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Hog Head

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Posts posted by Hog Head

  1. We had a great day yesterday with 21 bikes, no rain, a clown for the kids, and a fun time was had by all. Pics will be up on our website www.chiangmaitoyride.com shortly and please drop by and take a look.

    We played games with the kids after the formal part of the day, and much to our chagrin, the kids once again beat the bikers on the tug-of-war game.

    Besides giving away the toys and sports equipment for the kids that we collected on our main ride last year; we gave each kid a quality backpack for their books, and a snack. The school benefited as Chiangmai ToyRide bought books for the library, paved the playground area, painted the playground equipment, supplied and installed bug screens on the kindergarden block, and bought a decent collection of sporting equipment for the school including, footballs and nets, volleyball and net, Muay Thay kit and a ping pong table.

    Thanks to all that showed up and see you all on the next give away ride after rainy season, then 2 or 3 more give away rides before the main fund raising ride Feb 20, 2011

  2. Shamelessly plagiarized from Silverhawk on the GT Rider site:

    Everything is ready for a nice ride to the school. I hope the weather holds out, but we will go rain or shine.

    There are approximately 70 children anxiously awaiting our arrival. I visited the school yesterday and saw some of our completed projects. New paving stones were installed in the playground area, and all the equipment re-painted. New mosquito screens and aluminum screen doors have been installed in the classroom area. The school principal has been trying to get this done for some time but could not get funding from the school district or other sources. This was all funded by CMTR donations.

    We strive to contribute to areas in and around Chiang Mai when possible and not only minority ethnic groups. Although in a rural area, don't expect the school to look like some of our hill tribe outings. Even though the school was reported to us as "one of the two poorest" in the District 4 Hang Dong/Mae Wang areas, it is really in pretty good nik. They have some great programs for the children already in place which is a credit to their staff. HOWEVER; the children come from very poor families, we are told. They will be receiving new CMTR backpacks/book bags, and of course toys, sports equipment and learning materials.

    We have around 10+ bikes confirmed, and we would like to see more. See you tomorrow!

  3. "No reply for the launching time" is not too clear so here is todays clarification:

    We are sorry to inform you that we have no plan to introduce KLX450 into Thailand market.

    Thats it then. Since no 450KLX or 650KLR is forthcoming, and everything else is silly money, I will not be buying any new dual sport bike at all

  4. from K. Tidavan at Kawi today:

    Thank you very much for your interesting to Kawasaki product.

    I am sorry that I have no reply for the launching time.

    I will deliver your requirement to our management.

    If you need more information, please feel free to contact us again.

  5. I want a new, locally supported, reasonably priced dual sport bike which narrows it down to Kawi. Unfortunately the KLX 250 is just a bit too underpowered for me.

    The upcoming Versys would be nice but too road oriented, leaving the KLR and KLX 450 in the Kawi lineup.

    Kawi state that there are no plans to introduce the KLR due to it having a carb, but time will tell.

    Any rumours on getting the KLX 450?

  6. The water jet shop has 6mm steel plate. I have 3/4 sheet of 5mm A-36 plate that is surplus to my needs and I will give you a deal on it if it works for you

    Price here is about the same as in Canada

    Don't know where to buy large pipe and if only a small amount you may be able to get Daeng to roll it.

    Most local shops use crappy AC welders and it looks like bird shit. Daeng has a Miller MIG and quality is not bad.

    He speaks English 081 950 8622

    Sounds like you need MIG or good stick welding, but I use a small local guy for TIG work that is not perfect but pretty good.

    For expert welding work, Jeff Walker in Lamphum is one of the best I have seen 089 634 7878.

    He also has a CNC lathe and mill but a production shop so small one of's are not his thing. He will know where to buy the pipe

    Thanks to my Brother, I have Solid Works as well but unfortunately no idea how to use it.

  7. No CNC at this shop and I too would like to find a CNC shop with lathe, mill and bender. Please advise if you find a good one that will do small jobs. Right now I need a precision bender for some .095 wall 1" 4340 tube.

    The water jet shop has cut 1.5mm steel and aluminium for me and I have seen some 50 mm steel plate that he has cut. Do not know his max thickness but have seen him working on plastic, granite, and all types of metals

    Not sure how he charges and I have taken him CAD drawings, hand drawings, and things to copy. Cost is always a lump sum and I have never asked for a breakdown. In any case it is not expensive considering the investment in the machine.

    He keeps the design so next time it is easy and presumably cheaper.

    What are you making?

  8. No idea on these GPS coordinates but I use a water jet shop that also has a large stock of specialty steels and alloys. Cross Natharwat bridge, heading to the train station, left at the first light, and down about 500m on the left to the water jet shop. The office however is across the street inside the steel shop. You will see a large standard Thai steel shop and cannot miss it.

    Nice guy. limited English but no problem to get the idea across.

    Fair price and very fast service.

    he has CAD capabilities or can scan a design or copy something. I use him all the time for small specialty jobs and no problem with small runs or one of's

  9. After suffering with substandard work at a couple of machine shops I now use the big automotive shop just off the moat on the road running to the ex surawong bookstore.

    No CNC machines but quality work at a fair price - not the cheapest but you get what you pay for

  10. Yes this is one of several give away rides we hold throught the year to distribute the toys and monies collected on the main fund raising ride. No need to bring a donation on this one, just come along for the ride and have a bit of fun helping these kids.

    The next give away ride will be to Doi Mae Salong after rainy season. Still working out the details and will confirm the date and schedule as soon as we get it together.

  11. The Chiangmai ToyRide holds several small give away rides during the year and we are having such an event June 24 to Huay Nam Khao school.

    We will be using the funds raised on our main ride lto buy 55,000 B worth of books, sports equipment, and playground improvements for this school

    the school is about 40 km from CM and we are meeting at Richco Motorsports on Wulai Rd. at 9 am leaving at 9:30. The school is out on Hang Dong Road so we are meeting the School director at Carrefour on Hang Dong Road at 10:00 departing at 10:20 if you live out that way and want to meet us there

    We will be at the school for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours, and spend some time with the kids and their test their new sports equipment.

    All riders are welcome and it will be a fun and worthwhile day.

    Hope to see you there


  12. Things just seem to fade away with time. What ever happenned to:

    King Power and their exclusive airport contract

    Airport baggage scanner

    The other long list of airport corruption cases

    The wanke_r in the Merc who ran into the people waiting for the bus - Moo Han?

    The navies aircraft carrier

    No adverts on UBC - now True

    Alpine Land

    Feel free to add to the list and answer as you see fit.

  13. Where is Veera in all this?

    Done a runner to the UK as alleged by Seh Deng? If so is he not on bail - Oh I forgot that is the way Thai leaders leave the country

    Negogiating with the government? If so then that surely is over

    Arrested? - Seemingly he has not surrendered with the other lot

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