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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. My neighbor has a large mango tree--the green type, that overhangs into the street. I don't park under it directly but I still get mango juice on my car. Does anyone know what will take this off the finish. I've tried various penetrating oils, waxes and other things and all have failed to take it off. Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.. 

  2. 17 hours ago, plus7 said:

    Once I left it under the cover and salon was full of fungi..

    I had the same issue with a car I stored for two years. I thought I was doing the right thing by covering it up, but like you say, mold started growing on the leather upholstery. The paint was in good condition though. If I did it again I'd definitely have someone start the car at least every couple of weeks and run the AC.

  3. I entered Thailand on visa exempt; just curious when I can apply for Non-immi O visa. Can I apply anytime within the 30 days or do I have to wait until closer to it expiring? I know when renewing the Non immi O they want you to wait until 2-3 weeks--depending on the office, before it expires. Sorry if this has been asked before; couldn't find it in the search. Thanks in advance.

  4. Sad to say this, but it's going to take more killings before people are mad enough to DEMAND something be done. It's always the same ol' rhetoric from the politicians, "Our hearts and prayers go out to all the family members". How about DOING something instead of just talking! I bet if it's was the politicians kids or family getting killed they would be all over the issue immediately and change would happen.

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  5. I'm not a fan of some of the Immi officers at Jomtien immigration but after visiting the place for many years and listening to some of the clueless people they have to deal with on a daily basis I can understand their frustration with foreigners. Saying that; they knew what they were going to have to deal with when they signed up for the job. Suck it up buttercup! And I'm sure most of them are doing alright money wise........people who've been in Thailand many years will know what I mean.

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