against the family as they have taken all his assets and given me access to nothing even though I was named co-executor of his estate along with the accused's mother...Today's civil hearing had me on the witness stand for the better part of 3 hours....The really frustrating part was they (the accused murderess) were most interested in asking me questions regarding my brothers life insurance policy and what I knew about it....I had to explain to them that the life insurance policy information was beyond the jurisdiction of the Thai civil court and besides...I know nothing...The judge agreed but her lawyer persisted....you can guess what they are interested in....$$$...Finally the Judge said no more questions about the insurance...I know nothing anyways....but I knew he was just fishing...It was rather amusung actually as he would ask me a question thinking it would trip me up or something as he would do a little twirly after asking the question kind of a zippity do da with his pen in hand....but you know what....the truth flows freely which he just didn't seem to understand trying again and again....Good Luck with your lies tomorrow Nee..... RIP Dale....

  12. Update:

    The family has been lying and hiding everything apparently the Harley has been sold or ?? to a motorcycle shop in Phuket as the bike has been seen there on numerous occasions...XXL Big Bikes or something similar the shops location is on my Garmin as Elevation 24.0 m N 07 degrees 52.643 minutes East 098 degrees and 22.803 minutes wish I could confirm the name but it I will later today....I"ve seen the truck and here is an updated picture...We were suppsed to attend civil court on June 1 but Thai law provides the luxory of ignoring the first subpeona ??? Anyways civil court is June 27 in Ranong and the criminal court (regarding my brothers murder) begins on July 28 and runs for 5 days 28, 29, 30, 31 and August 4. We have also filed more charges against the accused regarding monies missing from my brothers personal bank account which was accessed the day after his death and monies withdrawn daily till there was 57 baht remaining this occurred whilst Nee (bro's X wife) was incarcerated so the Ranong courts have requested pictures from the bank involved so we can determine who the person was who withdrew approx 750,000 baht from his account....Nee will be implicated as an accessory so that court hearing is scheduled for Sept. 07, 2009.....Whew...I think that is it....Long process but patience is the key in Thailand....


  13. I think if you were to get a copy of windows xp (not a manufacturers install disk) from a friend andinstall it on your new PC then enter the license info from your old pc you should not have any problems, it will not work if you use the installation disk in a different model notebbok. After installation do a search for drivers required by your new notebook...I've done this and had no problems. Good Luck.

  14. As far as I know the rules have been changed...Flying into Thailand from abroad gives most people a 30 day visa exempt stamp in their passports. There is now no limit for the number of entries into the country. If you arrive in Thailand overland, water etc. anything other than flying in then you will get a 15 day visa exempt stamp. Same rules, no limit.

  15. Look up China airlines as they seem to have the best ongoing fares to BKK....but that is from YVR.

    Last time I was at the Royal Thai Consulate in Vancouver I picked up a Multi-Entry Tourist Visa valid for 3 seperate entrances. That could in effect give you 9 months stay. The closest Thai Consulate to you would be the Edmonton office. Do a google search and you will find it. You can courier them your passport with the fee's includedand they will ship it back expresspost.

  16. Just a quick update...my lawyr contacted me today and I was informed the accused's brother (she didn't have any brother as far as I knew) phoned my lawyer to inform him that the "Harley" was sold last week for 300,000 Baht. it was worth at least twice that....that isn't really what I wanted to hear but it will guarantee a fast trac to Jail, as I am co-executor of his estate and am supposed to be informed of and agree to any transaction with regards to my brothers estate, which I guess is better.....we have another civil court hearing coming up soon and these people are just stringing up the noose themselves without any effort from me...how foolish...another civil hearing soon then the big date for the criminal trial at the end of July....these people can now do whatever they like as there time is going to come.....soon. :)

  17. the dearly departed is just as guilty as the thai girl in this case in his demise . what was he thinking?

    I believe the only thing Mr. Henry was 'guilty' of is showing the kind of love and trust you would want in a soul mate. He was obviously a very generous person and thought highly of his wife and her family. In hind sight, we can say that his wife and at least a part of her family were not deserving of a man like Mr. Henry. Evil diabolical people often camoflage themselfs very well. That has been proven through the years everywhere in the world. Some may say that Mr. Henry should have done this or that different, should have had a prenup, should have kept his worth hidden, etc., etc.. It seems obvious that Mr. Henry wanted a wife he could love and trust to the fullest, not a toy, not a dog. Unfortunately he got a monster.

    You are so right....Thanks, it was the most accurate and nicest post I've read in a long time.

  18. Hmmm, Its been a long journey since my brothers death but I will do whatever it takes to acquire the justice my brother deserves....There are good and bad everywhere in the world...Its just really frustrating when this family seems to act above the law even after the murder of my brother...In my thought it would've been in their best interests to comply with the court ordered executorship, but they continue their mission to beneifit from his murder and keep all his assets with absolutley no regard for the thai civil court...Nee bailed herself out of Jail using my brothers money or land or whatever, and is saying she is not guilty....if you were NOT guilty surely you wouldn't steal all his assets...It really amazes me that she can remain free on bail under the circumstances....

  19. Havent read the last few pages, coming in faster than I can keep up with.

    A suggestion: in October there was a forigner shot, but not killed, by a hitman in Huahin see http://www.huahinafterdark.com/forum/expat...hin-t10562.html

    After about 3 months of inaction the Prime Minister ordered the police to to solve the case and I believe sent a senior officer from BKK to head the inquirey.

    2 days later the hit man, his acomplice and the wife of a property developer (not Thai) were arrested. Inference is that the police knew all along who did it and were being paid to do nothing.

    A letter to the PM may just get some action.

    Good luck and stay positive


    Yes I did have every intention of contacting the Prime Minister of Thailand but there has been so much on his plate lately I figured it would get lost in the shuffle...I did have his e-mail address but I can't find it on his site anymore..? If anyone has any info on contacting him could they please pm me, also what would be the proper protocal for addressing him ?? Dear Sir, Your Honour....????....Thanks,

  20. Hi,

    Just thought I'd add an update as I have been here in Thailand for quite some time now. First off I did visit with the lead officer in the case and he assured me there was no corruption involved with this case as it is quite high profile, he also mentioned that we must be special people as he said he had received a few calls from the Canadian Embassy regarding updates on the investigation and also why the accused were released, he told me they were granted bail as this would be normal in any case....it still doesn't smell right to me as my new lawyer had said we could have objected to their release but were never given the opportunity....Why would the police not try and contact the embassy or for that matter why would the courts or someone give us a chance to object....?? These people are accused of murder and they can be subject to the "death penalty" for killing a Farang and then after 3 months they are given bail...it all stinks to me...especially now since I was given co-executorship of my brothers estate with Nee's mother on July 20, 2008 and everything was to be split 50/50 but after not being able to contact Nee through her lawyer (he said he could not give out her number or the mothers as the mother was not his client although he was the one who represented her in court ??) anyways after searching around we managed to find her mother in Nakon Si Thamarrat she sure was suprised to see me pull up...anyways we asked her very politely for the whereabouts of my brothers assets and she started yelling and screaming in thai that everything is gone and has been sold the truck was in Koh Samui in need of 200,000 baht worth of repairs and the final insult that my brother had borrowed money off her many times and that was that....after my lawyer calmly asked her numerous times the whereabouts she just ranted and raved...then we asked her for her phone number she said she did not own a phone...then like buddha was listening the phone rang in the house she went running inside to answer after about ten minutes she came back out and the lawyer again asked her for her number she spewed out a number then we tried calling it...whoops she got it wrong...she tried giving us another number that was wrong also....then the lawyer asked her nicely for a pen and paper and wrote down hs number in big letters and then asked her to go inside and phone it....finally we had her number...She was still hootin and hollering then she said Nee would soon have the insurance money she just needed to sign a few more documents it just went on and on till the lawyer informed her that she could be doing 3-5 years in jail for stealing assets that she was not entitled. The mood changed to some introspective thinking on her part....as I looked around I could see my brothers tool chest sitting behind her on the porch and other items of my brothers scatterd about...it really hit me how unjust this whole episode has been right from the moment my brother was murdered...anyways we left and now we await another court date to regain custody of my brothers assets....So in short all the assets which were to be distributed 50/50 are missing so I am posting pictures of the Silver 2006 Honda Civic licence plate number "ชฐ 7746", the Blue 2003 Isuzu D-max etended cab 4x4 Licence Plate " บง 4466" registered in Ranong, and my brothers most prized possesion his 2005 Harley Davidson Dyna superglide Licence Plate " รตร 21 " registered from Bangkok, in hopes that some might know there whereabouts. Here are some pics. In closing I also had a meeting with the prosecutor in the case and he was the only one who I really felt gave a hoot about the whole thing...he went above and beyond his job to help me and give me as much information about the case as he could by the way the Trial is scheduled in Ranong Courts for July 28, 29 and August 4th 2009 with another Date of August 14, 2009 which I think would be when the verdict is read...Harley.jpg




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